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  • Thread Starter jessy-me


    omg, I did the update and now the flags are back. I thought i look up the changes I had made to the last frontend.php and just do the same here, but the script looks totally different. I am overworked and unable to see what to do. I just don’t want the flags to be seen in the head menu, it just does not look good. Any help out there?

    Thread Starter jessy-me


    Hello John!

    Thanks so much for your reply!

    “In menu, this would not make too much sense for me. What is wrong with how it is now? It is a matter of taste and I believe most users would not really care much as long as they have a way to switch, would they? “

    Iam happy if it works, but sometimes peolpe have a special taste an special wishes.
    right now I convinced everybody that this is not the main problem:

    because q-translate just does not work properly. I am in hell right now I am switching between crying and working, and trying to find out what I can do. Our Project is supposed to go online in a few days, people relying on me and I am beyond deadline already and the switch between languages does not work. I use pagebuilder too with the visual Editor and it does not work. What can I do?
    is there a chance to get help or support quickly? I am very desperate right know.

    Any help an any hint will be very appreciated! Thanks, Katinka alias Jessy-me

    Thread Starter jessy-me


    Help, please!
    Everything seemed to work, but now only titels switch but not the content. Could the source for that problem be my changes in the frontend php – I dont belive so, but Iam not the specialist.
    I had also some troube with the pagebulder and qtranslate activated at the same time, so I deactivatet the pagebuilder – can that cause problems?

    Help would be very apreciated! Jessy!

    Thread Starter jessy-me


    I got rid of the flags, by commenting things out. Someone who is a php professional sure knows how to get rid of the Language that is at the moment in use and not active as a Button, and how the changing “language” buttons stay in the same place. I do not really have a clue. This is the frontend.php from qtranslate:

    Sorry I cant show yot the site! ist on an local server.

    add_filter( 'wp_get_nav_menu_items',  'qtranxf_get_nav_menu_items', 0, 3 );
    function qtranxf_get_nav_menu_items( $items, $menu, $args )
    	global $q_config;
    	foreach($items as $item)
    	 if($itemid<$item->ID) $itemid=$item->ID;
    	/*-- if($menu_order<$item->menu_order) $menu_order=$item->menu_order;---*/
    		if( !isset( $item->url ) || strstr( $item->url, '#qtransLangSw' ) === FALSE ) continue;
    		//$item->title=__('Language','qtranslate').':'.'&nbsp;<img src="'.$flag_location.$q_config['flag'][$language].'">';
    //$item->classes[] = 'qtranxs-flag-'.$language;
    		//$item->classes[] = 'qtranxs-lang-menu';
    		$qtransmenu = $item;
    	if(!$qtransmenu) return $items;
    	foreach($q_config['enabled_languages'] as $lang)
    		$item=new WP_Post((object)array('ID' => ++$itemid));
    		//$item->title='<img src="'.$flag_location.$q_config['flag'][$lang].'">&nbsp;'.$q_config['language_name'][$lang];
    			$item->url=qtranxf_convertURL($url, $lang, false,true);
    		//$item->classes[] = 'qtranxs-flag-'.$lang;
    		//$item->classes[] = 'qtranxs-lang-menu-item';
    	return $items;
    function qtranxf_add_lang_icons ()
    	global $q_config;
    	echo "<style>\n";
    	foreach($q_config['enabled_languages'] as $lang)
    		echo '.qtranxs-flag-'.$lang.'   {background-image: url('.trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_URL).$q_config['flag_location'].$q_config['flag'][$lang]."); background-repeat: no-repeat;}      \n";
    	echo "</style>\n";
    add_filter('wp_head', 'qtranxf_add_lang_icons');
    function qtranxf_postsFilter($posts) {
    	if(is_array($posts)) {
    		foreach($posts as $post) {
    			$post->post_content = qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundShowAvailable($post->post_content);
    			$post = qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($post);
    	return $posts;
    add_filter('the_posts', 'qtranxf_postsFilter');
    function qtranxf_get_attachment_image_attributes($attr, $attachment, $size)
    	foreach( $attr as $name => $value ){
    		if($name!=='alt') continue;
    	return $attr;
    add_filter('wp_get_attachment_image_attributes', 'qtranxf_get_attachment_image_attributes',0,3);
    function qtranxf_excludeUntranslatedPosts($where) {
    	global $q_config, $wpdb;
    	if($q_config['hide_untranslated'] && !is_singular()) {
    		$where .= " AND $wpdb->posts.post_content LIKE '%<!--:".qtranxf_getLanguage()."-->%'";
    	return $where;
    // don't filter untranslated posts in admin
    add_filter('posts_where_request', 'qtranxf_excludeUntranslatedPosts');
    function qtranxf_home_url($href)
    	global $qtranxv_home;
    	if ($href===$qtranxv_home)
    		return qtranxf_convertURL($qtranxv_home);
    		return $href;
    add_filter('home_url', 'qtranxf_home_url');
    function qtranxf_esc_html($text) {
    	//echo "\nqtranxf_esc_html:text=$text\n";
    	return qtranxf_useDefaultLanguage($text);
    // filter options
    add_filter('esc_html', 'qtranxf_esc_html', 0);
    function qtranxf_translate($text){
    	echo "\nqtranxf_translate:lang=".$lang."\n";
    	echo "text=$text\n";
    	$split_regex = "#(<!--:[^-]+-->|\[:[a-z]{2}\])#ism";
    	$blocks = preg_split($split_regex, $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY|PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
    	foreach($blocks as $block) {
    		echo "block=$block\n";
    		if(preg_match("#^<!--:([a-z]{2})-->$#ism", $block, $matches)) {
    			$skip=($lang != $matches[1]);
    		} elseif($quicktags && preg_match("#^\[:([a-z]{2})\]$#ism", $block, $matches)) {
    			$skip=($lang != $matches[1]);
    		} elseif(preg_match("#^<!--:-->$#ism", $block, $matches)) {
    		// detect defective more tag
    		//} elseif(preg_match("#^<!--more-->$#ism", $block, $matches)) {
    		//	foreach($q_config['enabled_languages'] as $language) {
    		//		$result[$language] .= $block;
    		//	}
    		//	continue;
    		if($skip) continue;
    		$result .= $block;
    	return $result;
    	//return qtranxf_useDefaultLanguage($text);
    //add_filter('wpseo_title', 'qtranxf_translate', 0);
    // Compability with Default Widgets
    add_filter('widget_title', 'qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage',0);
    add_filter('widget_text', 'qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage',0);
    add_filter('wp_head', 'qtranxf_add_css');
    add_filter('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', 'qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage');
    add_filter('get_comment_author', 'qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage',0);
    add_filter('the_author', 'qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage',0);
    add_filter('tml_title', 'qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage',0);
    // translate terms
    add_filter('cat_row', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0);
    add_filter('cat_rows', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0);
    add_filter('wp_get_object_terms', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0);
    add_filter('single_tag_title', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0);
    add_filter('single_cat_title', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0);
    add_filter('the_category', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0);
    add_filter('get_term', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0);
    add_filter('get_terms', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0);
    add_filter('get_category', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0);

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