Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [One Click Demo Import] Importing MenusYes the testing site is empty before I import into it. I delete all the plugins, the theme I am going to upload and images, and do a database reset before trying again. I went an extra step this time and deleted the menus too before I reset the database, so I am sure there was no existing menu. And it still imports the same way (which is not the same as the original site) There are only 2 menusin the original site – Main Menu and Top Menu (which only has one page). Top menu imports fine but not Main Menu. I wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be called as primary_menu (theme menu location) or main_menu – I tried both ways and it just sets the menu the same way every time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [One Click Demo Import] xml file not importingOops, they should not have “packaging” in them – but looks like you found them anyways! Yes, I see, that is a good way to test then whether your import file is “good”. Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [One Click Demo Import] Adding Sidebar IDNo, I am trying to create an install package for a child theme, and it is a new sidebar that I have registered. This is for the Divi theme which has the option build into it to register new sidebars by adding them in the WordPress Widget area.
Your plugin did work to create the new sidebar! See the code I added in the first post – the sidebar is there when I go into the site after importing the data. I am just missing the way to match them up. (I only vaguely understand this, and I don’t know enough php to be able to figure out how to code it) It is looking for sidebar et_pb_widget_area_1 – is there not some way I can add that to the original code? Instead of BlogPage can I call it like:
‘et_pb_widget_area_1’ => ‘Blog Page’?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [One Click Demo Import] xml file not importingThere were 66 images. Both import files would have been created the same way – so I don’t kno why there would be an issue with the first one and not the secont one. Unless after your plugin is installed the export function is different too?
Failed xml file:
Successful xml file:
This is the log file from the failed import: Plugins
In reply to: [One Click Demo Import] Adding Sidebar IDI had used the Widget Importer & Exporter plugin to create the widget file – it does have that sidebar (et_pb_widget_area_1) with the widgets populated in it – but how do I register the sidebar?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [One Click Demo Import] xml file not importingI am having the same problem – it says the import is all done but the xml file is not uploaded except for the images. I actually happen to have Michelle’s (the original poster) successful XML file and I noticed that it had the import log in it – so she must have re-exported the file after she had manually imported the xml file. So I did the same – same as her I had manually imported the xml file and it worked properly. So I exported that file (that contained the import log) and started over with the one click install, and this time it worked! As far as I know the only difference is that the import that worked had the error log file from the first failed import – maybe just a coincidence?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pinpoint Booking System - #1 WordPress Booking Plugin] Sidebar does not workThat is unfortunate. It is rather a useful feature. Is it going to be fixed in a future update? Or it should be removed from the plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Catchable fatal error in formatting.phpHi WP Gurus, thank you for your help. I did try switching to the default theme and deactivating all plugins before posting the problem here, and the problem persisted. I noticed that there were no comments showing in the admin section although some posts showed a comment count. So I used the database repair script which told me that the Comments table was crashed and could not be repaired. It must have actually repaired though as the comments are back in the admin section and comments can successfully be posted. So the problem, in case this helps anyone else, was a crashed Comments table in the database.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Catchable fatal error in formatting.phpI tried to run a repair on the database with the WordPress repair script and it says that the Comments table is crashed and could not be repaired. I am waiting to get his control panel login to see if I can get in through phpMyAdmin (it is hosted with GoDaddy, hopefully they have phpMyAdmin)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Catchable fatal error in formatting.phpI don’t know if this could have anything to do with it – but I noticed that some posts say they have comments (e.g. 4 comments, 11 comments) but when you click on that it takes you to the comment form, doesn’t show any comments. And there are absolutely no comments showing in the comment section of the dashboard.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Catchable fatal error in formatting.phpHi Digico, thank you for taking the time to reply. This function is in a core WP file (wp-includes/formatting.php) Would I have to change it there? I am not so keen to change WP core files. Your reply that was sent to me by email is different than that above and it says “it will check all comments, but also everything on blog – no matter it crashes the site.” That makes me think that maybe it is something in the content of the site that is making it crash. Otherwise, since this is a core file, why isn’t this happening to everyone’s blog?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Fastest Cache] How to not cache static home pageSorry – I figured it out after reading the FAQs!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smooth Slider] Custom postSo you can’t create a recent slider as Cliff had suggested with the latest 10 posts from a custom post type – you can only add them manually?
UD account? There is no mention in the documentation that you need an external account. Maybe that explains the problem people are having. There is no Premium Features tab.
I have obviously given up on this plugin since it does not work – but I installed it on another site just to see. I changed the permissions to 777 on the premium folder – there is still no Shortcode or Contact Form tab, and nothing has magically appeared in that empty premium folder.