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  • This doesn’t exactly fix the issue as the alignwide and alignfull are both tied into this margin-right value that is removed with the code above.

    The issue you run into is the alignwide/full is offset to the right by a few hundred pixels.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: General Settings

    I tried to replicate your issue on my test site. I do not believe restricting registration by domain is included in a default WordPress installation, so it would appear that settings option was either theme or plugin related.

    You can try this plugin, it should add that functionality:

    Note: it works for non-BuddyPress sites as well.

    There are many great redirection plugins that can help you solve this issue. Here’s a link with a breakdown of the most popular ones.

    Redirection Plugins

    Are you trying to access the dashboard through or Try both and see what happens.

    You mentioned that this happened while installing plugins…have you tried disabling all the plugins via FTP? Go to your files via FTP and rename the plugin folder “plugin_old” then try logging in. Revert the plugin folder back to “plugins”. At this point they should all be deactivated. See if the problem persists, then turn the plugins back on one by one until you find the problem plugin (if this is indeed a plugin issue).

    I believe once you add that CSS code to the “Additional CSS” text field you will have a new active class that you can add to any html element, i.e. <p> tags etc.

    Assuming you added Steve’s code to your function.php file, and you added the CSS (short for cascading stylesheets) you can then go into your template files, these look like page.php or header.php and contain HTML and occasionally PHP.

    Find a <p> or <h1> tag and add the .NeuzeitSLT-BookHeavy class (classes are a CSS convention) to the tag like so <p class="NeuzeitSLT-BookHeavy"> <em>your text here</em></p>.

    If you wish to not add the code to each tag and wish to apply the font style to all h1, or h2, or p tags, change the CSS code found in the Additional CSS text field like so:

    p, h1, h2, h3 {
    font-family: NeuzeitSLT-BookHeavy;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

    And add any html element tag like I did above, followed by commas (except for the last tag).

    It is great that you are learning to code! Keep it up, and may I add looking into a few resources like this free Udacity course on HTML and CSS.

    Note: Please take Steve’s advice about hiring a developer if you wish to make changes to your live site and have users actively using the site. Learn to code on a development site, not the production.

    Best of luck!

    I am assuming that the copy of the site you are working on is hosted on a server, correct? As in not a localhost.

    If you can access the site from the “problem laptop” while connected to a different network, then the issue may lie within your network setup.

    I see you noted that you rebooted the modem, do you have a router as part of your setup? I recommend doing a full power cycle of the router and modem. You may have better luck reaching out to your ISP.

    Here is some information on WordPress backups. Just a note, investing in a backup option can save you a lot of time and aggravation in the future! I recommend Updraft Plus though there are a lot of great plugins out there.

    Additionally, a lot of hosts offer automatic backup options, as noted by Steve.

    Hello @handmadegb,

    Great questions! Granted, any work you choose to do to your site should be done on a local copy of WordPress or a staging site. It is bad form to make changes to the production site unless you are sure they will not affect user experience.

    That being said, since this is a custom theme by a developer, you may wish to reach out to them in regards to changing what they have built, there may be strange dependencies built into the theme that you would need to consider.

    Additionally, changing themes is easy with WordPress. If you make a local copy of your website you can experiment with new themes and make corrections to the layout without fear of messing up the production site. Then when you’re finished you can backup your current live site, then push the development copy to your live production server.

    I highly recommend checking out WooCommerce, it’s a great marketplace plugin that you can build out with addons.

    Hope this helps

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Instagram links

    Congrats @petere619,

    So to confirm for future readers of this post, we may have localized the issue to the Instagram cache? Glad it seems to have worked out for you!

    Hello @curlybee,

    You may need to reach out to the theme author as to how to implement the archive template (the theme may even provide one) as your theme is not covered by this forum.

    That being said, please take a look at the WordPress codex documentation on archives: seen here.

    Additionally, you can create posts and back date them so that they show up earlier in your blog listing.

    Hope this helps

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Instagram links

    Hmm, that sure is frustrating @petere619. Let’s see if we can come up with a solution.

    Try deleting the Instagram app on the iPhone and then reinstall the app. That should clear any saved data on the phone and test whether it’s cached on the phone.

    Would you mind posting a link to the site in question so I can take a look? Additionally, are you using any mobile plugins for your WordPress site?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Instagram links

    Hi @petere619

    Make sure you clear the browser cache as well while you’re clearing the history, check the settings of your browser.

    Hi @ogharon,

    Interesting topic…you could try the Product Catalog plugin which integrates Woocommerce products. You also have the ability to turn off pricing and I believe deliver digital content for download. Check that out, hopefully, it helps!

    Hello @prorankit!

    Not being able to reach your programmer surely is frustrating! Let’s see what solutions we can come up with.

    First, what is your theme? Is it free from the WordPress repository or a premium theme that you paid for? The WordPress forum dictates that you bring any questions you have about a premium theme or plugin to the author of the theme or plugin. If you list the theme name I can help you find the correct contact to reach out to!

    Considering how most themes are set up, it is most likely that the About Us section is contained in a Widget, so try starting there.

    If you go to the Pages section of the admin dashboard you may be able to find a page with the Front Page tag next to it. This is usually where your front page content comes from. Using the editor associated with the page (click ‘edit’) you can make changes to the content.

    But as far as changing the template itself, you may wish to wait for your programmer, or contact the appropriate Theme author.

    Note: Always make a backup of your site before you edit any content, especially if you’re uncertain of the outcome of your actions!

    Hope this helps!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: fixing url login

    If you are interested in moving WordPress to the root directory then please take a look at this codex entry Giving WordPress Its Own Directory. I would think Method II would probably be the correct course of action. Granted, these methods are moving WordPress FROM the root TO a subfolder, but I’m sure you can just follow the steps in reverse order.

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