James Hall
Forum Replies Created
I’ve given up… it’s now disabled.
whhooops — so sorry — i’ve republished it now ??
Sorry man– i was actually trying to get wpaudioplayer working — i must have linked -into this conversation by accident ?? Will try yours now!
Thanks Matteo — where exactly IS this “Activate the player customizer” option?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme: twentytwelve] Featured Image not publishing to worldI just applied the patch from the WP trac — I was hoping that would actually IMPLEMENT the featured image on posts — instead it just removed the option box. At least it’s not misleading anymore.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Facebook Connect] Registration FlowWell now it’s properly taking teh newly registered user to their profile page — is there any way to change that –? ie, take them to another page?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Registration Flowwhoops how embarrassing! i thought i was on the support page for the plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Contact Form 7] How do I change height of textarea field?where do we make the textarea changes — to adjust the width!!! why doesn’t anyone freaking mention this?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: text formatting not appearingthanks so much esmi — i understand the difference btwn the two now ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: text formatting not appearingsorry — here’s the page: https://www.altoleblon.com.br
…. note that the formatting is_there when you look at the post (the first one) on it’s own page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: best ecommerce solution? looking for import & product search featuresi wish the WP e-commerce people would spend more time responding to customer issues and less time here, trying to shore-up their earned reputation. Just know that if you are using their cart – you are going it 100% alone. Sure, there might be a fan or 2 that might respond to a trouble report but, issues beyond the well-known bugs do not get attention from the instinct staff.
Whoever releases a sold ecommerce tool fopr wp is going to do quite well.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: Wp-e-commerce] Pagination for products not workingbatikandgift fix does the trick! I wasn’t at first able to find DB DB row with “wpsc_category_url_cache” — simply beacuse i didn;t se that there were more than one page to the table (!). Mine has 10 pages — row 803 held this value. Follow Vezy’s advise and erase the values in the comments block … btw, mine looked like:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: Wp-e-commerce] Pagination for products not workingVezy – do you think there is a similar url cache for set-ups that do not use separate categories for the products?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: Wp-e-commerce] Pagination for products not workingI have exactly the same issue that batikandgift had — double URL is causing a 404! BUT, i don’t have dufferent categories — all products are together. I therefore do not have a “wpsc_category_url_cache” in my DB and am at a complete loss as to how to proceed. I have tried de-activating and then re-activating wpsc to no avail. I’ve “fixed products URLs” , turned-off custom permalink structure.. nothing foxes this. Instinct does not respond. Re-installing the plug in will be a last resort as I will have to completely re-build the #$%^ store!