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  • I just want to confirm, and to emphasize, that if one has a chroot for a user account, then the FTP_BASE must be relative to the chroot directory, not a complete path to the filesystem root.

    In other words, if the full and real path to where WP is installed is
    then the FTP_BASE must be specified as

    I just fixed three of my sites using this advice.

    Yes, file permissions have to be correct, but the FTP_BASE was also required for my sites.

    With plugin version 0.8.2 … some additional observations.

    I have a chrooted setup on Ubuntu for my WP accounts and sites.

    I use an absolute path for FTP_BASE and it works.

    If I define this constant (below) then updates fail with permission violations on specific files.
    define (‘FTP_CONTENT_DIR’, ‘/var/www/wp_chroot/wpdocroot/wp-content/’);

    FOR EXAMPLE trying to update Yoast SEO I get:
    Update Failed: Could not copy file. wordpress-seo/admin/ajax/class-recalculate-scores-ajax.php

    If I use a path -relative to the chroot directory- then sometimes updates succeed.
    define (‘FTP_CONTENT_DIR’, ‘wpdocroot/wp-content/’);

    Note that because this is chrooted, I use relative to wp_chroot, not relative to the docroot of the WP site.

    If I also define FTP_PLUGIN_DIR it fails. Go figure.

    Also I like the idea of having the SSH2 password filled in automatically, but I do not like having it in plaintext in a configuration file, so I don’t put it in wp-config.php although in the past that has functioned.

    Thread Starter jimsky7


    More. If I only include in wp-config.php
    …it runs properly. If I add…
    …then all operations fail. Adding a plug-in fails. Updating fails. Deleting fails. I then remove the define for FTP_CONTENT_DIR and they work again.

    Thread Starter jimsky7


    Might be worth adding that wp-config.php contains lines defining these constants:

    define (‘FS_METHOD’, ‘ssh2’);
    define (‘FTP_BASE’, ‘/var/www/example/’);
    define (‘FTP_CONTENT_DIR’, ‘/var/www/example/wp-content/’);
    define (‘FTP_PLUGIN_DIR’, ‘/var/www/example/wp-content/plugins/’);
    define (‘FTP_USER’, ‘myusername’);
    define (‘FTP_PASS’, ‘mypassword’);
    define (‘FTP_HOST’, ‘’);
    define (‘FTP_SSL’, false);

    …with of course the correct data in them. Interestingly, when I commented out these lines in wp-config.php just now, and updated plug-ins and added one plug-in, the ssh-sftp-updater-support now asked me for log-in name and password and then it worked correctly. No errors. Honestly I would rather not have my STFP username and password in the config, so I think I’ll remove them, but perhaps there’s an error associated with having them defined rather than obtained interactively?

    I’ve got this same issue. Removing the “&” defeats the purpose of those functions, however, even if it eliminates the error. Somehow this core code needs to be addressed, maybe by WPE, maybe by WP.

    I also turned off all plug-ins, all themes except default WP, and none of that helped.

    Similar slowness here. WR MegaMenu added 6 seconds to site loading time. What is “Types” — I don’t have any plug-in by that name, however I do have custom post types implemented, and have some code in functions.php which implements our custom post type. Site is

    Thread Starter jimsky7


    To answer my own question, W3TC has a setting under -Page Cache- where you or I can select “Cache 404 (not found) pages.” Lots of options and it was already there.

    No response needed.

    Thread Starter jimsky7


    I’ll do that later, if necessary. I think there’s nothing that you’d have to do… I just did some testing using a direct (telnet) connection to the web server and found that HEAD does (as we would expect) cause the creation of a cached copy, and a subsequent HEAD or GET will retrieve the cached copy. So it’s working as expected. The W3TC .htaccess rules are and were correctly written when I first looked at them.

    Our problem is really with searchbots that hit us 5 to 10 times a second with HEAD requests, presumably thinking that HEAD is more economical than GET. It’s only more economical -for them- not for us, especially if they’re looking at old WP posts that are not in the cache, which might take a couple of seconds (each) to recreate (our site is very “backoffice heavy”).

    I’m working with the particular searchbot owner to try to get them to throttle their bot a bit, but it’s hard for them to even think about throttling because it basically feeds iPads through their app and on an iPad the usual human behavior is to flick-flick-flick right through page after page, expecting them to come up instantly. Not the same expectations as a computer-based site visitor who has the understanding that they’re on a big old heavy computer with a limited-bandwidth Internet connection. The iPadder expects it all to be instant. The world is going to be more and more like this … and W3TC will be more and more needed!

    Thread Starter jimsky7


    Also – your advice about theme CPU usage is good advice for someone who has just switched themes, but we’ve run this theme a couple of years and CPU usage is usually below 10% when pages are being served, so I’m not convinced that the WP 3.0 upgrade would have caused this to happen.

    Also, why would it be sporadic (24 to 72 hours) and why would the CPU usage continue at 100% until I kill Apache? This sounds more like a “looping” bug in the software somewhere than just high but legitimate usage on the part of a theme.

    The usage doesn’t bounce up and down, it just pegs the needle at 100% on all 4 CPUs and keeps them pegged until I shut down Apache. If anything, the term “wedged” applies here. ?? My guess is that this is in fact some kind of wedging effect where requests build up and overwhelm one process, or where in fact some code does have a flaw that causes a “tight loop” that uses up all CPUs.

    Ah – when it happens – and I have actually watched it happen – one CPU will crank to 100% and then a few seconds later another will crank to 100% and then might be 15 seconds later the third will crank up, and finally the fourth CPU cranks up to 100%. So probably httpd fulfilling a page request for one user, then another, then another, until there are multiple httpd processes each caught up in the fray. I suspect it is being triggered by something that requires a page being served.

    Grateful for any additional thoughts you or others may have.

    (I am upgrading to 3.0 on a Mac OSX server right now and will report if I get more data from that one – I can cut plugins down to just Akismet on that server, once it’s upgraded.)

    Thread Starter jimsky7


    I wonder if you know of a way of profiling PHP to understand which part of the system is hogging the CPU when this happens?

    Cutting to zero plugins isn’t an option for us on these sites. They depend on plugins for critical features.

    I have cut to zero on a site that has almost no traffic and that has been inconclusive for us. It does seem that some traffic is required for this to happen.

    I have also analyzed logs at the time of failure and there’s nothing odd in the http logs. Tried setting up WP’s PHP logging but that apparently gives us data only on PHP crashes, which we didn’t have, so gave up on it temporarily.

    This is often due to a <DIV> that has no matching </DIV>. Sometimes it’s just a mechanical error – if you’re writing your posts in HTML and haven’t closed a <DIV>. But more often it is…

    …more likely that there’s a <DIV> at the start of your post, with a <!–more–> break in the middle of some post and a closing </DIV> way down at the end of that post. when displayed on a page, the <!–more–> causes a “more…” to be displayed but the closing </DIV> is never reached. This causes the sidebar (which in most themes is a floating DIV) to “move” into the post content and “float” at the bottom of the content rather than float on the right (or left) side of the overall page.

    Also, if your page is showing “excerpts” this can cause the problem because the closing </DIV> is never reached if the excerpt is being created “automatically.”

    Best solution is, if possible, to remove the enclosing <DIV> </DIV> pair around the outside of the offending post, or to remove the “more…” break to test and verify that the problem is as I’ve described.

    I can’t tell if it relates to your overload. It was certainly overloading 2 of my 4 CPUs for 15 seconds or more every 3rd or 4th time a page was being viewed.

    The cause in my case was the algorithm used to determine how long entries are kept in the cache. So that was the nature of my question.

    I’m looking into the code myself at the moment and will end up modifying the algorithm to make my problems go away… don’t know yet how useful this will be for others.

    I just discovered some info that might be relevant to your question.

    The cache seems to be built on a post-by-post basis – when a particular post is browsed by a site visitor, its “related post IDs” go into a database table along with all of the posts that it “points to.”

    So for a theoretical post 9812 it might go into the table as:
    | reference_ID | ID |
    | 9812 | 0 |
    | 9812 | 7761 |
    | 9812 | 8032 |
    | 9812 | 8049 |

    meaning that 7761, 8032 and 8049 are related to (I’d say “pointed to by”) 9812. I don’t know what the “0” entry is…

    Posts 7761, 8032 and 8049, however are -removed- from the cache at this same time, so they’d have to be re-indexed in the future.

    So if you browse to one of them at a future time, they’ll get rebuilt by YARPP and entered into the table at that time (with their IDs appearing in the reference_ID column.

    I can kinda see how Mitcho would have thought that it would be useful to remove 9812 (in my case) from the table just in case it needed to be refreshed because some newly-published post now refers to it – but I don’t know that this is a necessary condition and in my case it causes “thrashing” because posts are frequently related to each other in “clusters” and browsing from one to the other causes long cache rebuilds taking about 15 seconds of CPU time each.

    I find that to be kind of a “bug” and reported it in

    Hopefully this info helps you understand something about when cache entries are created.

    Aha – I see what YARPP is doing – it is related to cache, but not exactly to this thread so I will open another thread to ask about it. No need to reply to what I asked above.

    I will call the new thread – “cache rules cause thrashing in 3.1.3”

    I love YARPP and have used and customized (templates) it extensively for myself and other NGOs.

    We found one of our servers running “extremely hot” today and MySQL was just running away using 100% of two CPUs every time a new page was being generated in WordPress. It was using 2 (fast) CPUs at 100% for about 15 seconds to generate each YARPP section for each post.

    I disabled YARPP and it went to normal performance.

    When I re-enabled, the CPUs went back to their cranking behavior.

    My guess is that the YARPP cache wasn’t working perfectly – just a guess. Because we were fine with YARPP after you put the cache in place some time ago. And now, the CPUs were running away when just random visitors were looking at posts – every post.

    We’re on WP 2.9.1, just for the last few days on this particular WP site, so perhaps there was some interaction with 2.9 or 2.9.1.

    I just installed the 3.1.4 beta of YARPP and so far things look good. Caches seem to be working. Just wanted to give you my first feedback on the beta.

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