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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: feedburner switch from wp.com to wp.orgwhen I tried to substituting that/feed, it did not take.
– What URL did you try? Your site’s curent feed —
— appears to be a valid feed.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: "If Category Then" on Single Post PageSomething like this, using has_category should work:
if ( has_post_thumbnail() && has_category( 6, $post ) { printf( '<div>%s</div>', get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'full' ) ); }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do you resize the Post/Visual Editor in WP 4.0?You could try targeting the wp-content-editor-container id or wp-editor-container class, but I don’t think it will have the effect you’re looking for since there’s a lot more going on than just the size of the editor.
What happens (if anything) if you toggle the Visual and Text tabs on the editor? Can you post a screenshot of the Text tab activated?
Lastly, it might make sense to manually overwrite your WordPress files (not wp-content) with a fresh copy.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Splitting CORE WordPress files from THEME?It sounds like they’re giving WordPress its own directory and moving wp-content to be next to the WordPress directory, which is not an unusual WordPress setup.
This shouldn’t change anything you do, but It sounds like you’ll need to treat /var/www/dev.wpmgpress.example.com/docroot/site-content as wp-content and place any theme/plugin files there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: child page limit countTo help debug, add this code after the
$pages = new WP_Query
line in loop-children.php:printf( '<!-- debugging child pages: %s -->', print_r( array( 'args' => apply_filters( 'graphene_child_pages_args', $args ), 'children' => $pages->posts, 'parent' => $post, 'sql' => $pages->request ), true ) );
Then view the source of a page that you know has child pages and put the
<!-- debugging child pages:
in a pastebin.com and then post the link here.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do you resize the Post/Visual Editor in WP 4.0?That is strange; can you try opening the chrome developer tools (and reload the page) to see if there are any javascript errors?
You might also try disabling any TinyMCE plugins one by one in case one of them is causing the issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do you resize the Post/Visual Editor in WP 4.0?Do you see the same issue when using another browser and/or after clearing your browser cache? If yes, can you post a screenshot of what you’re seeing?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do you resize the Post/Visual Editor in WP 4.0?It’s a new feature, when you keep scrolling down the page and the editor expands automatically.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Drop down menu malfunctionIn wp-content/themes/macro/style.css try replacing:
.tc-hover-menu.nav ul { top: 50px; }
/* .tc-hover-menu.nav ul { top: 50px; } /**/
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multisite – Change Upload Max Limit Per SiteThere is a way to modify the “fileupload_maxk” value for each blog, but the example code below depends on hardcoding a blog id to limit array ($blog_upload_map). I’ll reiterate, but slightly tweak Ipsteni’s warning from above:
This is advanced stuff. Do not edit these things recklessly and thoroughly test on a development install before applying to a live site
function filter_fileupload_maxk( $maxk ) { global $current_blog; // the blog_upload_map data could also be stored as an option for each blog $blog_upload_map = array( 1 => 2000, // blog 1 can upload files 2MB in size or less 2 => 5000, // blog 2 can upload files 5MB in size or less 3 => 30000 // blog 3 can upload files 30MB in size or less ); if ( isset( $blog_upload_map[$current_blog->blog_id] ) && absint( $blog_upload_map[$current_blog->blog_id] ) ) { $maxk = $blog_upload_map[$current_blog->blog_id]; } return $maxk; } add_filter( 'pre_site_option_fileupload_maxk', 'filter_fileupload_maxk' );
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multisite – Change Upload Max Limit Per SiteThis means that for Site1 Upload limit will be default at 2mb but for Site2 the Max Upload Limit would be 16mb?
— I’m a little confused, do you want to limit the size of each uploaded file:
- example1.com can upload files 2MB in size or less
- example2.com can upload files 5MB in size or less
- example3.com can upload files 30MB in size or less
or do you want to limit the total disk space a site can use:
- example1.com can upload up to 20MB of files (could be tens or hundreds of files)
- example2.com can upload up to 100MB of files (could be tens or hundreds of files)
- example3.com can upload up to 250MB of files (could be tens or hundreds of files)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving wordpress – stuckso in theory the pathways of the site at the new VPS should work?
— yes, this should help you debug if anything was missed during the transfer
If so, am I supposed to add the following to the hosts file (where is my new Ip-adress): mydomain.com
— yes, exactly. I’d also add “www” just to be safe: mydomain.com www.mydomain.com
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving wordpress – stuckI haven’t yet moved the domain as I want to make sure everything works at the new server first
— You can simulate this by mapping the domain to the new IP address in your hosts file so all requests go to the new VPS
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: icons appearing in IE are strange in FirefoxI’ve run into this problem before and it was an apache configuration issue.
I would contact your web host and ask them to make sure they support webfonts using the config above.
You should be able to search a directory of files on your computer using a text editor like Notepad++ (pc), TextMate (mac), or Sublime Text (both).