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I simply upgrade the library because of the mega-vulnerability
I have make two improvement of functionalities :
i have change the expire date of the cache files dirrectly in the code (and i working on a input in the setting page for user to modify it.)
I have increased the level of compression of the cache gzip : 0 to 8I Simply fix the minification of : jquery-core and jquery-migrate
with the fix of ‘veke’hope it’s good for u, me on 3 wordpress 3.6.1 it work well ??
I propose some improvement to make for the next version like :
– capabilitie to change the expire of the cache dirrectly in the admin page (in process)
– capabilitie to Make script asynchrone
– capabilitie to minify script from CDN
– possibility to select order loading javascripts and css
– …Other idéas ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better WordPress Minify] Vulnerability on minifyForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better WordPress Minify] Minify 2.1.7If it broke your site (style or animation javascript) simply test to exclude them with the plugin option
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackUpWordPress] not working after update to 3.6on my site the plugin is break by the htaccess rule :
RedirectMatch gone ^[-_a-z0-9/\.]*//.*
and the ebutton exclusion (exclude) is break by :
RedirectMatch gone ^.*/etc/passwd.*those rules are for nutralize false url.
how do iy keep that rule with the plugin because withe the old version it work well !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackUpWordPress] not working after update to 3.6Same probleme i have the wp 3.6 french
i have the last vertion of the pluginthe plugin activate nicly but it stuck on :
calcul de la taille de votre site…
and the button add a backup don’t workand with wp_debug there is no warning or error
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better WordPress Minify] Wont ignore jQuery or jQeryUIhellow you can :
1 : add the fix
modification in the file : includes/class-bwp-minify.phpthen 2 : test to exclude with the handle.
if it doesn’t work you can test to add it manualy in function.php like that to exclude jquery :
add_filter('bwp_minify_style_ignore', 'ignore_jquery'); function ignore_jquery($ignore){ $ignore = array('jquery');return $ignore; };
and to minified separately jquery :
add_filter('bwp_minify_script_direct', 'direct_jquery'); function direct_jquery($direct){ $direct = array('jquery');return $direct; };
For more detail check : Hook References here : https://betterwp.net/wordpress-plugins/bwp-minify/
Hello OddOneOut !
have some issue since the new jquery :
min css is good ??
min js bug :
TypeError: $(…).prettyPhoto is not a function
TypeError: f.easing[i.animatedProperties[this.prop]] is not a functionwhen it’s no js minification it’s ok.
ps : the bug does not apear with older browser (just before the las version of ff & chrome.
ps 2 : you can make a other implementation in the plugin with the plugin db cache reloaded fix (to cache the query)
https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/db-cache-reloaded-fix/and add in the ‘how install’ :
# BEGIN Expire headers
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
<FilesMatch “\.(ico|jpe?g|png|gif|swf|css|js|gz|html|htm|xml)$”>
ExpiresDefault “access plus 1 month”
# Force no caching for dynamic files
<FilesMatch “\.(pl|php|cgi|spl|scgi|fcgi)$”>
ExpiresActive Off
</IfModule>to put the gz in cache and leave it for 1 month
THANNNKS !!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better WordPress Minify] Error with last jquery (minify js)I’m using prettyPhoto + timthumb
and jquery.easing for slide and other effect..the bug apear with the last version of firefox end chrome becaus with safari it dont bug (when js are minified)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better WordPress Minify] Simple questionOkey i think it’s work perfectly ?? THANKS A LOT DUDE !!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better WordPress Minify] Simple questionyeah sorry a cmd-c / v / your code that’s why i have exclude ^^
okey in function.php i test :
add_filter(‘bwp_minify_script_direct’, ‘direct_jquery’);
function direct_jquery($direct)
$direct = array(‘jquery’);
return $direct;
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better WordPress Minify] Simple questionmmh like that .. ?
sorry i’m not a boss in php :padd_filter(‘bwp_minify_script_direct’, ‘exclude_jquery’);
function exclude_jquery($excluded)
$excluded = array(‘jquery’);
return $excluded;
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better WordPress Minify] Simple questionYes that’s it but what is the apropriate syntax for bwp_minify_script_direct ?
Thanks a lot by the way !