Forum Replies Created
49 instances of color:#
20 instances of background-color:#8 instances of font-weight:
10 instances of padding:1 (could include 1-19)
5 instances of padding:2 (could include 2 & 20-29)
2 instances of padding:3 (1 – 3px and 1 – 30px)
6 instances of text-decoration:
15 instances of font-size:1 (could include 1-19)
15 instances of font-size:2 (could include 2 & 20-29)
1 instance of font-size:37 instances line-height:1 (could be 1, 1.5 etc)
7 instances line-height:2
1 instance line-height:31 instance of margin:1 (margin:15px on autolist)
61 instances of margin- (margin-top, bottom, left, right ???? not my job)In a javascript file!
That’s a lot of styles that will override global styles when nothing is specified in the block editor. The 49 instances of color:# means the nightmode will never work right.
Just did a search in that file for
and found 49 results. The results includebackground-color:#
because I didn’t do a whole word search. There are quite a few blocks being styled in that javascript file. Also padding, margins, font-weight, font-size.Makes it hard for people who want their global colors/styles to be used.
Then why do I find this in your greenshift-animation-and-page-builder-blocks/build/index.js
.gspb_heading_subtitle{display:block; font-size:17px; line-height:22px; color:#b0bac0;margin-top:5px}
That’s about as hard coded as it gets.
I did try the circled number with heading on a fresh install with blockpress and greenshift and the rest of the block elements come through with the color variable. but that subtitle just ain’t right.
Search that javascript file and you’ll find it. I can’t clear out the subtitle color if it’s called out in a javascript file.
#4 has no colors set – whatever colors you see on #4 is whatever GS outputs them as but in the editor, no colors are set for the heading or subtitle.
The heading has no color set but GS outputs it as hard coded, inline #000.
The subtitle has no color set but GS outputs it as hard coded, inline #b0bac0.
The circled number is blue because that’s what color GS makes it initially.`When I set colors as foreground/background, everything else greenshift works. Everything Gutenify theme works. Everything Gutenify plugin works.
Grenshift Advanced Heading does not work.
#1 is foreground
#2 is background
#3 is a theme color, medium gray
and again, #4 has no colors set for heading/subtitle.I don’t really need the Advanced Heading because it’s easy enough to create the same thing with core blocks and I know if I set the text on those as foreground, nightmode will work.
I just wanted to let you know that advanced heading is outputting hard coded inline hex colors instead of var.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by jhnpldng.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Blockpress] Global Typography presets on Headers BlocksOn that same Site Editor page where you found global styles, you have;
Browse Styles (color scheme)
Typography (global)
Colors (global)
Layout (global)Blocks`(THIS ONE – These individual Block Styles will override the above global styles. You can change typography/color/layout of every block type when applicable)
Typography doesn’t apply to Group/Column/Row etc because they’re not text. It does apply to Headings, Site Title, Paragraph, Quote etc.
A Header is a Template Part that contains Blocks, (Site Title, Site Logo, Navigation etc)
General hierarchy: Template > Template Part > Container > Block > Content
Template – whole page
Template Part – Header/Footer or General. I also use it for Sidebars. I create them and save as Template Part.
Container – groups/rows/columns etc.I’m finally getting my head wrapped around this FSE thing. I ran the Classic Editor plugin for posts/pages right up until a couple of weeks ago.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Blockpress] Hompage overridedThis and a few other block themes act the same way. The Home Page template will be the homepage, no ifs and of buts about it. Here’s how I deal with it.
Use Home Page template as your home page. Create a page called Blog/Posts or whatever you like. It doesn’t need any content. Go to Settings > Reading and set that Blog page to that but leave the Home page choice empty.
The homepage will use the Home Page Template and Posts page will use the Index Template so if you want to change the look of the Blog page, change Index Template.
The Page Template will affect all pages except for Blog/Posts.
Archive Template affects every other type of archive like Tags, Categories, Author. That is unless or until you make custom templates for those.
The rest of the templates are straight forward. Single Post displays single posts, 404, search do what you’d think.
Hint; See the description under each template name on this page, wp-admin/site-editor.php?postType=wp_template
They tell you exactly what they do. Took me a while to things figure out.
I believe @jprice01 is using a FSE block theme. I’ve run into the same problem with three different plugins, basepress, youzify, wcfm(dashboard page), in conjunction with any FSE block theme.
This includes 2022 theme. Run 2022 and basepress and the header goes away on the knowledgebase pages. /knowledge-base/ has a header but /knowledge-base/demo-content/ aka the inner kb pages do not.It seems some plugins look for header.php but block themes don’t have that file, nor do they have a footer.php. Since the plugins can’t find header.php, you get no header. You do get the site-title, tagline and maybe logo but that’s it.
If you enable debugging, you get a message that header.php is deprecated. Same with footer.php if it’s called up.
The core devs seem to be working on a fix for backwards compatibility.
There’s a similar issue on github WordPress/gutenberg/issues/33989
As for me, I’m not giving up on FSE block themes because after a few days testing them, I’m hooked. The ability to edit/create headers and footers and use different ones for any given page, create sidebars etc is just the bomb.
That and they’re very fast. I’m getting 99/100 on pagespeed/gtmetrix for most sites now and without a cache plugin. With FSE, I’m able to get rid of several plugins on every site.
For now, visitors to the site running basepress just have to click the site-title to get out of basepress. My client is ok with the kb page not having a header because the site is so much faster now with the block theme.(just makes it look like dedicated a site section LOL)
Another fun thing about FSE themes is that all widgets, including basepress accordion menu, become “legacy widgets” if they’re not blocks so you don’t get a preview in the new widget block editor.
Full Site Editing is technically Beta so welcome to beta testing. Be that as it may, there’s no stopping this move to blocks and block themes so plugin devs are going to have to convert eventually. Might be sooner than later once word spreads that you can score an A on pagespeed/gtmetrix on all but the most plugin laden sites.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Blockpress] Conflit with YouzifyIt seems I am following you around trying to get the same answer. I know of three major plugins that break with any block theme because the plugins are looking for a header.php but block themes don’t have one, nor do they have footer.php.
I did find out that not even all classic themes have a header.php so it’s more the plugin devs that should address this than theme devs.
I’ve tried over a dozen FSE block themes and they all do the same, even 2022 theme. It is an issue with the missing header.php/footer.php. This isn’t the only plugin that has this issue. I’ve run across a few where you lose the header & footer but somehow still get the site-title and tagline.
What’s odd is that buddypress works fine and youzify works on top of buddypress.
The Full Site Editing website has an article called “How to use PHP templates in block themes” that looks like a workaround.
This is the way it works for my multisite.
1) Network activate: All dashboards in the network are dark mode
2) Main site activate: Main site dashboard and network dashboard are dark mode. All subsites are not, unless you activate per subsite.I’m using method 1 so that subsite admins have a choice.
I’m talking about tags in the traditional sense like regular WP posts have. There’s a meta box on the post edit screen to add tag. There’s a column on the All Posts page that lists those tags. There is neither on kb article edit page or All KB Articles page.
I can even add tags to this forum post using the box below.
Under the Tags tab in the BasePress Settings page, you find some configurations for the tags in your knowledge base documents.
I see no Tags tab. I see;
- General
- Appearence
- Breadcrumbs
- Search
- Comments
- Import/Export
Under General I do now see Permalink Structure which mentions the use of tags but that’s hardly the same as being able to add tags on an edit screen.
So I guess it’s automated based on the permalink which is based on
%knowlegde_base%, %article_section%, %parent_section% or %none%.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer] Dokan Compatablity@skyline5gtr
@hannahritnerWorks fine with WCFM Marketplace as they use woo’s email system. When I go look at woo’s email templates, there are a few extra for WCFM which is how I know. That and receiving the emails of course and seeing that they are styled my way.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hello Elementor] Making a mobile-only headerHave a look at these pages
Firstly, make the background color on the header row white instead of transparent.
Then for mobile, hide/do not use your logo/title column and then make the column that has Search, 60% wide for mobile. That leaves you with the hamburger and a search box.
I was able to do the above with web inspector by tweaking css.
People already know they’re on ispeakk.io because they had to type it in, click a link somewhere or have it bookmarked.
Add the logo/title to a different nav menu as a home page link and use that nav menu for mobile. That gives them a way to get back to the home page AND says ispeakk.io
tada – you are mobile now
Just as an FYI for others. There’s place in Activity Log > Settings > General to Reset the Database and below it, it says, Warning: Clicking this will delete all activities from the database.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by jhnpldng. Reason: sp
Hated. I just bought Ultimate last night. I go to the forums this morning and it’s closed. Now I have to hope they respond to email.
I wish I did not buy ultimate after reading this thread.