Login to your WordPress admin, go to plugins and then select edit. You should have the PHP code open at this point.
Do a search (Ctrl+F) for “Case” and add this in the race section:
case 26:
$racename = 'Pandaren';
and this in the class section:
case 10:
$classname = 'Monk';
It sounds like you’ve already uploaded the images so this should be all that’s required.
If you are curious about how to do this in the future, you can query the armory from a browser by going to:
Of course replacing SERVER and GUILDNAME with your info and US with EU or at the beginning of the URL if your in Europe.
It will return a whole bunch of text to your browser with character names and various info. Search for a Panda Monk (or whatever the new race / class is in the future) and use the number for class and race to update the PHP code for this add on.