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I’d like to know about the “native support for popular themes”!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gantry 5 Framework] tagline, site identitypsst, it’s your theme, hydrogen, and I see no place on your site for support so I ask here.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: mu plugin in new installMe personally, if I want managed wp hosting, I can get that with godaddy for a buck a month. I pay extra to have full control. I have a business pro plan with hostmonster and they, being the same company, did the same thing. Not feelin too Pro.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [BootFrame Core] No Site Title on home pageIf the theme developer wants my url I will give it to him.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Do I need a wordpress multi siteThere are other benefits to multisite. Each wordpress install means 4000+ files and a database. One multisite with many subsites is the same 4000+ files and one database with some extra tables made for each subsite. Logging into the main site as super-admin, you have access to the backend of the main and subsites. With multisite as subdomain setup, it would be really easy to have the main site as the front/entry at example.com and then have /consumer and /client as the subdomains. With two separate installs, you would have to hand craft some sort of entry page with links to the subfolder sites.
With multisite, the main site and all subsites have different menus and settings. It would be easy to lock one down for logged in access only. They can all share plugins and themes. Users are typically not shared between sites with the exception of super-admin. In fact it requires a plugin to share users or some database and php work I thought.
That said, it is quite a bit to learn setting up and running a multisite. Not all plugins work, some like to be network activated and some like to be individually activated.Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Duplicate / Copy WordPress siteEasy for a single wp site. Not so easy for multisite. For multisite check this. https://www.wpmayor.com/migrate-wordpress-multisite/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-SpamShield] testing contact forms – what consitutes spam?Ok, Thanks. Not sure to what level we’ll be able to debug. It’s for a client, someone else built and is hosting the site so there’s no cpanel/server access. As of now, it’s working with cf7 protection disabled, the customer’s happy, I got paid so I’m happy but I would still like to know for sure what the issue is. I imagine it’s something to do with the hosting/server setup. With the exception of plugin conflicts, I’ve never had to deal with email issues. Probably because I usually am dealing with my own hosting.
I have seen the “message to short” error from the spamshield contact form. Would I get that error message from wp-spamshield when using cf7?Actually I fixed it by disabling protection for cf7 on your plugin and posted on the wp-spamshield forum here but thanks for answering this one.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Adaption] full width templateRemoving widgets from sidebar 2 makes the content area go from 715px to 790px ish on a 1366px screen. Not much of a gain for removing a 240px sidebar considering it also shrinks sidebar 1 slightly and still leaves 260px of white space. Of course I can re-adjust all that with css.
Is there some trick I don’t know about for hiding a sidebar conditionally with css or are we talking inline css per page?
Not a big deal. This was a potential theme for a potential client as it almost matches his hand coded html site so I thought he would want to keep the look but since then I’ve found out he’s been eyeballing premium photography themes that look nothing like what he currently has.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multi Site for absolute beginnersHere’s your starting point
https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Create_A_NetworkSubdirectory is a bit easier than subdomain
That’s the difference in how they look address-wise
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: How to move multiplle wp to another domainI just did this yesterday morning following instructions from here.
https://www.wpmayor.com/migrate-wordpress-multisite/Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: mutisite or notdomain mapping will do the url thing and there’s a couple of plugins for sharing content between two sites in a network. Network Latest Posts is the name of one.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Search through all subsitesThere’s a couple of plugins. Look for “multisite search.”
You could also put google search on your site and for 100 bucks a year, ad free.
Google search is what’s used here on wp.orgForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rootspersona] How does RootsPersona compare to PHPGedView?Maybe so, meanwhile, have a look at this. https://www.kloosterman.be/info/how-i-made-my-tng-wp-website/
It’s what I used to use but I’m running wp as multisite now and it won’t work for me.Good deal. I’ve actually heard people say about me, “He’s a legend in his own mind”
Curious; Did changing the post/page dates trick work?