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from what i understood and tried, you need to add the class=gallery in your html. For example <p class=”gallery”> some text that is a link </p>
When clicked the link will open the source image, if you have of course put any, with the lightbox effect. In the example above, all text to image links inside the paragraph block will open like that.
And if you have more than one they will open as gallery, one after the other.In order to avoid that, you remove the gallery class from the <div> or <p> block and add it in any of the texts that links to the image. Something like that
<a href=”image url” class=”gallery”>text 1</a> and <a href=”image url” class=”gallery”>text 2</a>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox with PhotoSwipe] Theme 24 lightbox not workingalmost fully agree with the above and also have a look at your proposals, thank you very much.
I use Yoast mostly for getting a rough idea about following some title, description and internal links tips and suggestions. And i generally try to keep at possible minimum most minified/optimized tips from various “magic” plugins that most of the times are more marketing than other.
Will try to play a little bit with Yoast options and see what may cause this issue, otherwise i completely remove it and see if i can find any other alternative only for basic website checking.thanks again
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox with PhotoSwipe] Theme 24 lightbox not workingthe same happens on the live website
The conclusion is that all other things being equal, upgrading to WP theme “twenty twenty four” breaks Lightbox Photoswipe functionality. Maybe there is something inside Yoast plugin that creates this issue, don’t know. Unfortunately, i cannot continue with Yoast deactivated so will probably need to find a Lightbox alternative that will not have this issue.Let me know if you understand how to fix this anyway.
many thanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox with PhotoSwipe] Theme 24 lightbox not workingJust to add, Yoast is active on the live website and your plugin works fine with it. When i updated to the new WP theme (twenty four) lightbox stopped. I deactivated all plugins, activating one after the other, this is how i realized Yoast breaks functionality! Do not understand why. Will make a very quick theme upgrade on my live website to see it this happens there as well and let you know
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox with PhotoSwipe] Theme 24 lightbox not workingI deeply apologize for this, did not expect to have such a quick response so i disabled it for 5 minutes, trying to understand what is going on…. ??
I finally found that it is something in the Yoast SEO plugin that when active stops your plugin from working. When i deactivate it then it comes back to normal! Did not expect Yoast to create such an issue…. Now, i activated your plugin and Yoast in order to “see” them together.
Again, my apologiesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox with PhotoSwipe] Theme 24 lightbox not workingHi Arno and thanks for your reply. So, yeap, i upgraded from “Twenty Twenty-one” to “Twenty Twenty-Four”. Nothing else. So, lightbox stopped working in native WordPress galleries in all my posts and also in some images that had a link to open in higher res.
You may see a live example here: One site is the live and the other is a test/back up exact replica that i hide from search engines. The live website, where the lightbox effect works normally is using the “Twenty Twenty-one” WordPress them and the test website is using the “Twenty Twenty-Four” latest WordPress native theme.
Live website article with “Twenty Twenty-one” theme:
Test website with “Twenty Twenty-Four” theme: test website, if i revert back to “Twenty Twenty-one” theme, Lightbox effect works again.
So, without changing anything than the theme, i conclude there must be an incompatibility of the Lightbox with PhotoSwipe?plugin with the new “Twenty Twenty-Four” latest WordPress native theme. What do you think?
May i ask you something else? Did you have any other incident and complain like this? If not, then there is no reason to change anything as it seems that only me found it strange to have this type of behavior on the supported folders. But if you see that other people also complain then you have a pattern and no matter how you think it works you should improve or add info. Otherwise keep up the good work and thanks for the time you took to answer my questions.
I need to check avif format now because it seems very promising, still i am a little worried about browser support or the work added to the web server in case it has to fallback from avif to webP in case it does not support it.have a nice day
hi @mateuszgbiorczyk ,
I think that a message under the “Supported directories” telling something like this would make things much easier for dump users like me:
“Deselecting any of the supported directories and saving will result in permanent deletion of your optimized images and fallback to your original not-optimized media. You will have to recreate these files if you want optimized images on your website again” or something similaror remove completely the deletion action from the supported directories and create a very simple additional tab called “Delete optimized images” and let users decide if they want to delete any of the optimized content.
You as a programmer and developer of this plugin have a specific way of working in your head. Not all users think the same way and user interface should be ‘idiot’-proof in order to avoid misunderstandings like this.
Hi Mateusz,
our disagreement is that for me the “If you remove the directory /uploads from the list of supported directories, the converted files are deleted. This is normal and logical action” that you mention above is not at all logical.
On your General settings page it says
Supported directories
Files from these directories will be converted to output formats.
and then there are checkboxes with 5 system folders (uploads, gallery, themes etc)
unchecking “/uploads” does not mean to me that if i had previously converted all 21k jpeg images there, that now they will be deleted, simply because i unchecked it. For me, it means that new jpegs from /uploads will not be converted to webP but that existing converted images will remain as is.
The action of deletion is very serious and should be explained somehow and somewhere on this General Settings page that you have.- This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by johnravrasta.
Hello Mateusz and many thanks for your answer. I added a one star review because i was sure there was something wrong with the plugin. What is wrong according to my humble opinion? The fact that it is not clearly documented on the configuration/settings pages, where all users will go and choose their optimization options.
After reading your 2nd bullet point i am almost certain that the problem is the 2nd point. So, this is what i did:
-Installed latest plugin version
-selected UPLOADS folder (or it was selected by default)
-it found around 23k, so i pressed convert and waited for about 30 minutes to complete.
-Checked it, and everything seemed to work ok.
-Then, as my website was using another old image gallery plugin (nextgen) that stored images on the GALLERY folder, i went to settings and selected Gallery folder and saved. I do not remember if selecting two or more folders is possible on your plugin’s settings but i remember that the UPLOAD folder was not selected, only the GALLERY.I did this because i said to my self: “OK, images on the upload folder are converted to webP, lets complete the task by converting jpeg images on the gallery folder”.
Then, the next day, i retested my website and all images on the UPLOAD folder were not converted to webP and website was serving again JPEG
So, as a result, do you mean that if i select and try to optimize a folder different than UPLOADS, it will delete all webP files and will optimize only the new folder images? Why is this not written somewhere in a visible manner so that users are not confused? I believe that this is super important point and lack of communicating this feature to your users. In any way, i think that settings page could be much better displayed and explained. Please accept my sincere apologies if this info was already there but i somehow missed it during my work with your plugin.
In anyway, i will re install and redo the whole process and let you know. I think that my rating can be updated in any case.Hi Arun and many thanks for the quick reply. After reading your links i though of uploading the same images with the Greek filenames to another website i own, which if i recall well is on the name server as the one with the character issue.
Surprisingly, plugin works as supposed there which i strange because i am under the impression that both websites are hosted under the same server and settings. Will need to double check with my server admin.
For the moment, i need to find out how to change my review (star numbers from 2 to 5)thanks to @vladytimy i installed this plugin which enabled me to delete many widgets not needed any more.
With the new widgets editor i was getting an error message and no updates were possible at all!i am also a PRO version owner and have the same issue. Grid/Masonry/Packewry gallery thumbs do not disply. Only if i reload the page it works which as a workaround is useless.
Everything else works fine on my website except of this.I have deactivated most cache plugin (wp-rocket PRO) options but still the same issue. It is really frustrating.
If you have found the solution for the previous user it would be great to post it also here. Maybe other users experience the same problem or bug.
Many thanks.So for images already uploaded on our website and used in one or more galleries how do we fix this issue?
Do we delete them from our website, reupload and then recreate SimpLy Gallery Blocks in various posts and in order to display pics in normal size (the one specified on the Large size anyway) or is there any easier way?many thanks