Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Responsive] z-index images in div #logothanks – any suggestions from this side for now?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: move div class under another divAny suggestions on this.
Moving the call to action button to below the feature image area.
Thanks in advance.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Black Studio TinyMCE Widget] What am I doing wrong. SAVE=BLANKOK – let me start again as my terminology might big off.
Your plug in enables for rich text edit in text widget area.
Hold on – I thin I may be mixing you up with TinyMCE – correcly stated on your previous post – had a look at your screen shot and realised that you allow for widget enhancment – the other features are married to the TinyMCE plug in.
Sorry budddy – but thanks for pointing me in the cright direction after that brain fart moment.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Black Studio TinyMCE Widget] What am I doing wrong. SAVE=BLANKHI Marco – thanks for getting back to me.
When I refer to the editing tolbar that comes with your plugin that gets inserted into the widget area. The one that can insert images, write text, add hyperlinks, change colour etc.
The plugin install is “black-studio-tinymce-widget.1.2.0.zip”
The plugin that allows one to visually edit text widgets.
I think I am in the wight place!
Very confused now now tha you say I am not.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Black Studio TinyMCE Widget] What am I doing wrong. SAVE=BLANKHi Marco – could you be kind enough to respond to my rather simple and probably dumb enquiry.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: opacity effected contentThanks buddy 0 appeciate again all your time spend on this rather trivia thing. Hope others can learn from it as I have.
Have a great eveing – wherever you are.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: opacity effected contentno problem: I did find in another forumn…that if one uses the
it should sit ontop of the opaque block.
this being applied to the <h> tag.
did not try it.
Anyway – thanks again. petty we went round in acomplete circle on this one.
Until the next problem.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: opacity effected contentthanks man-finally figured it it out.
convert image into bitmat first then export as png with transparent background.
Thanks Andrew for stiking with me on this one.
Surely there must still be an easier way in code.
What about that suggestion of using the top: tag in css?
Do you know anything about that???Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: opacity effected content50% transparent white box – how did you do the black transparent in the link yous sent me – the one you edited of mine????
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: opacity effected contentYES YES YES – whew, feel exusted now after that learning session.
How did you get the transulent background.
I have created a 50 transulant white block and exported as png in 8bit pallete.
then saved with transparent background – but I keep getting a white block and not translucent.
I feel you are my savier if you can explain this to me..Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: opacity effected contentno locsalhost – IE7, got the box to show now as white, just have to figure out how to export a transulant image now.
But it looks like your original answer was correct.”Use a background image that has translucency instead.” which is what I was trying avoind and see if I could learn some new tricky code.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: opacity effected contenthaving difficultu creating a transulant.png file.
I am using coreldraw and have create a 1 x 1 px squre and applied a 50% transaprent filter on it.
Then exported as png with transparent background.Imported it into them and nothing shows up.
QUESTION: How can a 1x1px transulent effect the whole div area, surely it would have to be the same size?Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: opacity effected contentThe
should be solid black but instead it has been opaqued.
Backgrond color is white with 40% opaque applied.
<h> is black – but it is not on the link or on my computer.
Hope you understand now.
I did find that if one usestop:4.7em
it should sit ontop of the opaque block.
Another is using a 1px x 1px transparent.png file and set it as background to<h>
tag.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: opacity effected contentForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: opacity effected contentOK Andrew – I have shared it – where it went I have no idea but it is out there for you to grab.
If you remove the opacity you will see thatthe title goes back to black.