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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields (ACF?)] get results for multi select on author.phpI created a different role type and assigned a single custom field of checkboxes to it. I then created an empty author template specifically for this tempalte containing only the following code:
<?php $curauth = (isset($_GET['author_name'])) ? get_user_by('ID', $author_name) : get_userdata(intval($author)); ?> <?php echo implode(', ', get_the_author_meta('test')); ?>
On the backend I checked 3 out of 5 checkboxes. Still I get a complete blank.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields (ACF?)] get results for multi select on author.phpNot sure how a field could be configured incorrectly if it is showing up where it needs to show up.
I’ve configured:
Field Name: genetics_conditions_albinism_relatives
Field Label: Relatives
Field Type: Select
Choices: name : name, etc.
Allow Null?: None
Select Multiple values: yes
Conditional Logic: NoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields (ACF?)] get results for multi select on author.phpstill getting blank. this what i have:
<?php $curauth = (isset($_GET['author_name'])) ? get_user_by('ID', $author_name) : get_userdata(intval($author)); ?> <div class="thelabels">Relatives who also experience Albinism </div><div class="response"><?php echo implode(', ', get_the_author_meta('genetics_conditions_albinism_relatives')); ?></div>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields (ACF?)] get results for multi select on author.phpAhhh, that might be the problem. I haven needed to use that one on this author.php page. I have around 400 plus fields. All work except the multis. Ill give it a try.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields (ACF?)] get results for multi select on author.phpGreat! But I tried it and I’m not getting any values returned. It’s just blank. My custom field is a drop down select menu. My user has selected 3 out of 5 options in this menu and saved them. The above code doesn’t yield any result.
Is it working for you?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields (ACF?)] get results for multi select on author.phpI agree. I posted this help request and another one at the advancedcustomfields.com website. No response from anyone. It’s kind of strange. Glad that you responded. At least I’m not the only one finding this to be a head-scratcher.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields (ACF?)] get results for multi select on author.phpHi Miguel,
I found this but can’t seem to figure out how to integrate a call to get user id:
/* * Displaying multiple values */ ?> <p>Colors: <?php echo implode(', ', get_field('page_layout')); ?></p> <?php
The above code was found at: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/field-types/select/
but you are correct. There is no documentation for displaying multi select values for user meta
That worked like a charm. Thank you so much! Excellent plugin, the best Avatar plugin and I’ve tried the other ones.
Okay, it looks like if I use my theme’s advanced visual editor to add the shortcode, then it works. This may be an issue with my WordPress or my theme because any content that I enter into the default editor won’t show up when viewing the page. This used to work until I upgraded to WP v.3.91.
Anyway, To further complicate things, your shortcode works for Admins, meaning that the uploader is viewable by admins. I also enabled “Allow Editors & Subscribers” in the WPUA settings which is something I didn’t have to do before. But now my special user roles I created can once again see the uploader. But this creates a new problem. I only want the uploader to show up on a front end page that I created I dont’ want it showing up on the user’s profile editing page (user-edit.php). I’m having a tough time trying to use CSS to display:none but can’t seem to get it to blank the uploader out. Any help?
I checked “Allow Contributors & Subscribers to upload avatars” and i’m still getting a blank. I actually jumped from 3.81 to 3.91
No. The user that you logged in on is a special role that has been given certain capabilities that include uploading and editing the profile pic. Even when I log in as Admin, the uploader is still absent from the page.
user: suri
pass: 1
when you’re logged in, click the Edit My Profile link. That will take you to the profile editor. Then on the profile editor, click the avatar image at the top left of the screen. that will take you to the front end uploader page.
I don’t see anything. just blankness.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Print, PDF, Email by PrintFriendly] https errors on ssl siteYes, I did turn on HTTPS mode from PrintFriendly & PDF plugin settings. It seems that whenever I have this plugin activated, I get the following “unsecure items” showing in the browser console:
What’s even crazier is that most of these have been eliminated from other sources. But when the PrintFriendly plugin is activated, they all return. (see below)
Unsecure External URLs: [ https://cdn.printfriendly.com/printfriendly.js, https://choochooclan.com/surrogate/wp-content/themes/twentythirteen/images/profileBox.jpg, https://ip-10-0-18-74/,, https://ip-10-0-34-220/,,, https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/130ca32c65c60a94973b647be8efe027?s=200&d=wp_user_avatar&r=G,,, https://ec2-54-244-8-39.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/,, https://dummyimage.com/600×400/000/fff&text=Pic, https://dummyimage.com/1200×400/000/fff&text=Pic, https://localhost/greghain/gs/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/avia-samples/slide3_Layer_1.png, https://localhost/greghain/gs/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/avia-samples/slide3_l16.png, https://localhost/greghain/gs/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/avia-samples/slide3_l13.png, https://localhost/greghain/gs/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/avia-samples/slide3_l17.png, https://localhost/greghain/gs/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/avia-samples/slide1_Layer_2.png ]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [amr users] licensing issue: production domain to live domain problemsAlso, if my lists no longer exist, how is it that my search/filter pages still display the appropriate filters, headers, and users according to exactly how I configured the list?