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@allanext we added a few more conversion features for pricing by location.
@rishabh16 This should be updated and functioning for you.
@rishabh16 thanks for letting us know. My developer ghosted me but we’re hiring a new one and we will have major fixes coming soon including auto conversion from Google Finance.
@reneesoffice same issue. No love in incognito. Just reloading same site kit page each time.
this issue was fixed:“$current_tab = ( $_GET[‘tab’] == ‘warehouses’ ) ? ‘nav-tab-active’ : ”;
“><?php echo __( “Warehouses”, “warehouse-popups-woocommerce” )?>
<?”@dayley So for the Geolocation feature we forgot to mention that you need to adjust your server settings. We use something like this and the plugin the routes visitors accordingly.
Ps. We’re in the process of getting zapier integrated for orders.
Okay. so we forgot to add notes about the GeoTarget feature.
you’ll need to allow that feature in your server configs. We use this for example:
my developers just made an update and issued a few fixes. here’s what he sent to me.“this code is correct, and doesn’t make any warnings on most servers. It could be it’s a server config… need to see the error message they are getting to know what to do next. just replacing code with a code user provider – is not good idea, that code doesn’t make proper texts translations, which is required in order to keep our plugin extendable”
@allanext This should be fixed for you.
@dayley Thanks for the info. I’ll research it with my team and get back to you soon.
@dayley great stuff. We’ll update the free plugin to allow for automatically choosing the closest warehouse. Shouldn’t be a problem.
Regarding inventories. We will add an integration with zapier that will allow for that as soon as possible. That way you could connect / add inventories accordingly.
hi @norgo. Thanks for making us aware. I have our developers working on a fix as well as some updates with pricing. Google finance integrations for custom prices & currency for simple products between different regions. I’ll notify you when the fix is updated next week.
@widdaberlin the plugin was updated last week. You can add a single additional warehouse with the free version. We offer a multiple warehouse paid ‘pro’ version on our website.
@norgo The plugin was updated and the error codes should be fixed. We’re working on custom pricing per product / region now.