Forum Replies Created
Can PMP be configured to be used with BuddyBoss without using the BuddyBoss Addon? Do you have a link to instructions or a tutorial on how this is done?
Thanks for looking into this Jarryd.
Here is the snippet.
/* Make Subgroups The Default Tab */
add_filter( 'bp_groups_default_extension','bb_custom_sub_group_tab');
function bb_custom_sub_group_tab( $default_tab ){
$group = groups_get_current_group();//get the current group
if( empty( $group ) ) {
return $default_tab;
// Check whether the group has sub-groups, in that case enable the subgroups tab.
if ( bp_enable_group_hierarchies() ) {
$descendant_groups = bp_get_descendent_groups( bp_get_current_group_id(), bp_loggedin_user_id() );
if ( count( $descendant_groups ) > 0 ) {
return 'subgroups';
return $default_tab;
}I have a code snippet I use for BuddyBoss Groups and a bunch of CSS. That is the extent of the code I use on my site. Here is my Site Health…
wp-core<br><br>version: 6.5.5<br>site_language: en_US<br>user_language: en_US<br>timezone: America/Detroit<br>permalink: /%postname%/<br>https_status: true<br>multisite: false<br>user_registration: 1<br>blog_public: 1<br>default_comment_status: open<br>environment_type: production<br>user_count: 39<br>dotorg_communication: true wp-paths-sizes<br><br>wordpress_path: /home/u270246527/domains/<br>wordpress_size: 62.66 MB (65708538 bytes)<br>uploads_path: /home/u270246527/domains/<br>uploads_size: 43.32 MB (45427723 bytes)<br>themes_path: /home/u270246527/domains/<br>themes_size: 46.08 MB (48320746 bytes)<br>plugins_path: /home/u270246527/domains/<br>plugins_size: 166.34 MB (174424809 bytes)<br>database_size: 15.77 MB (16531456 bytes)<br>total_size: 334.18 MB (350413272 bytes) wp-dropins (1)<br><br>object-cache.php: true wp-active-theme<br><br>name: BuddyBoss Child (buddyboss-theme-child)<br>version: 1.0.1<br>author:<br>author_website:<br>parent_theme: BuddyBoss Theme 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author: BuddyDev, Auto-updates disabled<br>BuddyPress Display xProfile: version: 1.8.3, author: Wbcom Designs, Auto-updates disabled<br>BuddyPress Extended User Groups Widget: version: 1.0.6, author: BuddyDev Team, Auto-updates disabled<br>Code Snippets: version:, author: Code Snippets Pro, Auto-updates disabled<br>Code Snippets Pro (Premium): version: 3.6.5, author: Code Snippets Pro, Auto-updates disabled<br>Football Game of the Week Widget: version: 1.6, author: The Ref, Auto-updates disabled<br>Hostinger AI: version: 2.0.6, author: Hostinger, Auto-updates disabled<br>Hostinger Tools: version: 3.0.2, author: Hostinger, Auto-updates disabled<br>LiteSpeed Cache: version:, author: LiteSpeed Technologies, Auto-updates disabled<br>Paid Memberships Pro: version: 3.0.5, author: Paid Memberships Pro, Auto-updates disabled<br>SportsPress: version: 2.7.21, author: ThemeBoy, Auto-updates disabled<br>Top Fanbases: version: 1.0, author: The Ref & ChatGPT, Auto-updates disabled<br>Wbcom Designs - BuddyPress Member Blog: version: 2.1.1, author: Wbcom Designs, Auto-updates disabled wp-plugins-inactive (4)<br><br>Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection: version: 5.3.2, author: Automattic - Anti-spam Team, Auto-updates disabled<br>BuddyPress Xprofile Member Type Field: version: 1.0.8, author: BuddyDev.Com, Auto-updates disabled<br>Paid Memberships Pro - BuddyPress & BuddyBoss Add On: version: 1.4.1, author: Paid Memberships Pro, Auto-updates disabled<br>Paid Memberships Pro - Set Expiration Dates Add On: version: 0.7, author: Stranger Studios, Auto-updates disabled code-snippets (5)<br><br>snippet-5: name: Make Subgroups The Default Tab, scope: global, modified: 2024-06-14 08:48:04<br>snippet-22: name: Single Membership Level, scope: site-css, modified: 2024-06-14 15:19:16<br>snippet-25: name: Hide Rival for SS Official, scope: site-css, modified: 2024-06-14 15:28:59<br>snippet-27: name: Widget: Game of the Week , scope: site-css, modified: 2024-06-14 14:41:27<br>snippet-34: name: Front 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16:34:33) |<br>pmpro_cron_expiration_warnings (2024-06-26 16:34:34) |<br>pmpro_cron_admin_activity_email (2024-06-27 14:30:00) |<br>pmpro_cron_delete_tmp (2024-06-27 14:30:00) |<br>pmpro_cron_credit_card_expiring_warnings (2024-07-21 19:38:56) |<br>pmpro_license_check_key (2024-07-21 19:38:56)<br>pmpro-gateway: (gateway not registered)<br>pmpro-gateway-env: Sandbox/Testing [sandbox]<br>pmpro-orders: 25 orders<br>pmpro-discount-codes: 0 discount codes<br>pmpro-sessions:<br>session_status: Active<br>pmpro-membership-levels: {<br>"1": {<br>"id": "1",<br>"name": "Free Trial",<br>"description": "",<br>"confirmation": "Dear [Subscriber's Name],\r\n\r\nThank you for subscribing to Sideline Squabble! We're thrilled to have you join our community of passionate sports fans.\r\n\r\nWe've automatically added you to the groups of your favorite team and the division they play in.\u00a0 Get ready to engage in lively debates, share your thoughts, and connect with fellow fans who share your enthusiasm.\r\n\r\nHere's what you can expect as a member of Sideline Squabble:\r\n\r\nExclusive Discussions: Dive into conversations with fans of your favorite team.\r\nLatest News & Updates: Stay informed with real-time updates and insights.\r\nEvents & Contests: Participate in special events, trivia, and contests to win exciting prizes.\r\nCommunity Engagement: Connect with a vibrant community of sports enthusiasts.\r\nTo get started, log in to your account here and check out your team's group. Feel free to introduce yourself and start squabbling!\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help. Simply reply to this email or visit our Help Center.\r\n\r\nWelcome once again to Sideline Squabble! We look forward to your active participation and can't wait to see you in action.\r\n\r\nBest regards,\r\n\r\nThe Sideline Squabble Team",<br>"initial_payment": 0,<br>"billing_amount": 0,<br>"cycle_number": "0",<br>"cycle_period": "0",<br>"billing_limit": "0",<br>"trial_amount": 0,<br>"trial_limit": "0",<br>"allow_signups": "1",<br>"expiration_number": "1",<br>"expiration_period": "Year",<br>"formatted_price": "<strong>Free<\/strong>.",<br>"formatted_expiration": "Membership expires after 1 Year.",<br>"meta": {<br>"confirmation_in_email": [<br>"1"<br>]<br>}<br>},<br>"2": {<br>"id": "2",<br>"name": "Annual",<br>"description": "",<br>"confirmation": "",<br>"initial_payment": 40,<br>"billing_amount": 40,<br>"cycle_number": "1",<br>"cycle_period": "Year",<br>"billing_limit": "0",<br>"trial_amount": 0,<br>"trial_limit": "0",<br>"allow_signups": "1",<br>"expiration_number": "0",<br>"expiration_period": "0",<br>"formatted_price": "$40.00 per Year<\/strong>.",<br>"formatted_expiration": "",<br>"meta": {<br>"confirmation_in_email": [<br>"0"<br>]<br>}<br>},<br>"3": {<br>"id": "3",<br>"name": "6 Month Plan",<br>"description": "",<br>"confirmation": "",<br>"initial_payment": 27,<br>"billing_amount": 27,<br>"cycle_number": "6",<br>"cycle_period": "Month",<br>"billing_limit": "0",<br>"trial_amount": 0,<br>"trial_limit": "0",<br>"allow_signups": "1",<br>"expiration_number": "0",<br>"expiration_period": "0",<br>"formatted_price": "$27.00 every 6 Months<\/strong>.",<br>"formatted_expiration": "",<br>"meta": {<br>"confirmation_in_email": [<br>"0"<br>]<br>}<br>},<br>"4": {<br>"id": "4",<br>"name": "Monthly",<br>"description": "",<br>"confirmation": "",<br>"initial_payment": 4.99,<br>"billing_amount": 4.99,<br>"cycle_number": "1",<br>"cycle_period": "Month",<br>"billing_limit": "0",<br>"trial_amount": 0,<br>"trial_limit": "0",<br>"allow_signups": "1",<br>"expiration_number": "0",<br>"expiration_period": "0",<br>"formatted_price": "$4.99 per Month<\/strong>.",<br>"formatted_expiration": "",<br>"meta": {<br>"confirmation_in_email": [<br>"0"<br>]<br>}<br>}<br>}<br>pmpro-level-groups: {<br>"1": {<br>"id": "1",<br>"name": "Main Group",<br>"allow_multiple_selections": "0",<br>"displayorder": "1",<br>"level_ids": [<br>"2",<br>"3",<br>"4",<br>"1"<br>]<br>}<br>}<br>pmpro-custom-templates:<br>account: Default Version: 2.0 | Custom Version: | Custom Path: /home/u270246527/domains/ | Action: Custom<br>pmpro-getfile-usage: PMPRO_GETFILE_ENABLED is not set<br>pmpro-htaccess-cache-usage: Off<br>pmpro-pages:<br>account:<br>billing:<br>cancel:<br>checkout:<br>confirmation:<br>invoice:<br>levels:<br>login:<br>member_profile_edit:<br>pmpro-library-conflicts: No library conflicts detected.<br>pmpro-current-site-url:<br>pmpro-recorded-site-url:<br>pmpro-pause-mode: Disabled</strong><strong><strong>
There are no errors listed besides the critical error that gets listed when I delete a user and I can use my website when the plugin is activated.
(My website is football based and when my users register they are required to choose their favorite NFL team. If you are familiar with BuddyBoss… I have the 32 NFL teams listed each as a BuddyBoss Profile Type. The user selects their favorite team during the registration process, thereby choosing their user Profile Type.)
The issue I have with the Addon activated is… When a user registers and chooses their favorite NFL team/Profile Type, the incorrect team/Profile Type gets associated with the user. For example a user chooses ‘Arizona Cardinals’ as their favorite team during registration. The user’s profile lists ‘Baltimore Ravens’ as their favorite team. This does not happen when I deactivate the Addon. I do not know what other teams are switching like this. I have not registered 32 different users.
I received this warning email from my website when I deleted a user. The email says it is due to Buddy Boss Platform, but I can “control it” by activating/deactivating the PMP – BuddyBoss Addon plugin.
WordPress has a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email.
In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, BuddyBoss Platform.
First, visit your website ( and check for any visible issues. Next, visit the page where the error was caught ( and check for any visible issues.
Please contact your host for assistance with investigating this issue further.
If your site appears broken and you can’t access your dashboard normally, WordPress now has a special “recovery mode”. This lets you safely login to your dashboard and investigate further.
To keep your site safe, this link will expire in 1 day. Don’t worry about that, though: a new link will be emailed to you if the error occurs again after it expires.
When seeking help with this issue, you may be asked for some of the following information:
WordPress version 6.5.4
Active theme: BuddyBoss Child (version 1.0.1)
Current plugin: BuddyBoss Platform (version 2.6.20)
PHP version 8.1.28 Error DetailsAn error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 2859 of the file /home/u270246527/domains/ Error message: Uncaught TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, bool given in /home/u270246527/domains/
Stack trace: 0 /home/u270246527/domains/ in_array() 1 /home/u270246527/domains/ bp_remove_member_type() 2 /home/u270246527/domains/ pmpro_bp_member_types_pmpro_after_all_membership_level_changes() 3 /home/u270246527/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() 4 /home/u270246527/domains/ WP_Hook->do_action() 5 /home/u270246527/domains/ do_action() 6 /home/u270246527/domains/ pmpro_do_action_after_all_membership_level_changes() 7 /home/u270246527/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() 8 /home/u270246527/domains/ apply_filters() 9 /home/u270246527/domains/ wp_redirect() 10 {main}thrown
Thank you .
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] Pos ColumnThank you for the reply. I was able to achieve what I wanted with some CSS code.
Is there a fix for this? Mine does the same thing. I just assumed that Admins are just logged into the dashboard. I’d much rather it logged me into the frontend.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Sidebars - Dynamic Sidebar Classic Widget Area Manager] .cs-infosI just logged in as a regular user and did not see the text. So it only seems to show when I’m logged in as an Administrator.
Using the PMP – Expiration Date Add On did not solve my problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin] Manual RestoreThanks Bryle. You confirmed what I thought, and I will be using the same domain name.
Well, that worked perfectly! I’ve been searching 2 days for this. Thank you.
Judging by your description I’m hoping that this is what I have been searching for, but I am not a coder and am not sure how I am to implement this code. (I did add it to the Code Snippets plug-in) In this line of the code,
wp_redirect( pmpro_url( 'levels' ) );
, I tried replacing ‘levels’ with the full URL of my specific page which is ‘’. I also tried just ‘membership-account/access-restricted’. Neither worked for me.Is there a step-by-step tutorial on how to edit this code recipe to use my custom “Access Restricted” page for all restricted pages? (I am a PMP member)
That did annswer my question, but I asked my question wrong.
What I want is for all of the links on the front page to use the same “Access Restricted” page. As you will see on my front page at… All 4 links in the menu are restricted, but FAQ is the only one that doesn’t use the “Access Restricted” page that I setup when I activated the BuddyPress Addon. How can I make non-BuddyBoss pages use that same “Access Restricted” page?