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  • I also wonder why…. “REM” size was easy to use and was promoted mostly regarding mobile devices and their hi-resolutions screens. For example to set 1rem as 10px was really easy to calculate.

    So I reply this to keep track of any answer, if there is any (and because I don’t find anything on Google about what I currently feel as a step back for Twenty Thirteen)..


    After a big bulk “Import Meta” for all galleries at once, after some new imports just to test it ….. it works!

    Thanx a lot ??


    Hi photocrati,

    I currently develop a new version of my website and I try NextGen Gallery for the first time (I do really enjoy it!) and … I also have this bug: all of my pictures are shown at 01/01/1970, wherever they come from (directly from camera, from scanner, after work in Photoshop or in Lightroom) and whatever are the metadatas, if there are some or not…

    I only keep EXIF metadatas (if there are), I don’t keep IPTC or XMP.

    By the way, NextGen admin shows the right Metas (and then the right picture Date/Time) when I ask for it in any gallery list.

    I just tried Claude’s fix and it works for me, both for newly uploaded picts and by re-importing metadatas for existing picts… The workaround is the expected one: EXIF Date if there is, uploaded file date if not.

    So I post here to keep track of this bug ??


    Thread Starter JohanPirlouit


    Hi Aldert,

    Very good job!! It works great, thank you ;-). And what a reaction, sooo fast!!

    Now I will try its capabilities to find which ones I will finally use…..


    Thread Starter JohanPirlouit


    Hi Geoffrey,

    Yes, it works!!! I was on other projects so I couldn’t see the 1.2.2 but the 1.2.3 works nicely…

    Thank you ??
    Bonne continuation..

    Thread Starter JohanPirlouit


    Salut Geoffrey,

    [Désolé d’avoir mis longtemps pour répondre, je suis comme toi, pas toujours super libre ?? …. Ne sachant pas trop quelle langue tu préfères qu’on utilise ici, je fais les deux : anglais puis fran?ais]

    I’ve made two fresh installs with two differents settings regarding the home pages:

    > Test 1:
    WP Reading Settings:
    – Front page displays -> A static page (not the latest posts)
    – Front page: static page selected, named “Home Page” (appears in the menu as “Accueil”)
    – Posts page: static page selected, named “News” (the root posts list).

    > Test 2:
    WP Settings -> Reading Options:
    – Front page displays -> Latest posts (WP default)

    Both test sites share the exact Social Post Sharer settings:
    – What type of content must have buttons? -> All 4 selected.
    – Where do you want to display buttons? -> Both before and after.

    I make no use of shortcodes nor template functions, options panel is enough for me..

    You could see that Social Post Sharer buttons are not displayed in the “News” page (root posts list) on Test 1 though they are displayed on any search result (make a search for “lorem“), and in the home page of Test 2 (also the root posts list)… This happens whatever the permalink structure is.

    My WP is the last 3.5.1 in french (at the date of this post) that is downlodable at

    The template in use is the last Twenty-Twelve (WP 3.5 default).

    No other plugin is installed or activated, only Social Post Sharer.

    Now that I have two dedicated test platforms, if you want me to make tests with some other settings (WP or Social Post Sharer), tell me which ones ;-)…


    En fran?ais :

    J’ai fait deux install “de base” avec deux configurations différentes concernant les pages d’accueil :

    > Test 1 :
    Réglages -> Options de lecture :
    – La page d’accueil affiche -> Une page statique
    – Page d’accueil : page statique -> “Home Page” (apparait dans le menu en tant que “Accueil”)
    – Page des articles : page statique -> “News” (liste racine des articles).

    > Test 2 :
    Réglages -> Options de lecture :
    – La page d’accueil affiche -> Les derniers articles (réglage par défaut de WP)

    Les deux sites de test ont exactement les mêmes réglages pour Social Post Sharer :
    – Quel type de contenu doit proposer des boutons ? -> Les 4 sont sélectionnés.
    – Où souhaitez-vous placer les boutons ? -> Les 2 : avant et après.

    Je n’utilise ni les shortcodes ni les fonctions dans le template, le panneau d’options est suffisant pour moi..

    Tu peux voir que les boutons n’apparaissent pas dans la page “News” (liste racine des articles) du Test 1 alors qu’ils apparaissent dans la liste des résultats de recherche (par exemple une recherche pour “lorem“) et sur la page d’accueil du Test 2 (qui est aussi la liste racine des articles). ?a se produit quelle que soit la structure des permaliens.

    Mon WP est le dernier 3.5.1 Fr (à la date de ce post) qu’on peut télécharger sur

    Le template utilisé est celui par défaut de WP 3.5 : Twenty-Twelve.

    Aucune autre extension n’est installée ou activée, seulement Social Post Sharer.

    Maintenant que j’ai deux plateformes de test dédiées, si tu souhaites que j’en fasse avec d’autres réglages de WP ou de Social Post Sharer, dis moi lesquels ;-)…

    Sincères salutations,

    Hi Geoffrey,

    I’m also interested for that option, so I will keep track (at least) of this tread ;-)…


    Hi Amarzaim,

    I had this problem. In fact, FB does use the Open Graph protocol to get page contents: it consists on a few meta tags placed in the header of pages and describing the page contents (title, excerpt, images, and so on). If the OG protocol is not used on the visited site, FB falls back (and not always elegantly!) on the first elements found inside the body…

    You can try the Open Graph plugin. Or another plugin that manages the Open Graph protocol ??


    I’ve just installed it on a WP 3.5.1 on my developpement server and the form does work nicely ;-)…

    Thread Starter JohanPirlouit


    Benjamin, I found a workaround to my small issue: I went to your website and I replaced Simple Galleria by jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries that you described in your post: Les galeries natives dans WordPress avec le shortcode [gallery]. But there is no automatic slideshow… In fact, I don’t really care of that ??

    By the way, if there is an answer to my question, maybe some other people could be interessed…


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