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Postman Bind (Success|Fail|Path): No|Yes|/home1/********/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php
Asterisks are my hosting account of course.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postman SMTP Mailer/Email Log] users ultra conflictOk, thanks. I think I pretty much have everything worked around. I’ll use postman on my other non-uu sites though.
Ahh, ok, sorry about that. I do have “Admin Menu Editor” installed and I just checked by deactivating it and indeed the dash sub items went away. And here I thought you guys were just being tacky. Again, Sorry
At least I can hide them with the menu editor. LOL
I have a must use (in my case) plugin that puts one item under tools and one under settings but my members won’t need any other tools or settings so I’m using the menu editor to make a parent item with two subs just for that plugin, hiding tools and settings and also doing some rearranging in general.Thanks
I had already tried that. Same results. Postman won’t work while UU is activated, period. phpmail is just junk so I’m wanting to use smtp for forms other than the standard UU forms. General Contact forms etc. Postman is the ONLY smtp plugin that I’ve had any luck with. I really don’t know why postman works and nothing else does. I’m using the same settings for all. UU also does work with smtp for me. So the only two plugins that will do smtp on my site/hosting happen to conflict. Sucks to be me. LOL
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multisite Shared Menu] updateHey. thanks for coming back to us.
I’ve got two multisite networks and on one, I’m running the same theme on all subsites so on that one, I’ll give it a try. I found a dropdown menu to list all sites within a network and it’s doing well at that but it would be nice to have a custom menu across all.
My other network is going to have several themes and I’m wondering, if they all have a footer menu built in, if this would work.
What is it that would prevent it working with different themes, classes?UM updated their plugin this morning which fixed the red flag. This was after they told me things were already fixed so they basically lied to me or were mistaken.
Will be keeping wp simple firewall;)
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP-CRM - Customer Relations Management for WordPress] Not as advertisedwhich now redirects to their home page, Hmmm
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [MultiSite Clone Duplicator] BadHmmm, sounds like it wasn’t multisite to me. The site is gone already also. I’m not going to hold this one against you.
bytes? ok, never would have guessed that.
So if I choose UM “member” as default for new user reg, that has no affect on the WP default role for new user reg and visa versa?
I’ve done a lot of work customizing for a new WP role and just want to make sure, UM isn’t going to over-ride my new WP role.Also, I’m confused as to UM’s user roles. I have the User Roles plugin and have made a custom role and also have an admin menu editor so I could slim down the menu options for this new role. UM has user roles, Member and Admin. I don’t see Member in either of these other two plugins. I do see Admin but of course i think that’s the standard WP admin role. Does this mean there’s now two different admin roles? one for wp and one for UM? Do the UM roles have any correlation with WP roles?
My problem is going to be that I want the default new user role to be the one I made and that’s not in UM’s list. Likewise the ones for UM are not showing in the other plugins.
profile and cover photo maximum size; is this in kb?
Do not allow registering these roles; do I need to put admin and super-admin in here?
Also, I can’t seem to find/remember the proper slugs for those.That’s it for the moment. Thanks for the quick response.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPBizPlugins Easy Admin Quick Menu] icons all reverting to brushSmallest they can go is 20px? Have to make them hidden with css.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PRO WP ADMIN Free] Where is paid version available?404 page not found for that link, same as link in plugin page
Here you go. Correction to my original post. 8 css files and 7js files.
users-ultra/js/jquery.validationEngine.js?ver=4.2.’jquery.validationEngine.js – is loading twice. I have no users and haven’t actually used this plugin, only installed and activated.