I used a combination of Jose Castaneda (here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/blackbird-latest-update-lost-homepage?replies=40#post-5566788) and IonicaBizau’s advice (here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/blackbird-latest-update-lost-homepage?replies=40#post-5575892).
This is probably much easier if you have shell access, but is also possible with other methods of server access.
Step 1: create a blackbird child theme. The only thing you need is to create a folder under wp-content/themes named Blackbird-child or something like that. Create the style.css in that new folder to reference the “master” blackbird theme and location.
I believe the necessary lines are:
Theme Name: BlackBird-child
Theme URI: https://www.inkthemes.com/blackbird-wordpress-org/
Template: blackbird
@import url("../blackbird/style.css");
Note that the import line should not be inside a comment, but everything else should.
Step 2: extract the Blackbird 1.2.0 file and copy front-page.php and index.php to your new child theme folder. Do not copy them into your “master” blackbird theme folder.
This worked for me, and fixed the missing Blackbird home page/front page problem.