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  • Thread Starter joben


    I got in touch with the Matomo support and I followed their advice:

    Thanks for reaching out.

    It is not absolutely necessary needed to use the WP-Matomo plugin for tracking, if you have access to your WordPress back end in the head of your website pages, you can add the JavaScript tracking code to enable tracking manually.

    Look forward to hearing back.

    Have a great day ahead,

    Works great.

    Thread Starter joben


    Thanks for the info.

    Is WP-Matomo necessary for Matomo to work on-prem?
    WP-Matomo is mentioned in the official Matomo documentation, and Matomo are actively selling components for the on-prem version on their website. Here, WP-matomo is mentioned:

    We might need to abandon Matomo and find some other tool. I will check with their support as well.

    Thread Starter joben


    This is great!

    I have created a Swedish .po and .mo file that you can include in the next release if you want.
    It can be downloaded here:
    I have tested it and it works.

    Or you can just take the strings from here:

    #: medialist.php:57
    msgid “Pages”
    msgstr “Sida”

    #: medialist.php:58
    msgid “of”
    msgstr “av”

    #: medialist.php:59
    msgid “Prev”
    msgstr “F?reg?ende”

    #: medialist.php:60
    msgid “Next”
    msgstr “N?sta”

    Thread Starter joben


    It works as intended now.
    Thank you very much!

    Thread Starter joben


    I tried importing the rules in IIS but it failed because the T= flag is not recognized.
    I removed the T flags but the rules are not working properly.

    I think what is needed for this to work in IIS is one of these things:

    Option 1: Troubleshoot the converter why some images are not converted and use the rule that I posted.
    Option 2: Write an IIS rule that loads the webp image only if it exists, if it doesnt, load the original jpeg/png version.

    I lack the necessary skills to make it work, but if anyone wants me to test something or debug in an IIS environment I am happy to help.

    Thread Starter joben


    Hi Mateusz and thanks for the reply!

    I actually never found that any .htaccess file was created, but I found an existing IIS URL Rewrite rule on some random website that I modified slightly, and it actually worked as intended after I generated the webp files. It served me webp files in Chrome and regular files in Edge.

    However, a few of the png images and jpg images didn’t get converted. I compared the original folder with the destination folder so I know that some of the webp images do not exist. I havn’t found any logs or debug messages from the generation process so I still don’t know what’s wrong.

    Here is the current IIS Rewrite rule that I am using:

    <rule name="Webp1" enabled="true" stopProcessing="true">
        <match url=".*wp-content/uploads.*/([0-9]*)/([0-9]*)/(.*_.*)(\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.png)" />
        <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAny">
                            <add input="{HTTP_ACCEPT}" pattern="\bimage/webp\b" />
        <action type="Rewrite" url="/wp-content/uploads-webpc/{R:1}/{R:2}/{R:3}{R:4}.webp" logRewrittenUrl="false" />
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