Hi Arnan,
Thanks for you reply and help with checking the issue.
Cloudflare APO caches your website on Cloudflare’s network, both static and dynamic content. It caches about 97% of my site, up from ~50% from before I enabled it. You can read their marketing of it here: https://www.cloudflare.com/application-services/products/automatic-platform-optimization/
Maybe the missing ad is indeed ‘missing’, and not set up properly?
I honestly don’t think so…It works just fine when I preview it in the Adrotate Pro editor and when I check it in a browser where I am logged into wp-admin. It also worked just fine without Cloudflare APO activated. Also, the schedule has no issues.
If you visit most other posts on the site, the ad loads fine.
Could it be that the site is being cached too aggressively? If so, is there a way to exclude AdRotate ads from being cached?