I have not. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but how exactly would I go about not showing the event descriptions?
I double checked my time zone settings and they are correct as well. The weird thing that is happening with mine is that it shows an event that took place yesterday (last night – from 6 to 930pm) but when I click the details, it shows up as today from 1am-4am). Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated. PS, I tried clearing all cache as well with no luck.
I figured it out. It wants the XML link NOT the ical link
I forgot to add that maybe it is picking up rules from Outlook and not showing the changes we make on a constant basis?
cefiar, thanks so much! This worked perfectly
You might not have a div closed
Got it, nevermind
I tried re-exporting today with no luck. It’s still saying it’s empty…
Sorry not sure what you mean exactly. You mean version of WordPress? The old one is 3.9