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  • If anyone else is still having this issue I found in my case this was from never enabling the global protection. I just enabled it and then disabled it again and it added the necessary key to the database and stopped throwing that error.

    Thread Starter jlongbrake


    I have found where the conflict is. It is in the block.js files that add the gutenberg block. I was getting a console error from PDF Embedder that variables had already been declared. The first three lines of your /block/block.js (this is also in the .min file) file declares the following variables:

    const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
    const { _ } = wp.i18n; // Import the _ function for localization
    const { createElement } = wp.element; // Destructuring for easier usage

    PDF Embedder uses the same variables when creating their element and cannot redeclare those variables after your plugin sets them so the block never gets registered properly. I’ve found that if I change your code to declare them as “var” everything works in both plugins.

    Thread Starter jlongbrake


    I just updated and have the same issue. I have PDF embedder installed first. When I upgrade Weather atlas and go to the admin dashboard and check a post that already has a PDF embedder block saved I get a message that says “Your site doesn’t include support for the PDF Embedder block. You can try installing the block, convert it to a Custom HTML block, or remove it entirely.” If I try to readd the pdf embedder block it can no longer be found in the block list. It only comes back if I rollback Weather atlas to a version before 2.0.

    Thread Starter jlongbrake


    Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately that still doesn’t fit my use case. However, the plugin solution has been working great! I was just hoping to find an easier way to manage the third party shortcode area. ??

    Thanks for all your help!

    Thread Starter jlongbrake


    I’ve created my own plugin and got it working, but I have a follow-up question. When adding shortcodes to the “Third Party Shortcodes” area, I have to add a separate shortcode for each video I want to embed. Is there a way to do a wildcard so that I only have to put the shortcode once?

    Thread Starter jlongbrake


    So I tried what you suggested with Embed Plus YouTube WordPress Plugin, but it is still not processing the shortcode, even with it added in the third party section. Any other advice?

    Thread Starter jlongbrake


    Turns out I did get the shortcode (easy) one working, but the YouTube thing was a separate issue. I knew there would be more use cases that needed addressed which is why I wanted to suggest it to you. Thanks for taking a deeper look into it and I look forward to this future release ??

    Thread Starter jlongbrake


    Thanks for looking into it and for your suggestions!

    Thread Starter jlongbrake


    Yes, it is the CSS that is conflicting. I wasn’t asking you to correct that issue. I’ve already corrected the styling issue. I’m just saying that your plugin injects a div element on pages that have the password form. Pages without that form won’t have that extra div usually. Why would you not just leave the extra div off? It just creates a different layout to have to style. What is the purpose of the added div because it seems to work just fine for me when I remove it? Or why not add an option for people to choose if and how their content is wrapped? Just offering a suggestion.

    Thread Starter jlongbrake


    Just realized my fix broke some things, like the YouTube embed block lol. Going for another option now. Would still be a nice feature to add to the plugin.

    Thread Starter jlongbrake


    Yes, I was having this issue with Gutenberg blocks. I was having this issue on one server, but not my dev server for some reason. I even tried to make sure the environments were the same, but can’t figure out what’s different.

    It seems that sometimes enabling a second time would correct the issue, or adding another Gutenberg block would also fix it sometimes.

    I tried your pre-release version and it seems to have fixed whatever issue I was having. Thanks! ??

    I am having the same issue with this. Can we get a timeframe for a fix for this?

    Thread Starter jlongbrake


    I’ve figured out a solution to this using a regular WordPress query. I found and modified some code from a plugin that does this for venues. Here is what I ended up with if it happens to help anyone in the future:

    global $wpdb;
    $args = array(
    	'post_type' => 'tribe_events',
    	'meta_query' => array(
    		'relation' => 'AND',
    			'key' => '_EventStartDate',
    			'value' => $end_date->format('Y-m-d H:i'),
    			'compare' => '<'
    			'key' => '_EventEndDate',
    			'value' => $start_date->format('Y-m-d H:i'),
    			'compare' => '>'
    	'tax_query' => array(
    			'taxonomy'	=> 'tribe_events_cat',
    			'field'		=> 'slug',
    			'terms'		=> $room
    $events_on_date = get_posts($args);
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by jlongbrake.
    Thread Starter jlongbrake


    So I think I found the problem, but it’s going to be very tedious to sort out. I did find some URLs in the uploads folder in the list I sent you, but it looks like the wrong folder ID is set in the database. I’m not sure how that happened, but the only way I can figure out how to fix it is to go through and manually fix them. I’ve already reset the database and tried to have it rescan again, but the error remains.

    Thread Starter jlongbrake


    ### wp-core ###
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