Forum Replies Created
Have you found a fix to your problem? The images on your site appear to be aligned as neatly as they can be given the varying image sizes.
I had a site with similarly mis-matched image sizes. I made its display more clean by working with the images in an image editor before uploading them. In the image editor, I added enough white space around each image so that the final image size (with the background) was always the same size. I also removed the borders around each image so the added white space wasn’t obvious to the eye.
I’m having this problem as well. Everything was working well with WordPress 3.1.2 and NextGen 1.8.4–galleries displayed in nice rows. When I upgraded to WordPress 3.3.1 and NextGen 1.9.2, my galleries started to display in a single column when added to a post or page. Oddly, they work correctly (display in rows and columns) when placed in a widget.
I do know how to create HTML tables, and that is not the problem in my case. NextGen’s gallery templates are designed to take care of this sort of layout. I have even tried importing a .php template from an older version of NextGen, but it doesn’t work in this version.
@deepthy, thanks so much for posting your solution! I changed the permissions for nextgen-gallery/admin/upload.php from 644 to 755 and now everything works beautifully.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Post Widget] [Plugin: Quick Post Widget] tinybrowse doesn't work!I’m also having problems with uploading images using the Browse button. The error I get is:
Unable to create the ‘/usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/’ directory – please check your permissions.
(shc-editor is the account name being used)
I have tried changing the permissions on the wp-content/uploads folder to 0777. I also tried pre-creating the folder wp-content/uploads/shc-editor/images within the uploads folder. Neither approach worked.
Can you tell me what permissions I need to set and/or what else needs to be done?
The Quick Post Page on my website is at I am using WordPress 3.3.1(not multisite).
I am not using an SSL backend
WordPress is in a subfolderThank you for taking so much time on this!
Alex, the core media uploader (WordPress > Media > Multi-file upload) works just fine.
ADWheeler, we do have some slight differences in our problems. My error just shows “HTTP Error,” it doesn’t have a number (500 in your case). And my upload does not show that it has finished; it says “0 files uploaded” and indicates a failure.
The problem occurs in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on PCs running Windows 7 or Windows XP. Same problem in Internet Explorer but with an error message of “I/O Error” instead of “HTTP Error”.
NextGEN 1.9.1 is the version that was developed to be compatible with WP 3.3. Guess it isn’t fully compatible yet. I was hoping there was a workaround or that enough people would be having this problem to prompt a fix,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Hoe do I find the URL of my blog to set up RSS feed?Your RSS feed is probably one of the following, depending on what protocol you want to use. Codex has a good article on RSS feeds at
It appears to have been a server-side caching issue. Seems to have been resolved by disabling my caching plugin.
You should be able to do this with the theme’s page templates.
Go to the page you want to adjust, look in the Page Attributes section (just below the Publish/Update button), and try one of the other templates supplied with the theme (from one column with no sidebars to three columns with variously positioned sidebars).
If none of the supplied templates work, you’ll have to build your own. (see
@vbk100: Thanks for the extra info. I find I can add locations with events, which provides a workaround. BTW, switching between “Yes” and “No” for the “Use dropdown for locations” did not make it possible for me to add locations separately, as it appears to have done for you.
@marcus: I see at least one other thread in these forums where a mutlisite installation has difficulty with adding locations. Is this a known problem that will be addressed, or are we misunderstanding something?
I am having the same problem (or something that shows up the same way) in my multisite installation at (subsite: I have a bit more information which leads me to think that the issue is between the Locations UI and the database.
When I go to Events – Locations – Add New and enter data, I get a message saying the location/venue was successfully added. However, when I go to the list of Locations, it shows that there are no venues. However, if I try to re-add the venue and look at the slug, it appears with a numerical prefix (galaxy-theatre-2, for example). So I think the location is being entered into the database but isn’t being pulled up by the UI.
Also, if I add an event, the location does show up as soon as I start typing the first few letters. (I’m not using drop-down for locations, but pre-entered locations do prefill as I type.)
I’m running WordPress 3.2, Event Manager 4.13, and am signed in as the network administrator (I’ve also tried it as an Editor and a site administrator)
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Deleting post/page in multisite crashes sub-siteI re-uploaded the files in wp-admin and wp-includes, and then deactivated the plugins, but it made no difference.
Additional info: the only subsite that is broken is the one where I deleted the page ( The primary site ( and the other subsites ( and are working. Even if I add and delete pages on those subsites, they continue to work properly.
In the broken subsite, I cannot get to the front end, or to either Pages or Posts in the Admin panel on the backend. I can maneuver through the rest of the Admin area.