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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Redirecting Sub domains to main domainAny Ideas on this?
Found something on the net after one more look. Dropped it into a plugin errors are gone.
$ignore = E_STRICT; if (defined('DEBUG_IGNORE_DEPRECATED') && DEBUG_IGNORE_DEPRECATED) { $ignore |= E_DEPRECATED; } error_reporting(E_ALL ^ $ignore); ini_set('log_errors', 0); ini_set('display_errors', 0); ini_set('error_log', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/debug.log');
Might want to look at ( is_single() OR ( is_page()
Might help get you in the right direction.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Jump to page anchorwow, I had tried that before and it did not work, seems to do the trick. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] I can't limit the items number in category template tagsForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] USPS xml style wierd charThis worked: Just in case someone needs it.
function _clean_response( &$response ) { $bad_encoding = array( "& amp;lt;sup& amp;gt;", ";& amp;lt;/sup& amp;gt;" ); $good_encoding = array( "<sup>", "</sup>" ); $response = str_replace( $bad_encoding, $good_encoding, $response );
remove the Space after the & above.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] USPS xml style wierd charForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] USPS xml style wierd charThat did not work but atleast I know where it is at. This is what I have:
function _clean_response( &$response ) { $bad_encoding = array( "<sup>&", ";</sup>" ); $good_encoding = array( "<sup>","</sup>" ); $response = str_replace( $bad_encoding, $good_encoding, $response ); }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] Shortcode sort by SKUI resolved this issue. Thank you to Varktech for the code hints.
I changed the wpsc-list_view.php file to show a list of products, creating table headers.
Added the code to show the sku in the list:<?php echo get_post_meta(wpsc_the_product_id(), '_wpsc_sku', true); ?>
Added a case to the wpsc-functions.php wpsc_product_sort_order_query_vars around line 826:
case "sku": add_filter( 'posts_join_sku', 'wpsc_add_meta_table_sku' ); add_filter( 'posts_where_sku', 'wpsc_add_meta_table_where_sku' ); $query_vars["meta_key"] = '_wpsc_sku'; $query_vars["orderby"] = '_wpsc_sku'; break;
after the function I added the $where and $join statements:
function wpsc_add_meta_table_where_sku($where){ global $wpdb; remove_filter( 'posts_where_sku', 'wpsc_add_meta_table_where_sku' ); return $where . ' AND ' . $wpdb->postmeta . '.meta_key = "_wpsc_sku"'; } /** * add meta table join section for ordering by sku * */ function wpsc_add_meta_table_sku($join){ global $wpdb; remove_filter( 'posts_join_sku', 'wpsc_add_meta_table_sku' ); if(strpos($join, "INNER JOIN ON (".$wpdb->posts.".ID = ".$wpdb->postmeta.".post_id)") !== false){ return ' JOIN ' . $wpdb->postmeta . ' ON ' . $wpdb->posts. '.ID = ' . $wpdb->postmeta . '.post_id'; }else{ return $join; } }
Only reason I posted this is for anyone else that may need to do something similar in the future. I hope it helps, as I could not find or get help other then from varteck.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] Shortcode sort by SKUThanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] Display product from Category in a pageCreate a Page use the shortcode [wpsc_products category_id=’ID#’ sort_order=’name’]
I did something similar. I edited the wpec_list_view.php template file that was in my themes directory to look the way i wanted.
See: for shortcodes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] Shortcode sort by SKUwould you know or have any idea to add the ability to sort by SKU?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP eCommerce] Shortcode sort by SKUAny ideas on how to sort by sku on the category list?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Store Locator Plus?] Can't set width and Height of map.I am also having this issue. Not able to set the width or height of the map. Also, when changing the map Icons, it always reverts to the default. Running 3.8.5 of SLP.