Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PayPal IPN for WordPress] Some orders not loggedYou are absolutely right – and mystery solved. On further investigation I found an out-of-date link on another website which pointed to a previous incarnation of our shop page, and this page had been set up before WooCommerce was installed.
It was enormously helpful to have Angel Eyes’ IPN records to hand for sorting out this problem – so thanks for that and also for your interest.Thanks Alex. Here it is (lengthy, I’m afraid, and of course there’s no data):
// for date picker
wp_enqueue_style(‘jquery-style’, ‘’);//*********************************************
// check for user logged in with right privileges
$loggedin = false;
global $current_user;
if(!$current_user->user_login == ” ) {
$level = $current_user->user_level;
if ($level > 5) {
$loggedin = true;
$sysmsg = “User can edit.”;
} else {
$sysmsg = “User cannot edit.”;
} else {
$sysmsg = “User cannot edit.”;
}// ************************
// initialise
// ************************
$thisyear = date(‘Y’);
$nextyear = date(‘Y’, strtotime(‘+ 1year’));
$lastyear = date(‘Y’, strtotime(‘- 1year’));
$prevyear = date(‘Y’, strtotime(‘- 2year’));$msg = “”;
$titles = getgrouptitles();
$countTitles = count($titles);
$incTypes = getincometypes();
$countIncTypes = count($incTypes);// ************************
//process each selection
// ***********************
$ayear = getyear();
$grpPayments = showgrouppayments($ayear);
$countGrpPayments = count($grpPayments);
$msg .= $grpPayments[0][‘message’];
if ($loggedin) {
if ($loggedin) {
$ayear = getyear();
$msg .= savespreadsheet($_POST, $ayear);
if ($loggedin) {
$ayear = getyear();
$msg .= saveexpspreadsheet($_POST, $ayear);
if ($loggedin) {
$ayear = getyear();
$msg .= delincssrow($_POST[‘incrow’], $ayear);
if ($loggedin) {
$ayear = getyear();
$msg .= delexpssrow($_POST[‘exprow’], $ayear);
if ($loggedin) {
$ayear = getyear();
$email = $_POST[‘post_email’];
$msg .= incomespreadhtml($ayear, $email);
if ($loggedin) {
$ayear = getyear();
$email = $_POST[‘post_email’];
$msg .= expensespreadhtml($ayear, $email);
// Initialise
// **************************************
$ayear = getyear();
$byear = $ayear+1;$income = getspreadsheet($ayear);
$countIncome = count($income);
$msg .= $income[0][15];$expenses = getexpspreadsheet($ayear);
$countExpenses = count($expenses);
$msg .= $expenses[0][17];//************************
// calculate income totals
for ($i=0;$i < $countIncome; $i++) {
$tot6+= $income[$i][6]; //bf
$tot7+= $income[$i][7]; //subs
$tot8+= $income[$i][8]; //mags
$tot9+= $income[$i][9]; //meet
$tot10+= $income[$i][10]; //xmas_lunch
$tot11+= $income[$i][11]; //GA
$tot12+= $income[$i][12]; //PP
$tot13+= $income[$i][13]; //Misc
$grandtotalinc = number_format(($tot6+$tot7+$tot8+$tot9+$tot10+$tot11+$tot12+$tot13),2,’.’, ”);//************************
// calculate expenditure totals
for ($i=0;$i < $countExpenses; $i++) {
$tot14+= $expenses[$i][5]; //room
$tot15+= $expenses[$i][6]; //speak
$tot16+= $expenses[$i][7]; //news
$tot17+= $expenses[$i][8]; //admin
$tot18+= $expenses[$i][9]; //fees
$tot19+= $expenses[$i][10]; //equip
$tot20+= $expenses[$i][11]; //xmas
$tot21+= $expenses[$i][12]; //ins
$tot22+= $expenses[$i][13]; //sw
$tot23+= $expenses[$i][14]; //misc
$tot24+= $expenses[$i][15]; //auditor
$grandtotalexp = number_format(($tot14+$tot15+$tot16+$tot17+$tot18+$tot19+$tot20+$tot21+$tot22+$tot23+$tot24),2,’.’, ”);//**************************************
// Display instructions
echo “Add a row. Scroll down to the bottom of the spreadsheet in question, and enter in the data. <br />”;
echo “Note 1: A new row will only be saved if a date has been entered.<br />”;
echo “Note 2: You may only save one NEW row at a time. You can, though, save multiple changes to the existing spreadsheet.<br />”;
echo “Save the spreadsheet Press Save for the spreadsheet in question. <br />”;
echo “Delete a row. Enter the row (ID) number in the box next to the Delete button and press Delete.<br />”;
echo “Show group payments. Press ‘Show Payments’ button to display the list of group payments to date. (List shown below).<br />”;
echo “Create new spreadsheets. Select the year and press Create Spreadsheets<br /><br />”;
echo “User access level: <span style = ‘color:red’> ” . $sysmsg . “</span><br />”;
echo “System message: <span style = ‘color:red’> ” . $msg . “</span><br />”;//**************************************
// Display choices
echo “<div class=’left’>”;
echo “<form action=” method=’post’>”;
echo “Select year: “;
echo “<select name=’ayear’>”;
echo “<option value='” . $thisyear . “‘”;
if ($thisyear == $ayear) echo ” selected “;
echo “>” . $thisyear . ” / ” . $nextyear . “</option>”;
echo “<option value='” . $lastyear . “‘”;
if ($lastyear == $ayear) echo ” selected “;
echo “>” . $lastyear . ” / ” . $thisyear . “</option>”;
echo “<option value='” . $prevyear . “‘”;
if ($prevyear == $ayear) echo ” selected “;
echo “>” . $prevyear . ” / ” . $lastyear . “</option>”;
echo “</select>”;
echo ” <input type=’submit’ name=’loadss’ value=’Load spreadsheet’/>”;
echo ” <input type=’submit’ name=’createss’ value=’Create spreadsheets’/>”;
echo ” <input type=’submit’ name=’showgrouppayments’ value=’Show payments’/><br /><br />”;
echo “</form></div>”;//*****************************************
// Display income table
// ****************************************
echo “<div class=’clr’></div>”;
echo “<h3>Income</h3>”;
echo “<form action=” method=’post’><table id=’spread’><thead>”;
echo “<th>Mags </th><th>Meetings</th><th>Lunch</th><th>GA</th><th>PayPal</th><th>Misc</th><th>Desc</th></tr></thead><tbody>”;
echo “<tr><td> ” . $ayear .” – ” . $byear . “</td><td></td><td> Balance:</td><td>“;
echo ” ” . number_format(($grandtotalinc-$grandtotalexp),2,’.’, ”) .”</td><td> Totals:</td><td> ” . number_format($grandtotalinc,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot6,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot7,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot8,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot9,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot10,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot11,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot12,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot13,2) . “</td><td></td></tr>”;
for ($i=0; $i <= $countIncome; $i++) {
echo “<tr>”;
for ($j = 0; $j < 15; $j++) {
if ($j == 2) {
echo “<td><select name=’ss[” . $i . “][” . $j . “]’>” ;
for ($k=0; $k < $countIncTypes; $k++) {
echo “<option value='” . $incTypes[$k][‘id’] . “‘”;
if ( $income[$i][$j] == $incTypes[$k][‘id’] ) {
echo ” selected “;
echo “>” . $incTypes[$k][‘aname’] . “</option>”;
echo “</select></td>”;
} elseif ($j == 3) {
echo “<td><select name=’ss[” . $i . “][” . $j . “]’>” ;
echo “<option value = ”> -select- </option>”;
for ($m=0; $m < $countTitles; $m++) {
echo “<option value='” . $titles[$m][‘id’] . “‘”;
if ( $income[$i][$j] == $titles[$m][‘id’] ) {
echo ” selected “;
echo “>” . $titles[$m][‘title’] . “</option>”;
echo “</select></td>”;
} else {
echo “<td><input name=’ss[” . $i . “][” . $j . “]’ value = ‘” . $income[$i][$j] . “‘ type=’text’ “;
// record id for this column not to be amended
if ($j == 0) {
echo “class=’rtb’ readonly “;
// enable the date picker for this column
} elseif ($j == 1) {
echo “class=’rtb, custom_date’ “;
} elseif (($j == 1) AND ($i == 0)) {
echo ” readonly “;} else {
echo “class=’rtb'”;
echo “/></td>”;
echo “</tr>”;
echo “</tbody></table><br /><br />”;
// Selections
echo “<input type=’submit’ name=’save’ value=’Save income’ onclick=’return confirm(\”Are you sure?\”)’ />”;
echo ” <input type = ‘submit’ name=’del’ value=’Delete Row:’ onclick=’return confirm(\”Are you sure?\”)’ /> Row ID Nr. <input type=’text’ size=’6′ name=’incrow’ /> “;
echo “Email <select name=’post_email’>”;
echo “<option name=’chair’ value=’[email protected]’>Send to Chair</option>”;
echo “<option name=’webmanager’ value=’[email protected]’>Send to Web Manager</option>”;
echo “<option name=’membership’ value=’[email protected]’>Send to Membership Secretary</option>”;
echo “<option name=’newmembership’ value=’[email protected]’>Send to New Membership Secretary</option>”;
echo “<option name=’technical’ value=’[email protected]’>Send to Technical Manager</option>”;
echo “<option name=’treasurer’ value=’[email protected]’>Send to Treasurer</option>”;
echo “</select> “;
echo ” <input type=’submit’ name=’printinc’ value=’Send file’ onclick=’return confirm(\”Are you sure?\”)’ />”;
echo “</form>”;
echo “<div class=’clr’></div>”;
// display expenditure table
echo “<h3>Expenditure</h3>”;
echo “<form action=” method=’post’><table id=’spread2′><thead>”;
echo “<tr><th>ID</th><th>Date</th><th>Payee</th><th>Recon</th><th>Folio</th><th>Rooms</th><th>Speakers</th>”;
echo “<th>Newsletter </th><th>Admin</th><th>Fees</th><th>Equip</th><th>Lunch</th><th>Insurance</th><th>SW</th><th>Misc</th><th>Audit</th><th>Description</th></tr></thead><tbody>”;
echo “<tr><td> ” . $ayear .” – ” . $byear .”</td><td></td><td></td><td> Totals:</td><td> ” . number_format($grandtotalexp,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot14,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot15,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot16,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot17,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot18,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot19,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot20,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot21,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot22,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot23,2) . “</td>”;
echo “<td> ” . number_format($tot24,2) . “</td><td></td></tr>”;for ($i=0; $i <= $countExpenses; $i++) {
echo “<tr>”;
for ($j = 0; $j < 17; $j++) {
echo “<td><input name=’ss[” . $i . “][” . $j . “]’ value = ‘” . $expenses[$i][$j] . “‘ type=’text’ “;
// record id for this column not to be amended
if (($j == 0)) {
echo “class=’rtb’ readonly “;
// enable the date picker for this column
elseif ($j == 1) {
echo “class=’rtb, custom_date’ “;
} else {
echo “class=’rtb'”;
echo “/></td>”;
echo “</tr>”;
echo “</tbody></table><br /><br />”;
// selections
echo “<input type=’submit’ name=’save2′ value=’Save expenditure’ onclick=’return confirm(\”Are you sure?\”)’ /> “;
echo ” <input type = ‘submit’ name=’del2′ value=’Delete Row:’ onclick=’return confirm(\”Are you sure?\”)’ /> Row ID Nr. <input type=’text’ size=’6′ name=’exprow’ />”;
echo “Email <select name=’post_email’>”;
echo “<option name=’chair’ value=’[email protected]’>Send to Chair</option>”;
echo “<option name=’webmanager’ value=’[email protected]’>Send to Web Manager</option>”;
echo “<option name=’membership’ value=’[email protected]’>Send to Membership Secretary</option>”;
echo “<option name=’newmembership’ value=’[email protected]’>Send to New Membership Secretary</option>”;
echo “<option name=’technical’ value=’[email protected]’>Send to Technical Manager</option>”;
echo “<option name=’treasurer’ value=’[email protected]’>Send to Treasurer</option>”;
echo “</select> “;
echo ” <input type=’submit’ name=’printexp’ value=’Send file’ onclick=’return confirm(\”Are you sure?\”)’ />”;
echo “</form>”;
echo “<div class=’clr’></div>”;
// display group payments
echo “<form action=” method=’post’>”;
echo “<fieldset>”;
echo “<legend>Group Payments</legend>”;
echo “<table><tbody><tr>”;
echo “<tr><th>Group</th><th>Date</th><th>Total</th><th>Venue</th></tr>”;
for ($i=0;$i < $countGrpPayments; $i++) {
echo “<tr><td>” . $grpPayments[$i][‘title’] . “</td>”;
echo “<td>” . $grpPayments[$i][‘date’] . “</td>”;
echo “<td>” . $grpPayments[$i][‘meetings’] . “</td>”;
echo “<td>” . $grpPayments[$i][‘name’] . “</td>”;
echo “</tr>”;
// Javascript for the date picker display
echo “<script type=’text/javascript’>
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
dateFormat : ‘yy-mm-dd’
// Javascript for the scroll functions for both tables
echo “<script type=’text/javascript’>
var translate = ‘translate(0,’+this.scrollTop+’px)’;
this.querySelector(‘thead’).style.transform = translate;
var translate = ‘translate(0,’+this.scrollTop+’px)’;
this.querySelector(‘thead’).style.transform = translate;
</script>”;Thanks Alex – that did the trick.