Aaron –
Hopefully you can help with a similar issue here. It seems that no matter what i do, I get the same result. Is there a limit to the number of twitter feeds you can have on the page? Currently working on the site shoottokill.thebadcharacter.com and dont have any other plugins installed besides twitter widget pro.
There are 10 feeds I am attempting to capture. It works on and off. i thought it was a case of too many requests, but i let it sit for almost an entire day without checking it to only return to it not working. I increased the number of seconds each widget feed waits for a response to 15 secs, then to 25 secs. Neither have shown promising results. Is this too high of a delay for a response time? I am running the most up to date wordpress and version of your twitter widget pro. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you for all your hard work!