I know I was a little frustrated back there but that was also after two hours of trying to get this to work not quite the 5-minute install I was looking forward to. I told my host what was needed to make this work, he told me that it was good, gave me all of the DB information. I did everything the readme file told me to do. Now what is happening is that it is saying that I don’t have PHP installed or that it is turned off. I guess I don’t know what I can do at this point. I am not a computer illiterate I come from a IT background, I am not a stranger to mySQL but I have never truly used it to this extent.
How do I know if I have the right stuff on my computer to make this work. I tried to install PHP from the Microsoft Site. It errored out. I appreciate the link and I am in the process of reading over it. My host is my next door neighbor, but not so easy to get a hold of.
The deal is that I have seen WordPress, and usng the tool is easy. I guess I don’t understand at all what PHP is or how I use it.