Ok so I’ve done a bit of digging. I hope this is of use! So, apologies first, because I’m not skilled in coding.
Changing to certain themes does seem to ‘solve’ the problem. Except that isn’t practical.
I’ve also found that Carousel adds an extra class to galleries, namely the ‘gallery’ class.
wp-tiles-grid gallery wp-tiles-byline-align-bottom wp-tiles-byline-animated wp-tiles-byline-fade-in wp-tiles-loaded
In testing removal of that class fixes the problem, as too does removal of carousel itself. But that defeats the object of the exercise.
Also, the following code, in mine at least, causes WP Tiles to show beautifully. Albeit out of line with the rest of the content.
.wp-tiles-grid {
position: inherit;
Warmest regards,