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  • Thread Starter jfdesignco2


    The developer stopped servicing the theme. I will try what you sent. Thank you.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Violence/Abuse Website
    Thread Starter jfdesignco2


    so this is the code i had found:
    <script>function getAway() {“;, “_newtab”);window.location.replace(‘;); } (function($) { $(‘.escape’).on(‘click’,function() { getAway();return false; }); $(document).keyup(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { getAway(); } }); })(jQuery);</script>

    which i put in the header of the page and it works but the one browser (on my test site) allows you to go back to my site — whereas on the example neither browser allow you to go back… what am i missing?

    PS THANK YOU!!!!

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