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  • Hi Bozz

    Glad to help.

    Don’t have any info on why the file is there – just another way css can be added to a classic theme website – maybe a hangover or maybe something planned for the future. I don’t think the content is particulary relevant – just something in the file so it isn’t empty.

    We are getting lots of 404s

    This means the file has not been found

    I don’t see it in the directory when I review it via sftp

    Confirms 404

    Just downloaded WP 6.1.1 and checked – it should be there – so it looks like your install is incomplete or damaged.

    Suggest you try reinstalling WP.

    Hi ewinka

    When the mouse hovers over a drop-down menu item (eg:galeria) on your website the menu should open but is prevented by a javascript error.

    Uncaught TypeError: $.browser is undefined in jquery.superfish.js: line 74

    The date on this file is 2008

    I couldn’t find any current information on the Tripod theme and it unfortunately looks like it may be incompatible with the latest WordPress and due for replacement.

    Hi johnstraub1954

    WP has had problems with custom HTML for a long time and this looks like another issue.

    First it doesn’t like comments so that should be removed. Second it expects the table innerHTML elements to be enclosed in tbody tags.

    <div style="background: #ffffff; overflow:auto;width:auto;border:solid gray;border-width:.1em .1em .1em .8em;padding:.2em .6em;"><table><tbody>....</tbody></table></div>

    It may not be right and maybe someone can say whether a bug report needs to be raised but I have learned the hard way that you sometimes you have to go with the flow !

    Hi divyauser

    As support hasn’t replied….

    What you see is normal. TEC produces pages for /list, /month and /today. The PRO version produces more.

    In the settings you can select which are available/selectable from the drop-down widget menu on the /events page. You seem to have only /list selected.

    Also on the settings page you have the option of which page (list,month,today) appears on the /events page. You seem to have list selected. So… there are two pages with the list content.

    That’s the way it works !

    You could remove the events page from the menu and replace it with /events/list/ but the /events page would still exist. You could have it show the /month view so that would satisfy your request. Can’t think of another way.

    Final thought… I think SEO only lists navigable pages – and the /list, /month and /today pages may not be listed on the XML Sitemap page used by the search engines. You can check this.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by jim5471.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by jim5471.

    You probably have a cache that hadn’t been cleared. So the wordpress version was good but the old version of the page being sent to the web was still from the cache.

    All depends on how the cache is implemented as to how it is updated.

    Cache content (html) is normally updated when a page is updated but the css and javascript may require a manual/complete reset of the cache.

    Hi bearsintexas

    There a closing bracket in the css file on line 188 that is incorrectly commented out.

    The css should be as follows…

    #navBox {
        float: right;
        width: 78%;
        margin-top: 70px;
        margin-bottom: 20px;
        background-position: left center;
        background-repeat: repeat-y;
        font-family: helvetica, sans-serif;
        height: 60px;
        z-index: -99;
    background: #ffffff;
    /* background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff 0%, #a2a5a8 23%, #a2a5a8 50%, #7a8187 100%);
    background: -webkit-gradient(left top, right top, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(23%, #a2a5a8), color-stop(50%, #a2a5a8), color-stop(100%, #7a8187));
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff 0%, #a2a5a8 0%, #a2a5a8 50%, #7a8187 100%);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff 0%, #a2a5a8 23%, #a2a5a8 50%, #7a8187 100%);
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, #ffffff 0%, #a2a5a8 23%, #a2a5a8 50%, #7a8187 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to right, #ffffff 0%, #a2a5a8 23%, #a2a5a8 50%, #7a8187 100%);

    Your browser is trying to access your site with HTTPS (secure) but you haven’t obtained and installed an SSL certificate. So you should follow the advise given above if this is what you want.

    BUT you don’t have to use HTTPS.

    Your site is working on HTTP at

    Some browsers settings will block HTTP but this can be turned off. It may be this that has changed recently.

    This might help…

    “Default user and group for Apache process usually are not the same in a different distribution. Ubuntu, for example, sets the default user and group to www-data, while on CentOS, it’s apache”

    /etc/apache2/apache2.conf contains User and Group directives which may point elswhere eg: /etc/apache2/envvars file

    Thread Starter jim5471


    We use the DM Sans font so have added that as the local default font to the Child Theme.

    An observation – some of your new coding for the font is above the header in a couple of files eg: style.css, style-rtl.css

    Thanks for your ongoing support for the Theme.

    Thread Starter jim5471


    One other thing that I have noticed…

    When editing an event – the “Events Archive” template can be selected and the page published.

    But when the page is refreshed or on the next visit then the “Default” template is shown.

    This means that the template setting isn’t stored and maybe never actually selected.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by jim5471.
    Thread Starter jim5471


    Hi @abz I am sure caching isn’t the problem and have tried turning off all other plugins.

    One interesting thing I have found whilst debugging.

    On most of the website pages the “get_block_templates()” function returns “array (13)” with the last entry as the TEC template – as you would expect.

    But when you go to a single event page “get_block_templates()” returns “array (12)” <- the TEC template is missing.

    Thread Starter jim5471


    UPDATE [] 2022-06-15 Fix – correct issues with template paths when using FSE. [TEC-4401]

    Sorry to say this FSE update has the same problem – the single event template is not being picked up.

    The “Event Archive” template shows in the template list on the event edit page but does not appear on the Editor Templates page.

    Also the “Event Archive” template is not auto selected on the event edit page. This is another thing that needs fixing.

    The previous work-around still works.

    Thread Starter jim5471


    I have now got the single event page working on the TwentyTwentyTwo theme but it needs a work-around.

    First create an “events-archive.html” file in the [your-theme]/templates directory
    with this content

    <!-- wp:template-part {"slug":"header","tagName":"header"} /-->
    <!-- wp:tribe/archive-events /-->
    <!-- wp:template-part {"slug":"footer","tagName":"footer"} /-->

    Then on the event edit page change the Event template from “default” to “events-archive”.

    NOTE: The “Events Archive” template in the list does not work.

    This work-around is not ideal and the developers have some more work to get everything working properly.

    As you haven’t had a repy yet…

    The documentation shows the general principles but your best guide is to learn to use the browsers F12 Inspector for adjusting CSS.

    It will show you your CSS code in action an whether or not it is active or has been overidden by higher priority code – as is the case here I think.

    If the code you are inputting has a lower priority than existing code and there are two ways of changing this.

    .tribe-events-calendar-month__day-cell {border: 1px solid red !important;}

    The use of ‘important’ is OK but a better approach is to look for what is overidding your code and to use the same CSS selectors.

    .tribe-events .tribe-events-calendar-month__day-cell {border: 1px solid red;}

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