Forum Replies Created
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: sixminutes.caThe site looks really nice. I use Safari for a browser and everything looks fine except the footer on the menu is bigger than the main footer.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: new to wpThat looks really nice! Was that a theme you downloaded or did you do all those changes yourself? Now, as much as I like the look, I’m not entirely sure about the big stip of pink creating all that space to the right of the menus. It makes it a tad awkward looking, like that strip wants to be the menu, but instead it’s just sitting there beside it, or something.
Anyway, the footer is also askew in Safari (Mac browser). I’m totally new to this as well, so I can’t tell you how to fix that, but I’m sure someone here can.
Firefox is well worth downloading. It’s a far superior browser to IE and I think you’ll find that most people in to their blogs and customizing them are often using a browser other than IE.
Anyway, nice work and good luck!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Check this out guys …Oh, e-head, don’t be silly, your work is so not shit.
Anyway, this other site. Um… I actually don’t like it. I really really hate being forced to scroll side to side. The random header is very cool and quite spiffy, but other than that I’m decidedly underwhelmed. This could be my daft newbieness not understanding that the code is really beautiful or something, but whatever the case, the final product doesn’t do it for me.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: theblackcloud blogI must jump on the bandwagon heaping praise on your site and say I am adoring your blog. How DID all you people get to be so cool?
I’m all curious about getting the little image beside your storytitle as well. Someday I hope to say all cool and casual that I’ll take a peek at your code and customize it for my own site, but for now I’m just the blogging neophyte with the blank look on her face saying, “oooo, pretty!”
Very nice work in both design and content.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Newly migrated blog, comments appreciatedAt a quick glance, I’d say it looks quite nice. I quite like the scheme and everything on the page ties together well it seems.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: SixApart buys LiveJournalWell, really, tparlin, just think about it. The very nerve of some people. Drawing undue attention to words they have written. Here in a blogging forum no less.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Comments ? Advice ?Okay, now that I can compare both side by side, my preference is definitely with the original maroon scheme. I lean towards such things though, so I suspect many will prefer the more subdued scheme. They both look good in the end. It’s just a very slick looking site, so nice work!
The accesskey tag bit I just kind of glazed over and went all blank though, but that’s because I’m still pretty daft about all this stuff and bumbling my way through the most basic of baby steps trying to pull my site together.
Edit: oh, and the link colour works well with the site, imo. I don’t know that blue would tie in as well.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Finally ! …. my blog is ready …lol… no worries, just poking a bit of fun back. I actually have to agree on the “groupies.” I’m a recent convert after several nudges from, oddly enough, my egghead programmer and PC user friend. The groupie Apple zealots with their silly elitism actually turned me off and I thought it’d be a cold day in hell when I bothered with anything Mac. Equally as humourous are the Mac martyrs, quick to interpret almost any comment on the web as PC-biased and jump in to uber defensive mode.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Finally ! …. my blog is ready …Oops, I meant to tell you I really liked the site. (even though I viewed it on my Apple ?? )
I think I might have liked the first rendition a bit better, actually, but it’s a toss up. All in all, very nicely done.
Edit: Also forgot to mention you might not have received many comments because this should be in Your WordPress rather than Requests & Feedback.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change Calendar ColorOh I just did this, I’ll check what I did.
Mine does do a weird thing though of the days before the current date seem to be reverting to the original colour, so there’s obviously some further code I must change.
podz: Also these, I think, if you want today’s date and hover to match the change:
#wp-calendar a:hover {
background: #ccff99;
color: #ff0000;#wp-calendar td:hover, #wp-calendar #today {
background: #ccff99;
color: #ff0000;Changing background value as well if you want to change the colour of the hover block over the date.
Now, what would cause my dates prior to the current date to revert to the original colour? That I haven’t been able to figure out.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Site Redesigned…Green Track for me.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Shutting DownGood to hear!
As for the comment that the idiots will always outnumber those worth knowing, I must politely disagree. The idiots just will always stand out and go out of their way to aggravate you and so they appear to predominate the population. Most people out there are well worth knowing, but unfortunately the idiot population of the world gets in our way of knowing many of them.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Need help Improving My weblogAs to your smilies, using smilies designed for a white background with the grey really doesn’t help as well. First thing you’ll want to do is search for smilies with an invisible background so the white is gone. Even with those, find ones optimized for a black background if you’re going to choose a deeply coloured background.
As for your site, certainly work towards a design that is pleasing and user-friendly, but I think if you worry less about what people think and more about truly representing your interests everything else will come. Looks are nothing without content. Find enjoyment in it and have it represent your true interests and the rest will come.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Shutting DownThis is very sad and none too encouraging. 4 days of my blog quietly being up and not a single comment, for which I am grateful, but I fear it is only a matter of time with all I’ve been reading here. ??
God, I loathe spammers.
NM, you inspired with your enthusiasm and insight here. I’m sorry the spammer scum have driven you to this.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Finished! Need some feedbackI’m all about the hockey and don’t watch basketball at all, but I have to say that’s a very nice looking, clean sports site. If it were a site about hockey, it’s definitely one I could see myself visiting regularly. I agree with the comments about tying the search button in with the rest of the design. One other small thing is I’m not sure about the highlight when you mouse over the menu choices at the top. It wouldn’t be my choice anyway. Very small things though. The overall site looks great.