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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pay with ATH Movil (WooCommerce payment gateway)] El pedido no se finalizaQueda la orden pediente de pago, a pesar de que se efectuo el pago por el cliente.
Presento la misma problematica
Well Tks
In this case, price base is zero, it works perfect, but in a shop o loops woocomerce, this no show a price because is cero, i neeed put a price, but it sume a quantities.
int this case,pricease is correct, but quantities add a price in total.The best way is i create aoption that discount a price base but i need that noshow in the cart and the mails sended in the process
Produt base Price 100 + ( is sume)quantities – (delete product base)= quantities
If the broduct cost is 100$ for example,and i have a form with quantities it sume all.
Product base Price 100 + quantities (any number) =total
(i need change it for) =
Produt base Price 100 *quantities – (delete product base)= quantities.
I can do this if product base is zero, but no show the price en filter from woocomerce and i need show it in the store.
PRICE ZERO for myproduct
Reason for i need add a price base to the product.Maybe you can help, how a create a select that delete price base, but it dont show in the cart or mails sends to the clients when buy a product.