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  • Thread Starter jmrufi


    In fact both warnings are dismissable.
    The first one (cache not writable) wasn’t (it’s why I told about this message that displayed since last upgrade), but this morning the click on the “dismiss” button worked :-).

    So now I don’t have any warning message and everything is OK.

    I deeply thank you having answered so quickly and efficiently. It’s GREAT.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter jmrufi


    I’m so sorry and, really, I don’t understand what’s happening.

    Just before going to bed, I decided to have a look again. And, surprise, it works…
    I installed the 1.1.1 version of extended views again and chose the Posterboard and it works. I can’t explain why.

    But in the same time I must say that the message just above (write permission) still appears in the Dashboard and I have another message:
    All-in-One Event Calendar

    Disabled add-on “All-in-One Event Calendar Extended Views by” due to an error
    Addon All-in-One Event Calendar Extended Views by needs to be at least in version

    Request Uri: /wp-admin/plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=all-in-one-event-calendar-extended-views%2Fall-in-one-event-calendar-extended-views.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=198bbf1133

    And I confirm the extended view version is 1.1.1 as it appears in the Dashboard.

    It would be pretty if both of them could disappear; because it makes me think the problem isn’t entirely solved.


    Thread Starter jmrufi


    May I bring another question, that I think is tied to my problem.

    Since a last upgrade, I have always this message in the Dashboard :
    Cache directories, /home/www/…/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/cache/, are not writable. Your calendar will perform more slowly until you make this directory writable by the web server.

    As explained above, this directoy has the Unix Privilèges 0775. I decided to test the all privilèges options, that means Unix Privilèges to 7777; it didn’t change anything.

    May be it helps you ???
    Thank you to continue to help restoring the situation.

    Thread Starter jmrufi


    Thank you;
    First for your very fast answer. And it almost completely worked.

    I had the calendar again, but the extension posterboard didn’t work. And I recognize this view is very fun, with categories color, etc.

    I didn’t know my 1.0.8 Version of Extended Views had to be upgraded, nothing teaching me that. I discovered it with the error messages in the dashboard. It’s why I deleted the old version to install the last one (1.1.1).

    It seems there is this problem

    Failure in All-in-One Event Calendar core:
    Failed to create cache directory: /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/cache//twig/

    exception ‘Ai1ec_Bootstrap_Exception’ with message ‘Failed to create cache directory: /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/cache//twig/’ in /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/lib/theme/compiler.php:128
    Stack trace:
    #0 [internal function]: Ai1ec_Theme_Compiler->ai1ec_twig_environment(Array)
    #1 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-includes/plugin.php(214): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #2 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/lib/theme/loader.php(475): apply_filters(‘ai1ec_twig_envi…’, Array)
    #3 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/lib/theme/loader.php(297): Ai1ec_Theme_Loader->_get_twig_instance(Array, true)
    #4 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/app/controller/front.php(705): Ai1ec_Theme_Loader->get_file(‘timely-menu-ico…’, Array, true)
    #5 [internal function]: Ai1ec_Front_Controller->admin_head(”)
    #6 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-includes/plugin.php(505): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #7 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-admin/admin-header.php(122): do_action(‘admin_head’)
    #8 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-admin/plugins.php(366): require_once(‘/home/www/e4b12…’)
    #9 {main}

    Request Uri: /wp-admin/plugins.php?plugin_status=all&paged=1&s

    Isn’t there a problem with the directory name …/cache//twig with the double / ?
    Because the directory twig exists, but directly under cache; all my directories have the permissions Unix 775, so they are writable.

    For instance, nothing works at all.

    Could you tell me what I have to do ?

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