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  • I’m interested as well. I also haven’t been able to find where you can set scan options, specifically for which PHP version to check for.

    I got a little lost in this thread. At the end of one year the plugin’s pro features are lost? Or, they are kept but are just disqualified from further upgrades. If the latter and I just mosey along for a bunch of months in “as is” mode because I’m happy with things “as is” and I suddenly lose my happy feeling I can still pay my $75.00 for another year of upgrades?

    Thread Starter johnwade


    I cleaned up a ton of posts (not all) but enough apparently. The blog looks the same in explorer and firefox.

    Thank you for all your help.

    Thread Starter johnwade


    Okay, I’m on board. I’ve (I hope) cleaned up all the html in one post and it looks fine. Now I have to do all of them and hope it fixes the firefox problem.

    Thread Starter johnwade


    Thank you Moshu,

    I believe I am reading carefully. I’m having to learn the nomenclature at the same time and perhaps that is the source of my repetitiveness.

    By bland, I’m trying to understand if that means I should not try and format a post beyond what the quick tags offer. If that is what is causing the problem I’ll stick to that.

    Thread Starter johnwade


    You mean just keep the formating as is. Don’t adjust for size? Wouldn’t that be sort of bland? Would H1 sort of thing be a possibility. I am having a go at coffee cup’s html editor and there are a ton of errors to correct.

    Thread Starter johnwade


    Isn’t that an indicator of my expertise. ?? Somehow I italiced that last post.


    Thread Starter johnwade


    Thank you Moshu,

    I did read, I didn’t know though how to address the part about and (I get their meaning, I think) and I can experiment with them but I didn’t see those tags in the quick tags either. Even so, I wasn’t sure how they provide a range to replace the font size I am somewhat familiar with. So I thought an html editor might use the tags you’re recommending without my fiddling things up.


    Thread Starter johnwade


    I must have misunderstood. I have looked at the quick tags feature in wordpress and don’t see a tag to increase font size. So I thought if I created a “template” in a real html format I could cut and paste it back into the html area of the wordpress post and end up with cleaner html.


    Thread Starter johnwade


    Thank you Moshu,

    Some of the free html editors have their own version of quicktags do they not? If so are you familiar with one you would recommend.

    Thread Starter johnwade


    Thank you Moshu,

    I think I can do that. I’ve just had a look. I didn’t know it coded it differently. However, I don’t see a tag for font size.

    Thread Starter johnwade


    Now that’s encouraging ?? I’m afraid the wysiwyg editor exists for people like me, wyhgachtdio, (When You Haven’t Got A Clue How To Do It Otherwise.) :)I tried to download a program called CSE html validator in hopes it might do some clean up but it won’t install.

    My posts are usually very short and are all identical as far as content and formatting. The only content that changes each month is a small amount of text. So I suppose I can work on one and then make the changes in the other with the other as a guide.

    I take it I should learn about replacing the <big> nonsense with an actual font size?

    Thread Starter johnwade


    Thank you Jeremy and moshu,

    One of the errors contained a key word from an actual post, so I was able to view its html. However the error the validator provided doesn’t seem to be in the html.

    The message and the html for the post follow:

    Line 104, column 2: document type does not allow element “p” here; missing one of “object”, “applet”, “map”, “iframe”, “button”, “ins”, “del” start-tag .

    <p><span style=”font-weight: bold”>Physical:</span></big><big> </big><big>Cushin

    The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you’ve placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you’ve forgotten to close a previous element.

    One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as “<p>” or “<table>”) inside an inline element (such as ““, “<span>”, or “<font>”).

    <span style=”font-weight: bold”>Behaviour:</span> The Canine Escape Artist</big> <big><small>Click Here for PDF File</small></big><big></big><big></big><span style=”font-weight: bold”><big>Physical:</big></span><big> </big><big>Cushings</big> <big><small>Click Here for PDF File</small></big><big></big><big></big>

    <span style=”font-weight: bold”><big>Quotation:</big></span><big> <big>-</big> </big><big>Franklin P. Jones</big> <big>- <span style=”font-style: italic”>”Anybody that doesn’t know what soap tastes like has never washed a dog.”</span></big><big></big><big></big>

    <span style=”font-weight: bold”><big>John’s Pet Talk Column:</big></span><big> </big><big>Syndicated through SunMedia and also available on-line on Canoe’s Lifewise website.</big> <big><small> Click Here to Visit Pet Talk with John Wade</small></big><big></big><big></big>

    <span style=”font-weight: bold”><big>Train Your Dog With John Wade:</big></span><big> 10 Days With John on a Board and Train May be Just the Ticket for That Dog That Won’t Come or Walk Nicely</big> <small><big>Click Here to Learn More</big></small><big></big><big></big>

    <span style=”font-weight: bold”><big>Humor:</big></span><big><big><img src=”; alt=”Dog_Sign_Vancouver.jpg” title=”Dog_Sign_Vancouver.jpg” align=”left” border=”0″ height=”367″ hspace=”5″ vspace=”5″ width=”261″ /></big></big>

    <big><big> </big></big>


    Thread Starter johnwade


    Shoot, forgot to mention. I discovered that if I enter in my browser a specific glog entry/page/post everything looks fine. It is only when I view my blog entries in their entirety that the problem occurs.

    Thread Starter johnwade


    Thank you Jeremy,

    I went to and entered the site to discover errors. There were 29.

    I believe I can correct many of them if I can find them. How do I determine which file in Theme editor to search for the problem line?

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