Wordpress details are:
Version 5.9
Site Language en_US
User Language en_US
Timezone America/New_York
Home URL https://mica-corp.com
Site URL https://mica-corp.com
Permalink structure /%category%/%postname%/
Is this site using HTTPS? Yes
Is this a multisite? No
Can anyone register on this site? Yes
Is this site discouraging search engines? No
Default comment status Closed
Environment type production
User count 60
Communication with www.ads-software.com www.ads-software.com is reachable`
Server details are:
Server architecture Linux 3.12.18-clouder0 x86_64
Web server Apache
PHP version 7.4.27 (Supports 64bit values)
PHP SAPI apache2handler
PHP max input variables 3000
PHP time limit 120
PHP memory limit 768M
Max input time 120
Upload max filesize 256M
PHP post max size 256M
cURL version 7.66.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1l-fips
Is SUHOSIN installed? No
Is the Imagick library available? No
Are pretty permalinks supported? Yes`