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  • have you upgraded to

    i don’t like ads. i don’t watch tv, so i don’t watch ads. i have never clicked on ads, because the ads offer me nothing i want, only what they think i want which is never anything useful. if we go down the route of “leave them on if you don’t donate” or something where you start to measure the users value based on how clicks they’ve made…

    well anyway it’s off topic, the ads link is gone and it makes me happy. to each their own

    very cool mate

    thanks vkaryl it’s the only thing i ever see on the forums – in that i’e always had the ad blocker in ff on which does a lovely job anyway:)

    damn that plugin is good!

    I really hate how this message board is. I have a hard time really all the post.

    not sure what you mean by that, this is a freely made board – it doesn’t have to be here, so you could show some gratitude for the work the guys put in here to make this board better as often as time allows them – they do have lives outside of this board.

    as to your main concern – what is the theme, since you haven’t mentioned it, if it’s a css file alone, then you need to build a template around it – or take an existing template and add the css elements – as long as you have permisison from the author.

    Otherwise read this:

    I’m personally disappointed with the way you expressed your view, perhaps you’ll put more thought into both your post and your tone the next time, or you won’t find much help here

    If you want to manage images, the default WP method is pretty poor. You are better off using other methods to manage your images, and ftp as lorelle states to upload your images.

    most of the image plugins SHOULD recognise ftped images once they are in their respective dir

    what bit do you find “abstract”? perhaps we can clarify for you

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Header Image Blank

    I would suggest placing your javascript and any related files in a folder within the theme (or outside if you plan to swtich themes) then use a link to the javascript – using inline javascript will likely cause a few errors to be seen.

    so you would use something like this in the head part of your document:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://yourdomain/pathtojavascript"></script>

    Looks cleaner doesn’t it? And it should function the same way too.

    I would also change your doc type – firstly although the page will validate as xhtml 1.1 you need to use applciation instead of text for the form amonst other things for it to truly validate and work properly with all browsers. So I would change whatever you have in the header of your document from what it is now to:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">

    <head profile=""&gt;

    This way you can be sure at 1.0 once your page is cleaned up that it will be more likely for it to work across more browsers – likely, but no guarantee, as we shouldn’t mix up a valid site as one that works without errors – each brwoser has its quirks.

    Now if you want you can make it even easier by making the doctype 1.0 transitional – your current error count is at 171 so you are making progress – but if you were to make it 1.0 transitional this would cut down to 158. 1.0 transitional still allows you to use some older elements and get away with a few things that you wouldn’t be able to witha strict document – it’s a stop gap between html 4.01 and strict 1.0 in easy terms to understand. So you may wish to consider that. It will be interesting to see xhtml 2.0. So really, the more valid you can make it now, the less problems you will have later should you nee to “upgrade” the doctype. Also remember that if you’re not going modular (to be used on mobile phones etc) with your site, 1.0 transitional is good enough.

    A quicker way to clean up your errors might be this:

    copy and paste the code intoa notepad document, then do a Find & Replace such as:

    Find <P>
    replace with:

    Find <!–
    Replace with: (just press space here and it should remove them)

    Find: –>
    Replace with: (same as above)

    That will make the process slightly easier. From what I can see there are a lot of repeat errors, which makes the clearing a lot easier because you can do it in sweeps.

    Thread Starter jinsan


    aye i undertand podz, but i only saw a few posts and wondered if we were to expect a mass flood of codex related announcements

    what have you done so far to use permalinks? can you write to your htaccess file on both servers?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Header Image Blank

    ‘We use a DSL network’

    Sorry just assumed you were using some sort of proxy for your network to share the dsl line. You’re using a router instead? Check your firewall settings as this can play with these issues. Ho wmany machines are not able to view the header image?

    try fixing these errors, though I guess they won’t do much since others can see it:

    I’ve noticed a lot of people using xhtml 1.1 incorrectly lately, probably as a way to say I’m the most up to date, but if used incorrectly it will affect the way your page is viewed.

    Additonally you’re using a lot of HTML code in an XHTML document that is claiming to be 1.1 valid even though the attributes of a 1.1 document are not even included – tags like center are valid to some extent but will be phased out. Use a div instead and apply the apprporiate values.

    264 validation errors is quite a lot

    contact stu at the bombsite – he has a support forum for themes, and I’d suggestt trying it – he’s very friendly and would be happy to help.

    as for the error – i’m a bit confused as the error says wp-include which is at the root dir, but in this case you’ve put your theme as the root and the install as a subdir?

    Did you convert this to 1.5 or did yu download it as a 1.2 style?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Header Image Blank

    clear the cache on your proxy? works here

    read this thread:

    I don’t see what the specific problem is, look at the source of where the problem is and fix it accoridng to the rules, start from 1 and go through it logically. So it tells you that the font tag is open but not closed, what would you do there? You close the tag. If it says li is mising, add it, if it says ul is open but not closed, do so and so on.

    Additionally to what jbbrwcky said, using styles within the markup, although allowed is not the best way to do things. Use divs instead.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Live (ajax) Spell Checker

    very cool mate, i’m sure this will come in quite handy

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