Forum Replies Created
Yes. You could use .htpasswd (see ) or if you just want to hide the page to anyone but logged in users, I use ??
It didn’t work…
But after using this fix (with a dummy error.html thingie in the “main” .htaccess file), now it does. ??
That has been bandied about, but it becomes expensive to run when you have a lot of blogs (10,000 say) and pages.
I see.
10.000 blogs, that must be like 0,01% of all WordPress users. Like or whatever commercial/successful site offering free blogs.
But, I understand you want these “flagship clients” to enjoy good performance.
Maybe the solution is to ask when the user activates the multi-site function, if he expects to be huge. (lol) …I mean to have 10.000 blogs. In this option, he can stick to the current solution with the /blog/ slug. (A huge site like that, I guess can live with an “empty” blog at /blog/ and just 301 redirect it, or whatever.)
And for the “normal users” one could do the check when creating new blogs and posts. This is an action that only happens once per new post, so it is not a huge deal if one has to wait an extra second. It is not like the visitor to the blog has to wait one extra second for each page. I mean it is not a performance decrease on a critical action.
Well, maybe a question at installing multi-site (or updating to a new version of WP) isn’t the best way (from UX perspective). But the idea is to have two different solutions and the site owner can choose. Maybe it should be a line in the wp-config.php, with a default to the second option, to keep the installation process as simple as it is today (for everyone except the huge-site-owners, who would have to get notified somehow and change the line in wp-config.php).
Or perhaps a different package “WP Huge” (.zip download). Lol again. “WP Huge Package”…
Again, just my 5 cents. Good luck in the coding!
Mika, are you part of the core development team, btw?
Thanks for all the help. My problem has been resolved. I leave it open if you want to respond.
Yeah, don’t do that. Put it in it’s own folder ?? /secondsite/ or whatever.
Ok, I tried again and now it works.
I might have forgotten to change the PATH_CURRENT_SITE after moving it away from the /wp-admin/ folder.
It might also be that I had it password protected using CPanel.
When I try to password protect /secondsite/ now the second site is not found anymore. I get a 404 error from my main site (I see this as it is the theme of my main site). When I remove the password protection, it works again.
Is it possible to password protect the (folder) /secondsite/?
I suspect it might be a .htaccess issue, but I’m not very familiar with this…Now that I can install more instances of WP in other directories, I guess I can do that instead of using a multi-site with subfolders… I would have like 5 different instances though ??
Speaking of the /blog slug, it’s being worked on. It’s complicated, to put it mildly (the problem can be summed up as we don’t want to have collisions with posts and sub-sites).
Yes, I have read this before… I’m not versed in the WP code, but I’ll give my 5 cents of input.
In my case I want to have a second blog, which will be a French version of my main blog. And then maybe a German, and so on.
So my URLs will be: will not (ever) have a POST with the url /de/ on my main site.
That would not make sense.I guess the problem, for you guys trying to program this, is that not all people will use it like this. Some might have different people allowed to create a new blog and chose a name and URL for that blog.
So person#1 might want a POST /awesome-stuff/ on the main blog while person#2 wants to start a BLOG called /awesome-stuff/.
One way to handle it might be to just put a check function every time some one adds a post (and chooses the URL) — is there a blog with the same URL already existing? If so, then the user is not allowed to use that URL and has to chose another one.
And when someone wants to add a new blog, a similar check is done, is there already a post (or another blog) with this same URL?
You could also put a explanation text, explaining the problem when a user chooses to create a multi-site blog with sub folders.
This might not be as beautiful solution as to program something advanced using .htaccess.
Would this kind of solution work?
The disadvantage I can see is that it forces the super-admin to use a first-come-first-serve system to the URLs on his site. But I think the Super-admin can control who gets to add a new blog anyway, so it would not be a huge issue.Probably I underestimate the complexity… But hey, at least I try to contribute.. ??
Thanks for the help! And thanks for a great piece of free software!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: count only current user posts status instead of allLoru88, as I mentioned, this is what I found:
/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php, on line 231
I saw a discussion between WordPress developers somewhere (can’t find the site now) and some one has suggested to add the hooks I also requested (count_post something). Someone else actually responded with a patch to the core Word press code, but as far as I can tell it has not yet been implemented (this was 4-5 months ago).
Someone else suggested using the hook “query” and check if you are in the admin section and if it is a contributor (and perhaps if it is the page edit./php). Sounds like it could work, but I don’t know enough about WordPress to make it work. I can’t seem to edit the query without messing up the whole site.
Does anyone have any solution for our problem?
Does anyone know when a hook might come?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: count only current user posts status instead of allI have the same problem so I post in here as I have done some research on the topic (still not solved though!).
I think we would need to ask the WordPress people to add a new hook.
I have a multi-author site and I would like the admin section to only show the posts of the current user. I have succeeded in making a plugin for this, however I want each author to only see the post count of his own posts.
Authors and contributors should not know have many posts there are on the site (I’m talking about pending, drafts).
The page I’m talking about is this one:
On the these threads I saw how to do hide the posts in the list: they still come up in the list at the top, that looks something like this:
Mine (3) | All(22) | Public(20) | Draft(1) | Pending(1)
For Authors and contributors it should only say:
or perhaps:
Mine(3) | Draft(1) | Pending(1)
So that is what I want. Now to my problem. I had solved it through a hack in the source code, but it is not a good solution long term as new WordPress versions come out every month or so.
I use this code to hide the posts in the post list:
function posts_for_current_author($query) { if($query->is_admin) { global $user_ID; $query->set('author', $user_ID); } return $query; } add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'posts_for_current_author');
however, it seems like the filter hook
is called after the count list is generated. (Trying the hookposts_where
also doesn’t work.)I have tried finding another hook that could solve this but can’t find any.
The list is printed in the /wp-admin/edit.php on line 241:
<?php $wp_list_table->views(); ?>
It calls a function in the wp_list_table object, which can be found in /wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php, on line 231:
* Display the bulk actions dropdown.
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
function views() {
$screen = get_current_screen();$views = $this->get_views();
$views = apply_filters( ‘views_’ . $screen->id, $views );if ( empty( $views ) )
return;echo “<ul class=’subsubsub’>\n”;
foreach ( $views as $class => $view ) {
$views[ $class ] = “\t<li class=’$class’>$view”;
echo implode( ” |</li>\n”, $views ) . “</li>\n”;
echo “</ul>”;
}`This is as far as I get.
It seems to me that it would be needed to add a hook to do this.
Is there currently any way to make the functionality that I want?
If not, could someone in the WordPress team add a hook for the next version?
To Loru88, if you want a temporary solution that is not very good you could always remove line 241 in edit.php but this is NOT recommended.