I’ve been having problems with the Auto-Save functionality since it was deployed in 2.1.
Here’s what happens:
1. I start to enter a post
2. I continue to type (I can be long winded, imagine that!)
3. Auto-Save kicks in and refreshes the screen.
4. I can then no longer add categories, and when I try to click the “Save” button it gives me an error of “Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?”.
5. At that point no matter what I click (OK or Cancel) I lose my post.
6. My screams of rage can be heard in the next county.
I would like to propose an enhancement to the WP-Admin interface whereby you can either disable the auto-save functionality (a check box would work great), or you can increase the auto-save time increment … Or both!
This would likely help those who are having issues with this new feature, and also give flexibility for Admins to configure their WordPress blog however they wish.
Help? Please?