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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Hosting Benchmark tool] Persistent object cache read zero?Thank you for your response. I think it just ended up being my server was a bit too far out of date…so I couldn’t upgrade certain linux packages.
I ended up migrating to a new server a couple of months ago and the object cache worked great. Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-WebAuthn] Front end shortcode not workingThanks so much for the fast response. I couldn’t figure out the selector myself to fix it, so thanks for this!
Hello — just following up on this with a gentle nudge ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Organizer] Best practices question: plugin groupsFollowing up on this because I’m a bit confused about Plugin Groups.
I have a series of pages which should share a similar set of plugins being enabled (or disabled). I thought that I should:
- Create a Plugin Group “test” with plugins I’d like to have enabled
- Go to the page and disable all plugins under “Plugins”
- Enable my “test” group (make it green)
But this doesn’t seem to work. I keep getting fatal errors from a missing function (I disabled plugin checks in my code for testing). I also swapped this and it didn’t work either:
- Create a Plugin Group “test” with plugins I’d like to have disabled
- Go to the page and enable all plugins under “Plugins”
- Disable my “test” group (make it red)
It seems I’m misunderstanding how Plugin Groups works. In the docs for the plugin for groups, it says “Those groups can be used on the various pages to disable plugins by selecting that group”. Seems like the last 1-3 steps I did should work.
Thanks for any insights….I’m just trying to simplify my setup as I’ve been using filters with great success but this might be better/easier,
I can confirm that the links works for me now —
Sorry about not responding sooner. I did try deleting the cache and it didn’t change things and was going to try again before posting but, well, other things and “fires” got in the way.
Thank you for looking into this…and seemingly fixing it!
It’s at the root level:
It’s a file placed on the server to allow sucuri to do scans and monitor changes.
OK — it was just so fast it seemed no way it could scan the database ??
I’m not getting the “All Well” under the database section. Here’s a screenshot:
OK…must be really fast or a background process? It takes less than a second before files start getting scanned…that’s why I thought it wasn’t working.
Also, nothing gets printed underneath the “Database Scan Results:” section. Maybe it would be good to have a notice that all is OK…
Thanks for your plugin….
Understood — thank you so much for that…I understand the complexity and appreciate the response. I’ll search through the code because I need to code up a function to do this as we have about 1000 episodes over various podcasts we’ve done. ??
We used to host our podcasts on Blubrry (sending money your way) but have been self-hosted for years. In trying to find a solution, I noticed you had a Patreon program set up. I made a contribution today (which I’ll cancel after a month) as a thanks for your work in contributing this to the community. It’s hard to find plugins that have been around as long as our sites and yours is one of these. Thank you so much for the effort.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by johnmontfx.
So digging into this, it seems as though I’m unable to have subscribe links using categories for custom post type posts. The following code from Line 277 in powerpress-subscribe.php seems to cause issues. The subscribe_type is set to ‘post_type’ at this point
if( 'post' != get_post_type() && empty($ExtraData['subscribe_type']) ) { $post_type = get_post_type(); $ExtraData['subscribe_type'] = 'post_type'; } else if( 'post' == get_post_type() && !empty($ExtraData['category']) ) { // If strict category selected $ExtraData['cat_id'] = $ExtraData['category']; //$ExtraData['subscribe_type'] = 'category'; // Let the get settings function below figure this out $detect_category = false; }
Since subscribe type gets set to post_type, the powerpresssubscribe_get_settings() function won’t do further digging for a possible category podcast, as seen on line 79, as $ExtraData[‘subscribe_type’] needs to be empty to do this search:
if( false != $detect_category && empty($category_id) && !empty($GeneralSettings['cat_casting']) && $feed_slug == 'podcast' && empty($ExtraData['subscribe_type']) )
For our particular case, I modified this line to be the following and it works:
if( false != $detect_category && empty($category_id) && !empty($GeneralSettings['cat_casting']) && $feed_slug == 'podcast' && (empty($ExtraData['subscribe_type']) OR $ExtraData['subscribe_type']=='post_type' ) )
We’ve been successfully using the plugin for feeds since 2010 but this is the first time I’ve been trying to use the built-in player in powerpress (previously we inserted it ourselves inside the articles).
Thank you!
- This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by johnmontfx.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by johnmontfx.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Organizer] Disable for specific URL request?Just wanted to (politely) bump this thread as I had done some experimenting and found I couldn’t get PO to respect the permalink…
Thank you again for your assistance and work on the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Organizer] Disable for specific URL request?I also did a fresh install of WordPress 5.1.1 and copied wp/admin-ajax.php to wp/admin-ajax-fx.php
I only installed PO and I have the same issue. I confirmed the existence of the MU plugin as well…it was installed correctly.
Here are some screenshots from my dev server for the settings: again!
- This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by johnmontfx.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Organizer] Disable for specific URL request?So following up on this, I have moved to a dev site and done the following:
- Disabled all plugins except for Akismet, PO, and Favorites (which is the one where the ajax call I’m testing is being used
- Enabled the TwentyFifteen Theme
- Removed all plugin filters except for one:
- The plugin filter allows ONLY PO and Favorites (not Akismet)
- Turned ON Fuzzy URL Matching, Selective Plugin Loading, Ignore URL Protocol, Selective Admin Plugin Loading. All other settings off.
When I attempt to access admin-ajax-fx.php, akismet is still loading. I added some code in the admin-ajax-fx.php file to print out the active plugins in the php log.
I also disabled Favorites and Akismet is still loading. I also tried a couple of other plugins in place of Akismet…but they are still loading.
Any suggestions for further debugging?
Thanks again for creating an awesome plugin. Helps so much on my site where on some pages I do need some heavy plugins active and I can leave them off on other pages.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Organizer] Disable for specific URL request?Thanks for the quick response, Jeff.
Something must be going on because I’ve done exactly that. Selective admin plugin is enabled and the URL is correct on the Plugin Filter page. I’ve added a function to the custom ajax file to print out loaded plugins to the error log and they all appear to be loading.
Right now admin-ajax-custom.php is an exact copy of the original, so that’s not the problem.
Time to start enabling / disabling plugins and see if that’s what’s happening.
Thanks again.