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  • Thread Starter jmaubert75


    Hey guys,

    I realize this is not premium support, but it’s been a long time and you’ve already answered several more recent issues.

    You could have said something like “it’s a tricky question” or “we’re looking into it”, but ignoring the question does not encourage me to buy the product (which I’m considering, but I’d like that issue resolved before doing so).

    Would you please take a look ?


    Thread Starter jmaubert75


    Hello everybody,

    Could you please take a look at this issue ?


    Ijust wanted to say that I have exactly the same problem.
    I just could not find any way to save custom field.

    Thread Starter jmaubert75


    ARGH !

    I guess it would be possible with javascript, something involving a delay just after having called the dialog box…
    But I’m quite a javascript noob ??

    An even better result would be to keep the display even when the browser follows the link…

    Do you have any clue ?

    Thread Starter jmaubert75


    I did not put # as the href, because the link is an actual one !

    Dialog display is not the primary purpose of the link
    I want to display some information to users that click on specific links (those are affiliate links : I want to keep them ! ;))

    Here is the link :
    external link

    Thread Starter jmaubert75


    Thanks. Works fine !

    Thread Starter jmaubert75


    Of course you are.

    OMG everytime I try to be friendly, you come back again.

    OK then let me tell you more abruptly what I think :

    1) You talk about your plugin and your work as if it was completely un-interested. Just for free. Do you think people are stupid ?
    Your main purpose is to sell the pro version.
    That is fine by me but please do not speak about the time you spend for free just for the well-being of the community.
    you know as much as I do that this is investment to sell the pro version.

    2) Yes I gave a bad review. You just can’t take it and you won’t admit it…
    You feeled obligated to justify yourself (that is natural) and then defend yourself by being quite rude with a condescendant tone : “Hey guy, you’re a noob here. You just can’t say my plugin does not work well” “you’re not respectful and you just don’t understand anything”

    Let me say it another way.
    I’m just a customer. Oh forgive me it was “free” => I’m just a user.
    I’m using a product, a quite simple one and … it does not work !
    Of course I won’t give 5 stars for it !
    Would you be happy after getting let’s say a new computer, that you’d have to call support before even being able to boot it ?I don’t think so.

    It seems we do not understand each other.
    That happens.
    Anyway, I wish the best for you and your plugin.

    Thread Starter jmaubert75


    I apologized for the rudeness of my initial post but apparently it’s not enough.
    You must be really upset…

    “You do understand that the plugins are free”
    > I think I do. Let me check my bank account ??

    “It’s not just your time.”
    > Yes it is. Why ?
    >Because it’s YOUR CHOICE to give a part of your time to the users. And it’s very nice of you. Really.
    >However it is NOT MY choice to spend time trying to make a simple plugin to work.

    “The plugin works”
    > If it was true, we would not have this conversation.
    > Let me correct that for you : “the plugin works for a majority of users”.
    > Unfortunately I’m not one of them ??

    “you are fairly new to the community. Get use to conflicts with plugins and themes.”
    > I guess your condescendant tone is just a fair response to my initial abrupt tone.
    > that’s ok. ??

    Thread Starter jmaubert75


    I would agree if we were talking about additionnal functionnalities or small bugs, or improvements.

    However we’re talking about a plugin :
    – whose MAIN functionnality does not work (in my environment, I might add) and that is not a very complicated one
    – whose deactivation brought me other problems.

    Therefore I won’t spend much time trying to contact support, which will ask me if I have the latests versions, ask me to deactivate my other plugins to see if there is compatibility pb, tell me to grant access, and so on.

    However I’m sorry If my review was too rude : it’s just that every time I look for a plugin, I spend soooo much time finding one that correctly does what it says. Most of time I have to try 3 or 4 before finding one. And that annoys me a lot.
    That is why my initial post was a little abrupt.

    Thread Starter jmaubert75



    Topic is resolved after deactivating/reactivating all plugins & flushing permalinks.

    Thx Josh.

    Thread Starter jmaubert75


    Hey Josh,

    I must say I am impressed !
    Thanks for the export functionnality. It will help a LOT.

    About the bots : in my stats, I still have :
    > 66.249.*.* which is identified as googlebot (according to
    > 157.55.*.* which is identified as MSN bot

    BTW is it possible, in a future relesse, to add a checkbox to filter my own IP adress ? ??

    About 3 :
    Thanks again for the feature ! But…
    displayed username is always tha same for all IP adresses.
    Including googlebot ??
    Wait, does this mean, I’m the new official owner of googlebot ?
    I’ve got the allmighty poweeeer !!
    Oh sorry about that…
    I was just saying, even when visitor are logged-in, add-on displays my username right next to all IPs.

    Anyway, thanks for the faster-than-light-support.

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