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  • Hello @azaozz
    Thanks a lot to you and the development team for your great ongoing work.

    But it’s a pity to be obliged to wait until the forthcoming 5.6.1 release of WordPress for having this new bug fixed.
    Milestone 5.6.1 = No date set (44% achieved) as of 2021/01/12


    Hello @azaozz

    When can we expect a fix for this very annoying WordPress 5.6 bug under Firefox which is seriously limiting our creation/edition of pages/articles?

    Do you need some more information regarding WP 5.6 / Classic Editor 1.6 / Firefox 84?

    Thank you.


    I have the same issue here with the Classic Editor 1.6 under WordPrese 5.6 (FR) and Firefox 83 when it’s okay (as it was under WP 5.5.3) under Chromium 87.

    Under Firefox, unchecking “Enable full-height editor and distraction-free functionality.” is improving a little bit the situation (sticky toolbar) but the area of the edit part of article/page is much smaller than it was previously.

    I don’t like at all Gutenberg and Chromium. For productivity and flexibility reasons, I do prefer the Classic Editor and Firefox.

    Thanks for the upcoming fix.

    Thread Starter Joe76000


    Hello, it’s me again.

    Six months later, this situation is still the same. iThemes Security’s update has again broken my WP Super Cache (Automattic).

    My current configuration is:
    – WordPress 5.2
    – iThemes Security 7.3.3
    – WP Super Cache 1.6.5

    Either you update iThemes Security plugin or change its settings, the result is always the same, it’s breaking WP Super Cache (WPSC) plugin!
    And I’m getting the following well known error message:
    Warning! WP Super Cache WAS broken but has been FIXED! The script advanced-cache.php could not load wp-cache-phase1.php. The file… advanced-cache.php has been recreated and WPCACHEHOME fixed in your wp-config.php.”

    To repair WPSC and fix again and again the problem, you have to “run” it in your Admin panel.

    Otherwise, iThemes Security is a great plugin.

    Thread Starter Joe76000


    After additional tests, I have found A solution.

    Changing the Tag name for the Post Slider is not better. Whatever the tag name is, the problem is always there.

    In fact, the Culprit is SmartLine Lite 1.6 which is not fully compatible with the Gutenberg editor of WordPress 5.0 – 5.1

    => MY solution was to -NOT- Hide tag in the tag cloud; i.e unchecked this line!
    Now my problem is fixed.


    Thread Starter Joe76000


    I have made further tests but still the same issue with the post slider not working with WP 5.0 – 5.1 & Gutenberg.

    1. Reopening the above mentioned article written with WP 5.1 & Gutenberg, the SLIDER tag I have forced disappeared. And when typing S.L.I.D.E.R letter by letter, only the SL couple proposes already existing tags. BUT no SLIDER tag at all.

    2. So I have created a very simple new article with the following steps.
    – New article -> Enter a title -> Enter some text -> Enter the SLIDER tag which was immediately and well recognized -> Confirmed the tag entry -> Switched from Classic Editor to Gutenberg.
    – Checked the already tag(s) entered -> NOTHING -> And typing again S.L.I.D.E.R letter by letter, but only and again SL proposes already existing tags. BUT no SLIDER tag at all.

    So It’s clear there is somewhere an incompatibility between WP 5.1 + Gutenberg + SmartLine Lite 1.6. The question is where and why? What’s wrong? Is now the-my “SLIDER” tag a reserved word for the WP 5.x + Gutenberg system ?

    Since years my configuration is the following and has worked with no issue even with WP 4.9.9 (TinyMCE Advanced) + SmartLine Lite 1.6 (targeting WP 5.0):
    – SmartLine Lite -> Theme options -> Post Slider
    – Activate Post Slider with both lines checked
    – Tag name -> SLIDER
    – Hide tag in the tag cloud checked

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter Joe76000


    So, if in your WordPress 4.9.x:
    – your Web site = WordPress web address (URL), and
    – you use WP Super Cache plug-in 1.5.9 (latest version to date),
    then you have to do the following for avoiding the “Non-existent changeset UUID” error messages and permuting again the access to the Customizer.

    => WP Dashboard -> Settings -> WP Super Cache -> WP Super Cache Settings -> Advanced tab -> Miscellaneous -> UNCHECK the little box in front of “Make known users anonymous so they’re served supercached static files.” because if CHECKED it’s FULLY INCOMPATIBLE with at least WP 4.9.x.

    Even Automattic, the main developers of WP Super Cache awa WordPress, were incapable to figure out this bug in their plug-in!

    PLEASE WP Super Cache’s developers, FIX this bug in your plug-in. Thanks.


    Thread Starter Joe76000


    So, let’s continue this topic and see which alternatives we have for replacing WP Super Cache.

    1. How to uninstall WP Super Cache Plug-in?
    If you suspect that WP Super Cache is causing issues on your website, like here with “Non-existent changeset UUID / Theme Not Accessible anymore!”, and if you would like to install another WordPress caching plug-in, it is very important to make sure that you uninstall it the right way. See the WPSC instructions on How to uninstall WP Super Cache. Otherwise, it could haunt you and the load time performance of your site!

    2. How to select the best dedicated Caching plug-in for you and your WordPress blog/site?
    The first step is to identify what you expect from your caching plug-in and create criteria accordingly. Criteria could include:
    – Cost: from free to a few hundred dollars-euros/year.
    – Complexity and intuitiveness: based on your own experience with WordPress and its plug-ins.
    – Power and functionality: extra features such as integration with CDN (content delivery networks), GZIP compression, and minification. These all enable your site to run even faster but are really only necessary for large sites.
    – Support: Some plug-ins have support lines, forums, documentation. Others may have very little support or even none at all. How much support do you feel comfortable having?

    3. So, now that we have our basic criteria sorted out, let’s have a look at some of the most popular caching plug-ins, accordingly to market survey and number of active installations:
    WP Super Cache (by Automattic): Free, the one we want to replace after testing
    W3 Total Cache (by Frederick Townes): Free
    WP Fastest Cache (by Emre Vona): Free
    Comet Cache (by WebSharks, Inc.): Free + Premium
    Cache Enabler – WordPress Cache (by KeyCDN): Free
    WP Rocket (by WP Rocket): only Premium
    Read their documentations to see how they could meet your criteria.

    4. Next steps
    Choose the right plug-in for your site and test it live…

    Thread Starter Joe76000


    Update of my current investigations…

    It seems there are two possible root causes:
    1. It is caused by HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) with sub-domains such as WWW turned on and having two seperate URLs for WordPress web address (URL) and Web site address (URL).
    But in my case, both are the same since a while! See my 1st post.

    2. It is simply having the plug-in WP Super Cache active. Deactivate it to view preview.
    Yes, it working in my case, but it’s really painful to be obliged to do that each time you create and/or edit a page, an article, and so on. In add, WPSC needs to be rebuilt each time and it’s taking a while.

    So, as this problem now exist for more than one year based on my Web survey and as WP Super Cache seems not reactive on this subject, I will go fishing for an other cache plug-in, hopping not to face to the same annoying problem…

    Thread Starter Joe76000


    Well, I found this: Customize Changesets Technical Design Decisions as of 2016-11-15, but it’s too technical for me.
    It’s looking like being Chinese or something similar!

    Thread Starter Joe76000



    FYI, the same subject has been closed in “WordPress Support – Fixing WordPress” and redirected here by a forum moderator.

    Concerning iThemes Security, there is no dedicated forum for their plug-in, only for the Pro version.


    Thread Starter Joe76000



    I’m answering to myself.

    I fixed my problem by deleting WP Super Cache plug-in and I reinstalled it!


    Thread Starter Joe76000


    Hello Barry,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Before going through your proposed procedure and after reading again your answer, I was trying to remember how things happened.

    I thought adding a html on top of The Event Calendar was solving my issue after having updated to version 4.6. In fact, the issue was resolved with 4.6 but as I haven’t cleared my WP cache (WP Super Cache) the issue stay around and adding this html forced WP SC to update itself.

    So, after removing my added html, I do confirm now that TEC 4.6 has fixed the “No result found!” issue on the Calendar page awa the video widget which was not working on this particular page.

    Conclusion: The lesson I’m learning from that is after each single update of an add-on, I must clear my WP cache, either to fix a known issue the update is supposed to fix or to discover time to time a new bug.

    This subject is now closed!

    The Event Calendar is a great add-on (even if I’m using it for basic things).
    Cheers. Joe

    Thread Starter Joe76000


    Hello Folks,

    Patricia wrote 20 minutes ago in an other post:
    “Last week we released a Hotfix (The Events Calendar to solve an issue related to the display of events in the default Month View. This issue was introduced with WordPress version 4.8.2 and impacts all previous versions of The Events Calendar…”

    So, I would be nice if Modern Tribute folks could also update their 4.6.x branch to include now this hoxfix as this bug is still there with 4.6.0.

    Thanks. Joe

    Thread Starter Joe76000


    Oops! I’ve forgotten to mark it “resolved!” for the time being.

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