Thanks, but I went through those FAQs before installing. Going through server files, I now see what the problem is.
1. I seem to have WP installed (under /wordpress). That’s what install.php says now.
2. During my semi-successful installion, install.php (step 2?) asked me where I’d like the blog to be. Following directions, I gladly put down /blog.
3. As a result, the folder /blog was not created. wp-login.php leads to a 404.
4. But wait, there it is! index.php was created under /wordpress!
5. Now, index.php assumes the blog is under /blog (which was my fault), resulting in all the 404s.
Only now the wiki FAQ makes sense to me. Should this be moved to bug report? I mean, what’s the point of letting someone enter a different folder name other than /wordpress, when this is NOT the correct way to do it? Not taking this personally, buy hey, I *was* following directions. Look where it got me ??