Here you go;
So jQuery has been used as trojan all over, major companies like WatchGuard (makers of the firebox) have decieded they had enough and have blocked it. Try going to a friends house or something, I cant blog at work because of the firebox lol but can at home just fine.
2008-05-02 17:02:01 Deny http/tcp 51710 80 1-Trusted 0-External ProxyDrop: HTTP Virus found (HTTP-proxy-00) HTTP-Client.1 src_ip_nat="" src_port_nat="10173" rc="593" msg_id="262184" proxy_act="HTTP-Client.1" virus="Trojan.Downloader.JS.Agent-1" host="" path="/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.2.3" Traffic
also i cannot download the WP package becasue it contains the “trojan” lol
2008-05-02 17:00:55 Deny http/tcp 51654 80 1-Trusted 0-External ProxyDrop: HTTP Virus found (HTTP-proxy-00) HTTP-Client.1 src_ip_nat="" src_port_nat="10091" rc="593" msg_id="262184" proxy_act="HTTP-Client.1" virus="Exploit.Gif.PHPembedded" host="" path="/" Traffic
Go figure