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Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t get past error page on install.Just installed on my laptop.
I’m using Apache/1.3.33, PHP 4.3.1 Release 1, and mySQL 4.0.15, OSX Server 10.3.8 using a copy of the wordpress files from my server.
It looks like there is an issue with PHP5. I know that we had some PHP/mySQL issues when we upgraded on my server and they had something to do with hashing passwords. I had someone fix it for me and don’t know exactly what they did.
Does anyone know what config settings/steps are necessary to run on PHP5
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Installation problemTry inserting /wordpress/ between your site name and wp-admin
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t get past error page on install.That’s the problem. I don’t get any errors, just the standard cannot connect to database page.
“Error establishing a database connection”
It would be nice if I could find that page, so I could print out the parameters it is using and see if there is an error, but I haven’t been able to locate that page yet.
Is there a design document or commented code available to look at?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Cannot Connect to DatabaseI use CocoaMySQL to connect to my databases and just noticed that the browser window has the location and version number at the top. It turns out I have slightly different versions 4.0.18 on two machines and 4.1.10-max on another.
If you are not using a Mac, I’m sure that there are clients out there that give the same info.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Cannot Connect to DatabaseI’m just learning , so I could be wrong, but on my machine, at the terminal prompt > I type mysql
It looks like this:
Welcome to Darwin!
machine:~ jscarry$ mysqlThe machine responds with
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 327728 to server version: 4.0.18Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the buffer.
My version number is 4.0.18
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Error Establishing Database connection.By default, the root account is not available for login or su. You have to explicitly enable it using NetInfo Manager. Most administrators leave it off for security reasons since with sudo you are reminded each time you type a command that you have the potential to hose your system.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Error Establishing Database connection.On a Mac you don’t usually have a root account. You normally run with root priveleges using sudo.
Your command should besudo chown -R mysql:mysql /usr/local/mysql/data
Then you will be prompted for a password. It is your user password. If you are the admin of the machine you will already be in the list of users who can sudo. If not you will need to add your id to the sudoers file.