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  • Thread Starter JohnAKeith


    Thank you. When I try to upload the theme I get an error:

    The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

    Theme installation failed.

    Should I add the style.css that comes with other themes and zip that up?

    Thread Starter JohnAKeith


    Thread Starter JohnAKeith


    The style .css settings seem to affect what shows up.

    For the single-property page, the plug-in seems to follow the css of the website.

    For the property archives, it seems to go somewhere else completely.

    So is there a way to edit / change the css file it points to?

    OMG thank you for posting this. I updated the plug-in a couple hours ago and then got the same error message and completely forgot what I did that could have caused it. Was definitely the cause.

    Thread Starter JohnAKeith


    Here’s the code to get the header image to show up. You can either take out the left-side logo code or just comment it out.

    This is also code to add three columns at the bottom of the page – the first has a welcome post. I created a new post and made it a “sticky” post, so it always stays in that column. Alternately, of course, you can just type in the paragraphs in the index.php file. The second column is a “recent posts” list. The code below has it set up to list the most recent seven posts (plus the only “sticky” post I’ve written). The third column is a Twitter widget that shows updates on Twitter for certain terms – in my case, “boston condos” or something similar. Go to the Twitter developer site to get the widget.

    link to pastebin

    Thread Starter JohnAKeith


    Hi. When I do coding, I usually just do a lot of trial and error, so how I end up doing things is quickly forgotten, unfortunately.

    I seem to remember deleting out the left logo code in the header.php file. The custom header I created by adding a line of code in the header.php file and then putting in one line in the style.php file. The “custom header” page in the theme editor doesn’t work apparently, so you have to change the code.

    The static text in the lower left is the result of adding a snippet of code to the index.php that made it one specific post. It’s a “sticky” post, meaning I designated it as such when I wrote the post, originally.

    The same is true for the twitter feed – it’s a snippet I added to the index.php file.

    Remember: make sure you have a copy of the original theme .php files before you go in there to modify the code. It’s a nightmare to have to try to go back to the beginning if you can’t remember what it looked like.

    The snippet from the index.php code is below. Right above this, there’s a section of the .php file that you need to comment out.

    Right below here, comment out:

    [96 lines of code moderated as per the Forum Rules. The maximum number of lines of code that you can post in these forums is ten lines. Please use the pastebin]



    atlohi, if you could, where did you change the plugin? Where is the deprecated.php file? I don’t see it in the subscribe2 folder. This is set for all plug-ins somewhere?

    I happened to download the plug-in today and it’s unfortunate that WP 3.1 has caused this problem. I’m impatient!


    Yeah, I had a trailing space after my API key but that didn’t solve the problem.

    I am running WP 8.5 and TT 2.0. Until a couple weeks ago, everything worked fine. Then, no links on twitter, not long-form and not shortened.

    Figured it was a twitter issue.

    Today I tried it again to see if I could get it to work. Deleted and reinstalled plug-in. No luck.

    Then, I deactivated the twitter tools plug-in. Voila, suddenly my blog posts were being shortened and were showing up on twitter, automatically.

    Makes no sense? Yeah.

    Am I happy, nonetheless? Yeah.

    So, my tip to you is, deactivate or delete twitter tools, re-install, reactivate, then enter your ID and API key, again.

    Then, try to post.

    If it doesn’t create a shortened address, deactivate the three twitter tools plug-ins, one at a time – urls creation, #hashtag creation, and exclude category, starting by deactivating urls. If that doesn’t work, deactivate all three.

    Trial and error will get you what you want!

    HandySolo, that seems like an excellent solution. Thanks.

    Hmmm. But what I need to figure out is, how do I get the results to show “all” instead of excerpts.

    Plus, my rss feeds only show the first eight posts – and I want them all to show up.

    Probably settings I can choose in the URL?

    Thoughts, anyone?

    Ah, don’t you love answers that just say, “You’re doing it wrong”?

    Yes, there is a file size limit. It says so right there on the “Import” screen. Try to upload your posts, anyway, and you’ll end up getting an error message, or, timing out, or worse.

    As DrMike says, you need to break up the file into pieces.

    1) Export your file, this will create one mega-file.
    >> Manage >> Export

    2) Open the file with Notepad.

    3) Highlight a bunch of posts.

    4) Copy those posts into a new Notepad file, and save as .rss file. (Make sure you don’t save it as a “.rss.txt” file by accident.

    You’ll have to guess as to how many posts to put into each smaller file. I found it better to err on the side of caution. I had an 11.4mb file, but I ended up with over 20 smaller files, but I had no idea how big each file was. Overkill? A bit, but I didn’t want to have to keep recreating the files, over and over again.

    5) The important part you’ll need in each of the smaller files is the “header” and “footer” of the original file, for lack of a better term. As MrMike said, each entry begins with <item> and ends with </item>.

    In the “master” .rss file, you’ll see a bunch of entries at the beginning. Copy all of this and put it into each of your smaller files. Copy all the way from the first <xml> tag all the way until right before the first <item> tag.

    (This information seems to be necessary in each of the smaller files, even though it may seem redundant. This information includes categories, etc., so you’d think that after your first upload, you wouldn’t need to include it in subsequent uploads. I guess you do, because I didn’t, first time, and ended up with blank categories on all my posts. If this confuses you, just ignore it. All you need to remember is to make sure each smaller file has the beginning part and ending part of the original file.)

    After the end of the last </item> you’ll see two more tags – </channel> and </rss>. You’ll need to enter this at the tail end of each of your smaller files.

    Save each file, again, making sure it ends in .rss.

    6) Go to your new blog.
    >> Manage >> Import >> WordPress

    7) Browse to the first of your smaller files (ah, now you realize, you need to label them in such a way as to remember which ones you’ve uploaded and which ones you haven’t …)

    8) If the new file is small enough, WordPress will prompt you to set up new “authors”. If it’s too big, you’ll get some sort of error message. I suggest going to your Manage Posts page to make sure none of the files have uploaded, but you can always do that later.

    (There seems to be a control to keep you from uploading the same entries more than once; this is good.)

    9) WordPress will upload the files and tell you they are all set, by showing the words “Importing …” with the name of each blog entry.

    Voila! You can go on to the next file.

    I’m going to guess that your next question will be, “How can I add HTML to my author/user profiles?”

    Some people say it can’t be done, some people say it SHOULDN’T be done (they say you shouldn’t be putting HTML into author profiles … what do they know???).

    Here’s a thread on the subject:

    I was having a terrible time trying to get HTML into author profiles, until I read that thread.

    I was able to get HTML into author profiles by adding one line to my author.php file.

    <?php echo html_entity_decode($curauth->description); ?>

    The “echo” part is apparently the difference between getting HTML in and not getting it in.

    Hope this helps!


    I spent HOURS researching this topic. I found several plug-ins that would allow you to add photos to Author profiles, but none worked.

    Go here:

    It is the easiest plug-in.

    You simply download the zip folder from that site, unzip it, put two .php files in your plug-in folder, activate the plug-in, then go to each user’s profile and upload a photo.

    Then you just add one-line to your author.php or single.php or wherever you want the photo to show up, and you’re all set!

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