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@loesshillshog – You may be experiencing the same problem many of us are having. You may want to read the thread at @contemplate has come up with a temporary solution until the plugin is fixed. If this does not work for you, you probably have a different problem.
@zhiv9 – I tried to get the plugin page to load 20-30 times with no success (504 Gateway timeout errors).
@contemplate – I changed the timeout variable from 15 to 1, and now instead of it taking 30 seconds to load an admin page it only takes about 5 seconds and I can now access the plugins page as well. Thanks for the temporary solution.
Thanks @zhiv9, I will try this, and let you know if I ever get it to work without timing out.
To give a more detailed answer, once I disable the JS cache, I have to manually deactivate the plugin by changing the name of the plugin folder on the server. I have to do it this way as clicking on the plugin option in WordPress just times out and does not load the plugin page. Once I rename the calendar plugin folder and reload a WordPress dashboard page, WordPress automatically deactivates the plugin as it can no longer find it due to the folder name change. From their I can rename the folder back to its original name and reactivate the plugin. But it is still very slow. @zhiv9, were you able to load the plugin page and deactivate it that way? If so, maybe the method I am using is not actually deleting the JS cache, but I do not know another way to deactivate the plugin, since the plugin page will not load.
Thanks @zhiv9, but I have tried turning off JS cache, deactivating and reactivating plugin, but no change in speed.
It may also be that this problem started happening with the release of WordPress 4.4.2. That release came out about a week ago, and GoDaddy automatically upgraded that for me, so maybe there is a correlation with that.
Thought I would add my voice since I am having the same problem with slowness on the back-end. It happened before 2.3.8, because I was having this slowdown before upgrading the plugin. I do not remember what version I was running that started the problem, but it has been going on for a week or two now.
It is definitely this plug-in. I am only running about 6 plugins, and I deactivated each one individually, and it only sped back up to normal when I deactivated the event calendar. I am not using any type of caching plugin. I have tried the steps above of disabling JS cache, de- and re-activating plugin, but did not help. I also tried recopying a fresh download of the 2.3.8 plugin to my plugins folder, but that did not help either.
I am running my site through GoDaddy as a WordPress Managed site. I am running WordPress 4.4.2. As a side note, when I click any tab on the backend (i.e. Posts, Media, Pages, etc.), it takes about 30 seconds to respond and load the page. However, if I click on the Plugins tab, it usually does not load at all and eventually errors out with a server timeout or just shows a blank white page.