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  • Thread Starter jnasoy


    Hello Michael,
    After spending more time debugging and contacting our hosting provider, i found out that a certain plugin that was also recently auto-updated was causing the issue.

    Thanks so much for the quick responses, keep up the good work!

    Thread Starter jnasoy


    Thanks for quick response, still figuring out the actual error. Tried to disable archive page in cpt ui tool and it shows 404 error, which is expected, but if I turn it back on, it will show the error again. We have our staging running older version of CPT UI and the same archive page is working fine ( Haven’t done any theme update, only plugins.

    Thread Starter jnasoy


    Perfect! Thank you

    Thread Starter jnasoy



    Thank you for the response. I implemented a check in the assigned terms value and it seems to work.

    Another question, Does the glsr_create_review only accepts terms id in assinged_terms value?

    I’ve tried using the slug but it doesn’t work. No problem if I use the term/category ID.

     $review = glsr_create_review([
            'rating' => $qualityR_val,
            'name' => $author_user,
            'email' => $author_email,
            'date' => $date,
            'assigned_users' => $author_id,
            'assigned_posts' => $assigned_post_id,
            'assigned_terms' => 139,
            'ip_address' => $ip_address,
            'quality_rating' => $qualityR_val,
            'service_rating' => $serviceR_val,
            'sustainability_rating' => $sustainabilityR_val


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by jnasoy.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by jnasoy.
    Thread Starter jnasoy



    The second review for every submitted review is assigned to a specific category or term and its rating value is based on the custom field of the main form (which doesn’t have terms assigned to it).

    I have 3 main categories for the ratings, quality, service, and sustainability.

    I could just add 3 rating forms that assigns to the different categories/terms but that will have 3 different submit button for each category form which does not meet my requirement. The requirement is to have single submit button for the multiple category ratings.

    My solution is have a form that does not assigned to any categories but add custom field for quality, services, and sustainability ratings.

    In order for me to easily display the rating of each categories, I need to dynamically create rating entry for the different categories every time a new rating (with the custom field) is submitted.

    Maybe there’s a better approach to this and I’m just over-complicate it ??

    I hope I explain it clearly ??

    Thank you

    Thread Starter jnasoy


    So apparently setting the field to required doesn’t trigger the custom validation, you need to modify the plugins custom validation using the following filter

    add_filter('site-reviews/validation/rules', function ($rules) {
        $rules['overall_rating'] = 'required';
        $rules['quality_rating'] = 'required';
        $rules['service_rating'] = 'required';
        $rules['sustainability_rating'] = 'required';
        return $rules;
    Thread Starter jnasoy


    Thank you so much for the response. I will try the options

    Thread Starter jnasoy


    Here’s my initial solution.

    I just grabbed all the reviews using glsr_get_reviews function and setup a condition that if user_id == current_loggedin_user_id, saved the assigned_to IDs in an array and use it in post__in to query the posts. This requires more than one queries, which I don’t really care that much but does anyone know a more efficient way to do it?

    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by jnasoy.
    Thread Starter jnasoy


    Thanks for your response.
    Thats a handly hook but can you guide mo through what should my logic block looks like? Like how can i get star rating input value and save in a specific category. Sorry im new in wordpress, can you show me how the code block looks like?

    Thank you so much

    Thread Starter jnasoy


    Thank you for your response.
    I’ve checked the link you’ve provided and its so cool that we could do more customization to the rating form,

    One question, is there a way I can programmatically assigned the submitted valued of a custom field to a certain rating category?




    That’s great to here. Looking forward to it. Great work!




    Im also looking forward for this implementation in next version.

    For now, is there a way (maybe a function) that we can use to check if the logged in user already submitted a review in a specific category?


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