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  • joan


    You might try a search ( ) for “cms” in here. I know I’ve come across many posts that discuss using WordPress as a content management system that have been very informative &/or inspiring and checking out the websites of those who’ve used it as such, it’s always very interesting to see what they’ve achieved with WP.

    I’m pretty much the total noob myself, but this is a direction I’d like to go with WP as well.



    Many many many thanks for all your effort! ??

    This viewer has made life so much easier for me. It’s wonderful.



    “That is, pipe your posts from WP to the forum as a new topic and allow discussion there.”

    Hi, I’m very much in my WP learning curve here and this comment caught my eye. What do you mean by “pipe your posts?” Is there a way to have a blog post show up in your forum as a new topic for discussion there? I am eventually looking to integrate Invision Power Board and WordPress for a site in just such a manner.

    My apologies for highjacking the thread ?? but hopefully this question might be useful to the thread author as well.

    Thank you,


    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Just up

    This is probably better suited to the How To & Troubleshooting section to get your question about the review category answered.

    As for “ideas,” your site at the moment really doesn’t tell me what it’s about, either via the design or content. i.e. it doesn’t really have it’s own identity. I think that is your first step, to put an individual stamp on it. Working towards that will expose you to many ideas along the way. For those of us viewing your site right now it’s rather hard to answer such a question though.

    Visit sites like Podz and the codex to learn how to further customize things. And visit as many blogs as you can and you will no doubt find ideas you want to impliment.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: My Humor site

    I would have to agree with alphaoide that the ad indeed looks like the content. What is visible to me when I arrive at your page gives me no real sense of what your page is about. It makes me feel like when I get redirected to one of those sites filled with nothing but commercial links vaguely related to the original page I was looking for. Myself, it’s rare for me to stick around and scroll through a site to dig beyond that initial impression unless I know there’s some very good reason, so my suggestion would be first and foremost address that, and then perhaps work on giving it some individual style that gives the site its own identity and draws people in.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to:

    ^ Let me answer that with a resounding YES! ??

    Any images you post to the web should be optimized to a reasonable size. Reasonable in both file size and dimension. In a program like Photoshop or similar, re-size your image to something like 600 x 400 pixels, so that even someone viewing at an 800 x 600 screen resolution can easily take in the whole image. Now that you have an image with reasonable dimensions, reduce the file size considerably. Photoshop will easily let you get the file size well below 100kb without losing visual quality with the ‘Save for Web’ feature. You can get the file size much smaller than that while retaining good quality, but at the very least try to make sure you never exceed 100kb.

    Hope that helps. Good luck with the site. Looks quite good other than the image size issue!

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Comments on design

    Very nice looking design. I am so new at this and just in the process of fumbling about attempting to customize my own first site, so am I understanding correctly that you did all this by customizing the default files that come with WordPress?

    Anyway, I’m using Safari and it looks good. My only nitpick would be that the calendar is right at the edge of the page in the top corner which makes it look a bit out of place with the other elements of the page, but you’ve indicated the calendar gave you troubles. All in all, impressive work!

    I really like that. Nice work!

    I get a 404 with that link

    My quick reaction to what I see…

    Overall layout looking pretty good. The broken outline around the quote in your left column doesn’t appeal to me. Maybe no outline at all would be better? I don’t think the “Not” in your title stands out quite enough against the image. You might want to tweak that a bit.

    These are some quick reactions, as I said, to the visuals that immediately greet me when I click on your link. It’s a nice clean design you’ve got going. I don’t think it’s quite there yet, but you’re on your way.

    Very clean looking. At a glance, I think I might like to see a bit more space buffering between the columns. Other than that, looks great so far.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: WP Live Help

    I don’t think I’ll be able to log on today for this, but I just have to say a big THANK YOU for providing this. I’m hoping I can sit down and work on my blog during some of your available time this week and put this to use. Heaps of appreciation from me in advance. ??

    No idea why, as I’m a complete noob at this stuff, but fwiw I can get to your site okay. For your end, perhaps empty your cache and then try again? If that doesn’t get you there, I’m sure some more clever person will be along shortly to help.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Browser test me!

    Whatever you did fixed things in Safari as well. I was about to post that things were wonky in my browser as well, but it looks fine now.

    Stable. Reasonably priced. Good service. Good community in the forums ( One click installation of WordPress if you’d prefer that to installing it yourself.

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