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  • Wow! This looks really great! Nice to see how good WordPress works as a CMS.

    Just one suggestion, in the sitepath I would change the spacer symbols. Now it looks like this:

    Site Path: TeleVox | Smartappend | Commercial

    I would change this for something like this:

    Site Path: TeleVox > Smartappend > Commercial

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Fold Page List update

    Okay, the solution for this is to add the class li.current_page_ancestor a, to your stylesheet.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Fold Page List update

    It is indeed possible to have a header menu that displays the parent pages and the sidebar menu that displays all child, grandchild etc pages for that particular page.

    The only problem is that the page name in the header menu then doesn’t keep the page_item current_page_item class.

    Until now I have not found a solution for this, even though this seems to be a much requested feature.

    I think this is a bug, I am experiencing the same problem…

    My hosting provider has safe mode enabled, is that the case with you too? (This might be the problem)

    That would be perfect; it is exactly what I have been looking for! This would make it much easier to use WordPress as a CMS. I know that for example a lot of people who are using ‘tab’ navigation in the header would like the parent tab to remain highlighted when visiting a sub-page.

    Here you can find an example where this functionality would be very useful: On this page the ‘Locaties’ tab is highlighted, but when entering a sub-page such as ‘Het Hart van Weesp’, the ‘Locaties’ tab is no longer highlighted. Even though I have the parent page name in the sidebar, this not very user friendly.

    I am not the only one who needs this:

    Here is an example of a site that has succeeded in making the menu’s work:
    And this is how he did it:

    A patch or plugin would be very, very welcome!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Highlighting topmost parent

    I have contacted Chris, and he kindly sent me the code he has used for his website (Thanks Chris!).

    I am going to try to implement this:

    $highlightclass = "current_page_item";

    // highlight 'Blog' if not Page or Home
    if (is_home()) {
    $homehighlight = $highlightclass;
    } elseif (is_page("blog")) {
    $highlight = $highlightclass;
    } elseif (is_page()) {
    $highlight = "";
    } else {
    $highlight = $highlightclass;

    if( is_page() ) {
    $post_name = page_parents();
    //echo "<pre>".print_r($post_name, true)."</pre>";

    <div id="navigation">

      <li class="<?php echo $homehighlight; ?>">">Home
      <li class="<?php echo $highlight; ?>">/blog/">Blog
      <?php list_pages_highlighted('exclude=2,3&title_li=&depth=1&highlightall=1&sort_column=menu_order'); ?>


    Thread Starter johanvanderwijk


    I’m very sorry, but after more than 24 hours without any reactions, I really have to bump this post…

    I can see that there are people visiting the site, so there has to be someone who knows how to solve this? Please help me! If anything about my initial post is unclear, please tell me so I can reformulate my issue. Thanks.

    Wow! What a wonderful looking blog! The fact that your blog doesn’t look like a one-in-a-dozen-blog, but more like a CMS based site is what I like the most. I would love to see a publicly available theme of this layout ??

    Just one thing: you better remove the text on the bottom of the page that has the same colour as the background. If you get caught by a search engine your site could be immediately removed. I don’t think it would be a bad idea to make an extra box and insert those links there in a way that they are visible, after all they help your visitors to navigate through your blog.

    FYI: it seems that the 1.3 update has fixed the mailform spam problem for me ??

    Ok, is up and running again. Because my previous comments are a bit up in this thread, I am reposting them (hope you don’t mind):

    – Just like Lipa with me the “Recording since” does not show any date.

    – Is there a way to ignore my own site as referrer? Now the Referers list is filled with pages from my own domain which is not very interesting.

    – In the daily stats view it would be convenient if the first column contained the date and if the order was descending. Can this be changed?

    (Doublepost, please ignore)

    Mmm, I can’t access anymore? I get this error-message: “Sorry, but you are UNAUTHORIZED to view this site”.

    I have installed the plugin and I am very impressed. I do have some questions/issues. Just like Lipa with me the “Recording since” does not show any date.

    Also, is there a way to ignore my own site as referrer? Now the Referers list is filled with pages from my own domain which is not very interesting.

    In the daily stats view it would be convenient if the first column contained the date and if the order was descending.

    Thanks and keep up the good work! (I hope that the fact that your blog is not acessible means you have quit the development of this plugin! It is really the best I have seen so far!)

    Thread Starter johanvanderwijk


    Mmm, so it seems that doing this is very risky…

    I will just give it a try on a website that is now getting almost no traffic at all, and I won’t start using this system on my important sites.

    I’ll get back to you when I find out if it helps or when the site has been banned by all search engines ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Google Sitemap

    Okay Matt, let me rephrase my question:

    Has anyone who is using a XML sitemap that is generated from WordPress noticed any improvements in the index frequency of their site?

    This thread is all about the technical aspects, but I just wonder about the concrete results. (I havena€?t noticed anything yeta€|)

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Google Sitemap

    I’m just wondering if anyone else has checked this, but I am not noticing any results from the Google sitemap feature.

    It has been uploaded to the server a couple of days ago, and all is ok. Google downloaded it but it still hasn’t reindexed my site. I have changed almost all of my pages and still nothing of these changes show up in Google…

    How long do you think it takes before Google will use the xml file to crawl my site??

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