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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP Post Rich Text Editor fails to loadJust to clarify. I upgraded WP specificually because I was hoping it would help solve this problem but there was no difference.
I just rebooted my machine and there is no improvement.
Can’t think what it could be!
If the WP installation was corrupted it should have been fixed in the upgrade that I carrried out.The problem is that I need that editor to compose posts and edit the HTML in the posts that I make. It is also the only way i am aware of to actually post to a WP blog.
I am just developing the theme right now and want to try out how different html comes out.
Not sure what step to take next. Ideally I’d like some help to confirm that the problem occurs on another machine than my own
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP Post Rich Text Editor fails to loadHi ! Thanks for responding!
I have tried both settings.
None load the buttons anymore. Previously they were loaded by default.I have not installed any security settings.
I have not tried from another computer – I only have access to one at home. But since I tried different browsers, I would have thought I’d pick up any funny settings problem that way? I haven’t rebooted the machine though, so I’ll do that now.
I just upgraded (via Dreamhost) to the latest version of
WP. I think it was 2.0.5.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: .htaccess, 404 error display ( Celeb spotting in this forum! )Hurrah, it works now.
Here is the solution:Create an .htaccess file (there is online help for this, just search Clusty) then put the file alongside the directory where your WP site is.
Paste the following line into the HTAccess file:
ErrorDocument 404 /index.php?error=404
This is assuming you have a working 404.php file in your theme directory.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: .htaccess, 404 error display ( Celeb spotting in this forum! )I am using the default permalinks.
If I remove the htaccess file altogether I am back on square one though. I get this error:
“Not Found
The requested URL /xxssdsa was not found on this server.Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.”Not a very nice error message!
The 404.php file is in the same directory as the rest of the theme php files..
After doing a bit of research I got the impression that the file wouldn’t get called unless I modified htaccess…
With the new and modified htaccess file, I got this error instead:
“Fatal error: “Call to undefined function: get_header() in /home/.howard/jojo0507/ on line 3 “
What I want is of course for the nice and themed 404.php file to be called AND to execute without getting a fatal error.
The get_header() function works fine elsewhere in the theme, so I don’t understand why it’s not working from the 404 or index.php files when I call them in connection with a 404 error.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: .htaccess, 404 error display ( Celeb spotting in this forum! )You are right: Those were just some suggested settings. I don’t really need them at all. I didn’t know anything about .htaccess so just followed in blind!
I’d be really grateful for advice about how I can change the settings in WP for this..!
I looked at the “Permalinks” section under ‘Options’ but there was nothing relevant there.
I’ll keep looking and check back for another post from you! Thank you so much for helping! ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: .htaccess, 404 error display ( Celeb spotting in this forum! )No, That’s all…. I was looking for an existing htaccess file, and searched the entire site but there was none. So I created one based on a helpful webpage I found. That file is the outcome.. So it’s missing some WP specific info? Looks like you are on to something!
(A probably unimportant footnote: Right now when I upload the htaccess file with WS_ftp I am not able to SEE the file at the Dreamhost end. It seems to be cloaked somehow although it is not something that I have done)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Changes to Template Files not responsive on DreamhostReally? It’s not responsive to your updates?
I have Dreamhost too, and just to make things worse, I am in London while they are in California.
All the changes to my THEME shows up immediately.
Changes to the MySQL Database (ie new posts) ought to show as fast..?
Technically, that behaviour doesn’t make any logical sense. If the post is in the db, it’s in the db and should be retrieved immediately and show up in the blog. There is no in between place where the post can be…. Unless there is some kind of weird backup / data duplication scheme that means you are saving to one db and retrieving from another, in which case the duplication could take a while.
Having worked in tech support in the past I can tell you that tech support always responds better if you have a reproducable example of the problem – so they can trigger it and see it with their own eyes.
Their turnaround has been around 6 hours for me when I reported problems. Acceptable so far.
Hope you’ll find a solution!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: .htaccess, 404 error display ( Celeb spotting in this forum! )Thanks Moshu. I know you are very experienced so I immediately took out the line about 404 errors from the htaccess file.
But actually, unless I misunderstood you, that does not solve the problem. That just took me back to where I started, and I get this mesage:
Not Found
The requested URL /xxssdsa was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.My htaccess file is saved alongside the directory where the site and WP files are. It now has these entries (after I deleted the entry about 404s.
IndexIgnore *.wmv *.mp4 *.avi
AddType text/html .html
AddType text/html .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .html
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
# AddHandler server-parsed .htm
<limit GET POST PUT>
order deny,allow
deny from
deny from
deny from
allow from all
</limit>Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Body background picture is too wideYes… but there ARE plenty of people out there with really large screens (my own are 20″ and 24″ for instance).
If I just ‘chop’ the image at a width of 1024px it will look really ugly for people with large screens.
Ideally I’d like the table-cloth to be the real background and the wood and paper bits to be some kind of layer. Apparently that will be possible in CSS3, but I need something that will work now..)
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Personal Blog -Constructive Criticism..Thanks everyone for the feedback.
I need some help with how to fix some of the things that came out in the review. I posted in the Themes forum on this site.
Very grateful for help!Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Help with png transparency fixsolved by myself!
Do not try to use the star html ie6 hack in front of the img property when using this hack. That appears to stop the script from running {?!)Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Which WP function?Oh I see! The blog only has a 7-8 dummy posts while I am developing.
I suppose this means that as soon as I get started, there will always be 10 posts, unless I change the source code or delete all posts?
Maybe I can use CSS, but a table seemed easier.
But you made me think though.
Perhaps divs are a better way of achieving the effect I want. It might be! Thanks for the tip!But I would still need to dynamically set the number of divs, like I wanted to set the number of rows in the table.
Does anybody know?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Previous / Next Post ProblemMillion Thanks Kafka!
(I had called the function for populating the variable in “The Loop” which is in a different php file.
(I thought it was a global variable.)But the function must be called in the same .php document as the one you are creating the image from. Otherwise, like you said, it defaults to the page you are on. Very confusing for a php newbie.
The function should actually not be called from within The Loop as stated somewhere?Anyway: I’ve got it working now!
The syntax is as follows and should be in the same php file:Populate variables:
$next_post = get_next_post();
$prev_post = get_previous_post();
?>Set the image as clickable with the previous post URL:
<div class=”testclass”>
A HREF=”<?php echo get_permalink($prev_post->ID)?>”><img src=left.gif”/></A>
</div>Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Previous / Next Post ProblemHi Kafka,
I pasted this inside “the loop” as recommended in the article.<?php
$next_post = get_next_post();
$prev_post = get_previous_post();
?>Then I used the syntax from the same example in this way, (just to get it to work before I do anything else):
<div class=”testclass”>
<A HREF=”<?php get_permalink($next_post->ID)?>”><img src= “”/></A>
</div>The picture displays, but the link is for the post I am on. Not the previous post.
I tried replacing the function inside the href tag with all sorts of php calls, but I am just not having any luck at all.
RESULTS of what I have tried so far:
<?php get_previous_post()
-Gives URL for the page I’m ON.wrong<?php previous_post(‘%’, ”, ‘yes’); ?>
-DISPLAYS the link instead of embedding it inside the image. The image is then not clickable. I tried a number of variations on this function.The variable ‘ $next_post ‘ as an argument inside the href.
-Doesn’t work. All I get is the actual name of the variable added to the root url.<?php previous_post_link(‘%link’, ”);?>
-Doesn’t work. Tried formatting the arguments for this but no luck.****************************&^*^&%*&^%*&(*&(*&(
<div class=”testclass”><img src= “”/>
**************************&*%(&^%&*U^&*(^)*^Frustrated! ??
JoForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Previous / Next Post ProblemHi!
I spent a few hours on and off with this now, and I cannot get it to work.I have been trying out the syntax that you are suggesting, but it is not compiling for me. I That is probably due to my lack of skills in PHP.
It’s really frustrating though – programmatically it doesn’t seem like a difficult thing to do AT ALL, but I can’t find any documentation, and my skill level is too low to transform the code in your example to code that works for me ??
I don’t have time to start thoroughly studying php, and I am not the fastest learner anyway.
The arrows I want to make clickable are here at the top of the page:
The pages are not finished yet, so there is only dummy text in there. (I think that the arrows should be clickable because it is an intuitive thing for users to click on an arrow.)For the time being I’ll get on with other things on this theme, but I’ll check back on this post later.
Thanks for trying to help!